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Professor of Digital Humanities at Trier University, Germany. - Activities: - Short bio: […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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@dingemansemark 's inspiring keynote "What makes LLMsso irresistible?" at #DHd2025 to me seems to suggest that the Turing test may be one of the worst suited tests to identify intelligence or meaningful interaction (because we humans tend to see it where it isn't). Do we have any other (more […]

Summary of why #LLMs are so irresistible, according to @dingemansemark at #DHd2025...

Dingemanse: generative LLMs as word porridge from a magical pot that just won't stop, like in the fairy tale. #DHd2025

"Any Zotero-Users in the room?" Ad-hoc-Umfrage bei der #DHd2025 Eröffnungskeynote zeigt: Nächstes Mal fragen wir mal anders herum, dann wird's vielleicht zählbar 😁

Das Rechenzentrum hier an der Universität Bielefeld heißt natürlich BITS. #DHd2025

Die Eröffnung der #DHd2025 startet!!

Dumme Frage in die Runde: wo finde ich das Tagungsbüro? #dhd2025

Godot muss noch ein bisschen warten – da der Workshop zur Game Engine heute leider ausgefallen ist, mache ich mich dann gleich erst auf den Weg zur #DHd2025. Von Bochum ist es ja zum Glück nicht so weit. (Abgesehen von der Bochumer Bahn-Infrastruktur, die auch gerade #UnderConstruction ist.) […]

Die Geschlechtergeschichte in Deutschland ist doch nicht tot. An der Uni Freiburg ist eine W-3 Professur für "Neuere und Neueste Geschichte mit Schwerpunkt Geschlechtergeschichte und Geschichtskultur" ausgeschrieben! @historikerinnen

Programm auf der #DHd2025 für mich heute: Prompt-Engineering und #Hermeneutik! Wir entwickeln Prompts im Jupyter Notebook und machen Inhaltsanalysen. Unten seht Ihr das Programm, yippy. #LLM

"Forty-eight scientific societies, associations and organizations, representing almost 100,000 scientists from diverse disciplines, have sent a letter, organized by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), to members of Congress demanding that they protect […] [Original post on]

Die #DHd2025 ist gestartet! ✨ Am Freitag gibt @p_junginger dort spannende Einblicke in ihre Dissertation und spricht über "Kontext, Unsicherheit und Geschlecht im Fokus der Modellierung: Datenprinzipien für die feministische Filmgeschichte". 📅 Freitag, 07 […] [Original post on]

Schon merkwürdig, dass bei allen meinen meist genutzten Anwendungen die #Icons in diversen #Blau-Tönen gehalten sind... #Farben #OffTopic

Bielefeld begrüßt gleich mit den richtigen Vibes zur #DHd2025: Stylo mit viel Paillette 😜

Golem: Warum Unternehmen aus US-Diensten aussteigen sollten "Die Zeit der bequemen Standardlösungen ist vorbei. Firmen, die bei US-Big-Tech-Konzernen bleiben, gehen ein Risiko ein. Sie sollten mutig sein und umsteigen." […]

The sun also shines in Bielefeld! ☀️ Biele-what? Believe it or not! 😄 #DHd25 #conference #DigitalHumanities

Auch ich bin gerade auf dem Weg nach Bielefeld zur #DHd2025. HELAU!! Freue mich auf den heutigen Workshop "Workshop 5: (De-)constructing the Lab: Arbeiten in den DH" Gibt's schon ein Hashtag? Was war mit #Labs4Labs oder #DHfromScratch ?

Große Ehre und ich freue mich total, bei der #DHd2025 die Abschlusskeynote halten zu dürfen über #Unfertigkeit als epistemisches Prinzip. Das phantastische Orga-team der @DHdKonferenz hat sogar meinen Gestaltungswunsch umgesetzt. Von wegen Form und Inhalt, Ihr […] [Original post on]

Bin dann auch bald auf dem Weg zur #DHd2025, die Vorfreude steigt! Für das @tcdh haben wir hier mal notiert, was wir alles machen: Kommt gerne vorbei! Es geht um #Evaluation von #Keyness-Maßen, #Shakespeare #Editionen […]

Cool, @rstockm hat eine Mastowall für die #DHd2025 aufgesetzt! Link:,DHd25 Offizielles Konferenz-Hashtag ist übrigens #DHd2025, soweit ich das mitbekommen habe. Danke an @jplie für den Hinweis! @DHdKonferenz @admin @Mareike2405

Does anybody know more about #EuropeSays, the news aggregator (?) / news and opinion platform (?). They have an account here and a website, but the sources, curation policy, ownership, location, people behind it etc. are not noted anywhere on the site, afaikt […]

«The new US administration has thrown the entire academy into chaos, threatening global health. This article is a call for the #openscience community to practice what it preaches and lead by example in defending science.»

Kudos to #Canada's three major research-funding agencies for their draft all-green, zero-embargo, rights-retention #OpenAccess policy. […]

The #Trump admin has fired hundreds of workers at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (#NOAA), the US’s pre-eminent #climate research agency housed within the Dept of Commerce…. On Thurs afternoon, the commerce dept sent emails to employees saying their jobs would be cut off at […]

Excited to share our preprint "Provocations from the Humanities for Generative AI Research” We're open to feedback—read & share thoughts!

So I've had a meeting with the NLA and I'm still in shock. Apparently under the current interpretation of the #Trove API terms of use, you cannot access 'content', only 'metadata'. This means, for example, it is a breach of the terms of use to download the text of a newspaper article using the […]

Oh, this looks very intriguing, whether from a technical, a conceptual, or a copyright point of view: "Project Alexandria: Towards Freeing Scientific Knowledge from Copyright Burdens via LLMs" using "Knowledge Units":

I am once again lamenting the sad fact that paragraph numbers are not a standard part of scholarly publishing

So apparently the QGIS-us-user list is no more. I fired off an email this morning and it bounced. We are now at #qgisus #qgis #osgeo

Quienes de uds. van a intentar ir a esto del X Simposio en Harvard sobre el "Hispanismo Digital"?

Open-access version of a chapter on "Literary Change" that I contributed to a recent Cambridge Companion. It tries to give a cautious account of what we learned about the tension between periodization and continuity from distant reading. +

ALLEA Statement on Threats to Academic Freedom and International Research Collaboration in the United States

Help! On Friday the National Library of Australia suspended my Trove API keys, threatening 15 year's work helping researchers use & understand Trove. If you use my tools or value my work you might like to let the NLA know. Details here […]

Nice. So the NLA has cancelled all my #Trove API keys because of the work I did recently trying to help researchers & communities more easily use the rich collections of periodicals uploaded through the National eDeposit service (described here […]

"How disruptive would it be if GitHub started deleting repositories, or Google Scholar started hiding certain papers in response to U.S. government demands?" Most people with some interest […]

The Open Access Directory (#OAD) is looking for a co-editor. Please spread the word. I'm an OAD co-founder and serve on the editorial board. i look forward to working with the new person. The OAD is a crowdsourced reference […]

Looking at how #LLM are promoted by their fans, I've come to the conclusion: Pretty much everyone from a #STEM background - myself definitely included! - owes the #Humanities a huge apology. I mean, I get it. When I was a young student of physics, it was easy for me to sneer at philosophy […]

In today’s post on @medium, I describe how the @internetarchive and @wikipedia are preserving a record of the changes made by the #Trump administration. Click the link, not the image preview, to bypass the paywall […]

Everybody knows that efficient and high-quality scholarly publishing is possible. The Global South has been demonstrating this for years, no decades, as have various journals and fields. A nice summary of how the European Geosciences Union shows the world how it's done has just been published […]

No one alive will experience a better climate than we have today. But young people will experience a much more dangerous and chaotic world in the future, and the extent to which that happens will depend on our choices today. Trump and many of his enablers […] [Original post on]