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Lektor/lecturer @Åbo Akademi. Didaktik, bildning och digitalisering. Trying to understand the messy entanglements of education and digitalization. #onlineeducation #hybrideducation #genAI
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❗️🇺🇦Zelenskyy has arrived in 🇬🇧London, where he will meet with 🇪🇺European and NATO leaders on Sunday, in what some are calling the most important summit in Europe since World War II.

The talk in Europe is “how to get a seat at the table.” Respectfully, that’s the wrong question. The right question is, “how can Europe build a new table.”

Ukraine is Europe! We stand by Ukraine. We will step up our support to Ukraine so that they can continue to fight back the agressor. Today, it became clear that the free world needs a new leader. It’s up to us, Europeans, to take this challenge.

Zelensky is a wartime leader watching his people suffer and die under Russian attacks every day. To be lectured and lied to by Trump and Vance, as they defend the war criminal dictator committing these atrocities, is unimaginable agony. An everlasting shame for America.

No, the meeting did not go badly for Ukraine. It exposed in the most undeniable, unequivocal way possible the pro-Putin commitments of the president and vice president. That was information Americans and allies needed to have clear before them.

Dear Volodymyr Zelenskyy, dear Ukrainian friends, you are not alone.

Ukraine is not alone. Germany together with our European allies stands united alongside #Ukraine - and against the Russian aggression. Ukraine can build on unwavering support from Germany, Europe and beyond. Their defence of democracy & their quest for peace & security is ours.

De tog dit honom för att förnedra honom offentligt. För att han inte kysste maffiabossens ring på det påbjudna MAGA-sättet.

Trumps lek är över. Nu återstår bara för Europa att kliva fram, och ge Zelenskyj det militära stöd hans Ukraina förtjänar – och vår kontinent akut behöver.

No purported democracy has ever treated an official guest as rudely as Trump & Vance today. It is even worse than my memories from Moscow. Trump is an autocratic bully.

Finally online: My essay on #PlatformRealism for #Transbordeur. There couldn't be a more appropriate day to publish it, even though when I wrote it last year I couldn't have imagined the extent to which the aesthetics of AI slop would become the basis of a new #MemeFascism

Exclusive: Over the years, Elon Musk and his businesses have received at least $38 billion in government contracts, loans, subsidies and tax credits, often at critical moments, a Post analysis has found, helping seed the growth that has made him the world’s richest person.

The European Federation of Academies of Sciences has issued a statement in response to developments in 🇺🇸 "Censorship and political suppression of language, research topics, and methodologies— fundamentally compromise the integrity of scientific and scholarly endeavours"

JD Vance is so nauseatingly unlikeable that he’s literally dragging down the AfD’s approval rating

Världen är en skolgård, mobbaren tillåts härja fritt. Hjälper det om den mobbade eleven har en stor sedel i fickan? – Kanske vi måste ge USA våra mineraler, säger soldaten Andrij medan han försöker köra ifrån en rysk drönare. Läs en färsk rapport från fronten i Donetsk 🇺🇦

Skriver om det märkliga förhållandet att Trump återanvänder Putins talepunkter, anklagar Zelenskyj för att vara en diktator och Ukraina för att ha startat kriget.

Julius Caesar grät offentligt, Scipio Africanus grät offentligt, Aemilius Paullus grät offentligt, Flaminius grät offentligt, Lucullus, Cato d.y. och Brutus grät offentligt. Men vad visste väl dessa mesiga romerska härförare om temperantia (behärskning) och fortitudo (styrka)?

Podcast from our recent conversation at Södertörn, organised and moderated by Ingrid Forsler and Saga Hansén. Participants: Neil Selwyn, Petar Jandrić, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Sarah Hayes

As Vance 'lectures' Europe on free speech, it is good to be reminded that the United States ranks 55 (!) on the World Press Freedom Index. The top 10 countries are ALL in Europe. #journalism #democracy #freepress

With each update, tools like Midjourney promise us more »realistic« representations – but the »reality« these images represent has often little to do with the one we live in. Rather, they are best described as »Platform Realism,« a second-order aesthetic of generic images. A thread ... 1/9

USA har uppenbarligen inget emot att Ryssland flyttar fram sina positioner i Europa. Viktigt att de europeiska demokratierna pratar sig samman om en gemensam linje, och visar att man inte tänker gå i USA:s ledband.

The Department of Government Efficiency isn't interested in efficiency. Or transparency, or cutting costs. It's real goal is to destroy the federal civil service. In other words, regime change.

”AI in education… prioritizes rapid innovation rather than foregrounding critical issues with the technology and its social, pedagogic and epistemic implications.”

Kan copy-pasta allt jag skrev här 2016, förutom att jag då trodde amerikanska konstitutionen var stark. Platon, Aristoteles, Polybios och Cicero skrev alla om hur demokratin övergår till tyranni när demagogen tar makten genom att låtsas vara folkets röst.

Vance’s speech underlines the necessity to not have unregulated online platforms. Being responsible for hate speech, being transparent, not allowing manipulation, and combatting disinformation are not elements of censorship. It’s common sense. And some platforms are now outright propaganda machines

Även orsakerna till kriminaliteten är desamma. Då satsar svenska regeringen på ökade samhällsklyftor och repression istället för jämlikhet och mjukare tag. ☠️

Trump petti eilen Ukrainan häpeällisellä ja vaarallisella tavalla. Trumpin puolustusministeri Hegseth vei kaikki Ukrainalle tärkeät kysymykset neuvottelupöydältä julkisilla puheenvuoroillaan jo ennen ”neuvotteluiden” alkamista. 1/

Good advice ⬇️

Min pet peeve när det gäller AI. För att bli bra på nåt måste man få chansen att utföra uppgifter på en gradvis svårare nivå. Det går inte att hoppa över. ”Researchers find that the more people use AI at their job, the less critical thinking they use.” (betalvägg).

"till en yngre forskare verksam i Sverige som har gjort betydande insatser för att sätta ljus på kunskap, framför allt till barn och unga" Kom igen, in och nominera nu!

A social sciences and humanities reading list on AI in education 🧵

Microsoft's own research confirms something that was already pretty obvious: relying on a text generating machine to come up with answers erodes critical thinking, and is a method favoured by those who never liked doing critical thinking in the first place

#13: Say no to technofascism. Resistance. Is. Not. Futile. 🤖 Check it out: #AIResistance #AIRefusal #EduSky #AIinEdu

Universities are strong and resilient. And vulnerable. At the same time. If you cut programs, change funding structures, ideologically drive out topics, intimidate scholars, chill opposition, go after allies and adjacent programs - all at the same time - then even strong institutions are affected.

Vill dela en bok som Birgit Schaffar skrivit om pedagogikens möjligheter att frigöra och förändra mtp framtiden, Anpassa eller frigöra: Åtta studier om pedagogikens uppdrag:

Given that the US presidency has been bought by Silicon Valley, and they want to invade countries to prop up their resource-intensive tech (Canada, Greenland etc.), the rest of the world needs to boycott all their AI just stop that AI BS is the future...AI is a death drive.

30,000 people attended "the biggest education technology exhibition in the world” last month - I was one of them. What I learned about the edtech future of education is it's the same future we've been promised before, again and again...

Mediehistorisk konferens i Lund! Sprid gärna.

Statens kulturtidskriftsstöd har sjunkit med 50 procent sedan början av 2000-talet. Årets nedskärningar lämnar Astra, Ikaros och Nya Argus utan statsstöd. Ny Tids chefred Janne Wass oroar sig för att det finlandssvenska kulturtidskriftsfältet stagnerar och förtvinar.

We are doing a exciting new inquiry looking at 14-24 year olds' experiences of growing up with technology. We are looking for a partner to support a major piece of peer research as part of the programme. Please share