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UZH Psychology Professor Personality, Interpersonal Processes, Human-Animal Intergroup Relations Editor
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N=20,996/23 countries, male gender, pol right, and Eastern culture associated with higher speciesism. People who believe more in animal sentience had stronger consumption rationalizations, suggesting meat paradox generalizes across cultures.

Trial suggesting psychodynamic therapy reduces aggression in people on probation with antisocial personality diagnosis

This is (I believe) the first time cultivated meat has been available for sale in Europe. In a WORLD first, it's available as pet food! When I started talking and writing about this a decade ago, people thought the idea was laughable.

How Accurate & Consistent are Self-Report responses via Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) in Ecological Momentary Assessment & Digital Studies? Examined in a large EMA study (N = 3,761) w/L. Cloos ... 🧵:

When establishing PHAIR we recruited an Ombudsperson team to help us see our blind spots; I’m thankful to the team, glad they found no systematic bias in studies we’ve published, and appreciate their suggestions to improve the journal

neuroticism and depression are more genetically related at higher levels of neuroticism is a rising star at KU Leuven. She hosts a podcast that focuses on what psychologists are like - not sure this is the most interesting episode but it is the most recent: check it out.

Diet is a general indicator of speciesist attitudes

Digital psychiatry is an exciting field and includes efforts to enhance diagnosis and monitoring of mental illness using passive sensing (eg smartphone sensors). But the literature is rife with small N studies focusing on single diagnoses. That's a huge problem for two reasons... 1/

PHAIR Animal Advocacy Conference 2025 💚 An opportunity to bring together researchers from social and behavioural sciences, and animal activists and advocates from around the world to share research on animal advocacy. 🐣 For more information and to sign up:

I talked to Özge Fischer-Baum from about our recent paper on informal caregivers‘ wellbeing! Their podcast Under the Cortex is a really fun format 😊

Our typical study surveys are short and only have a single time. What can we do with huge sets of people reporting sustainability behaviors over longer periods? This has been quite a project. Thanks to NWO for the SSH-XS support, and to AWorld in Italy for their steady partnership.

Reminder! 🚨 You have until 30th January to submit a proposal for the PHAIR Animal Advocacy Conference 🗓️ For further information and to submit a proposal:

Study from large german sample shows omnivores more likely to transition to plant-based diet on doctor recommendation or to save money than because of politician or scientist advice

Welcome to the Society for the Psychology of Human Animal Intergroup Relations (PHAIR) BlueSky page! 💙 Here we aim to advance and promote scientific research on moral and social psychology, diet and health, human-animal relationships, sustainability and environmental psychology. 🌱

Understanding the different perceptual worlds of other animals is a huge part of ensuring their welfare - this new proposal for 'smart glasses' that allow you to see the world as the animal (in this case: chickens) might is a very cool way of making these differences salient

Why isn’t everyone using EMA in clinical assessment?

Looking forward to the kick-off meeting of the DFG-funded Computational Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Network (; Stefan Westermann/Sven Banisch) later in Witten-Herdecke today!

Ever wondered whether our personality influences our first sexual milestone? 🍒 We explored how the Big Five traits affect the timing of first sexual experiences — and how these, in turn, shape personality traits over time. Check out our preprint: #PersonalityPsych

The scientist’s dilemma in climate activism

Check out our new paper using GIMME to study common and uncommon associations among +/- affect, motives, expectancies, consequences, and drinking. In these young adults we see lots of positive feedback loops in common features, but individual models reveal potential problems.

Benefits of increasing taxes on animal based food and decreasing taxes on plant based food

Traveling might be fun at the time but it won’t make your life better (on average and maybe only if you’re Dutch) with Adam Nissen Madeline Lenhausen

Interesting new Ashton/Lee study showing birth order effects on #perpsy - suggests middle children are more communal; longer/content valid personality measures are more sensitive

Is personality so predictably linked to chronological age that unique experiences usually play only a minor role in personality development? Comments and criticism are welcome on the intro draft of a paper proposing and testing this hypothesis.

Our new paper led by clarifies which psychological needs predict belief in conspiracy theories. Using RICPM we found that within-person decreases in personal control and belonging, but increases in levels of meaning in life, temporally precede increases in conspiracy belief.

Therapist perception of therapeutic process not that different in person vs teletherapy. With Katie Aafjes-Van Doorn, Xiaochen Luo, Vera Bakes in Psychotherapy Research.

It’s really hard to distinguish trait neuroticism from state negative affect with questionnaire items. Paper with Ajda Flisar, Les Morey, Jan Kamphuis, and Andy Skodol ; current issue of psych assessment.

Are you a PhD student interested in the psychology of human-animal relations? Consider applying to the EASP Summer School Our workstream focuses on the social & moral psych of human-animal relations & animal product consumption; w/ Emma Alleyne &

People who report feeling empty are at risk for a host of other problems including self harm. Relatively little is known about emptiness bc it is usually studied as a symptom of bpd.

It’s hard to influence environmental attitudes and behaviors

The question I've got asked most frequently at conferences when I was presenting something on the perception of life events was whether there are any age differences. Using data from the SOEP-IS, we addressed this simple but interessting question. Open-access link:

🔥 We are now welcoming submissions for the PHAIR Animal Advocacy Conference 2025 in Edinburgh! 🔥 We are inviting contributions in four different formats: Symposia, Standard Talks, Blitz Presentations, & Posters. Read the call for proposals and the submission guidelines here:

Comparison of plant based alternatives on health and environmental criteria. Cool study; would have been nice to see justice criteria too.

A study by & shows caregiving lowers life satisfaction and raises anxiety, depression, and loneliness. #SupportCaregivers

Subjective emptiness is a serious mental health problem that gets very little research attention. Julija Gjorgjieva and I examined #perspy risk factors:

Practitioners Guide to the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders available for preorder @Guilford

"Meating of the Minds: Who Denies Animal Mind in Response to the Meat Paradox?" New paper in PHAIR by Tan, Bastian, & Smillie exploring individual differences in the meat paradox.

Can people intentionally change their personality? Happy to share that our review on volitional personality change research has now been published at Nature Communications. Open-Access-Link: