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Social scientist at Humboldt University Berlin | research project "capitalist planned economies" | interested in political economy and economic sociology | planning, (post-)capitalism, social movements, social reproduction, digitalization, debt+finance
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IPCEIs have recently emerged as a key tool in the EU's fast-growing industrial policy toolbox. In a new paper in Competition & Change,, and I take a closer look at how this instrument works on the ground. A short thread (link to the paper below)👇

Join us this evening at 7 at Bard College Berlin when Bafta Sarbo discusses the English version of her important edited volume on the 'Diversity of Exploitation:

Warum ist diese oft geäußerte Idee, Wissenschaftler*innen, die in den USA ihre Stellen verlieren, könnten ja zu uns kommen, so unsinnig? Nicht nur wegen der Prekärität unserer Strukturen ( #IchBinHanna) und weil es schlicht nicht geht (viele können halt nicht mal schnell den Kontinent wechseln). 1/5

Morgen findet die Buchvorstellung von 'Creative Construction' im aquarium (Berlin) statt! Freu mich sehr! 19:00, aquarium am SĂĽdblock, Skalitzer Strasse 6, Berlin Zur Anmeldung geht's hier: Danke an fĂĽrs Organisieren!! Kommt alle und diskutiert mit!

Incredible chart

Schade, dass niemand rechtzeitig vor Faschismus gewarnt hat.

Eine Freundin hat ein Recherche Tool gebaut fĂĽr Landbesitz und Unternehmensverflechtungen:

Scheint so, als hätten eher ältere Männer auf dem Land Angst, nachts allein auf die Straße zu gehen?

Berlin philosophy departments please bring this man to Berlin!

I had a lot fun talking to Jan on his amazing podcast, about climate, decline, adaptation, repair, subjectivity, planning and socialization, with special mentions of Anders, Neurath, and Marcuse. Have a listen and let me know what you think!

Eine der beeindruckendsten Zahlen der Wahl in Deutschland ist für mich das Ausrinnen der FDP(!) zur AfD. 890.000 Wähler_innen sind von der (ohnehin schon kleinen) FDP zur AfD gewandert. Über diese Liberalismus-zu-Rechtsextremismus-Pipeline muss man mal ordentlich diskutieren.

"Sind das Pseudonyme!? Christoph Sorg zu Sorgearbeit und Walther Zeug zu Materialflussanalyse!?"

Wir stellen am 04.03 unser Buch in Berlin vor - kommt vorbei :)

Organizing a workshop on the democratization of investment tomorrow: February 21 @ 3:30 pm – 6:15 pm UTC+1 Event link here: We're also a couple of people interested in forming a working group on the socialization of investment. PM or email me if interested.

Truly amazing to see this edited volume out! And of course, happy to have contributed with & with a chapter on "Macroeconomic Coordination for Sustainable Degrowth"

Book release event in Berlin: March 4th, 19h, aquarium more infos to come

SOCIALIZING BIG TECH. a mini-workshop with CECILIA RIKAP March 5, 2025 14:00 - 17:00 seminar room 2249A, HU Unter den Linden 6, Berlin

Great joy!! Our book “Creative Construction - Democratic Planning in the 21st Century and Beyond”, edited by and me (Jan Groos) and published by is finally out! Pls share - Thx! The book includes…1/21

Highly recommended episode. It overlaps with the interview I conducted with Nancy Fraser for our book but focuses on different things. I'm trying to find the time to write a paper on Polanyian planning, because the overlaps of Karl Polanyi, Nancy Fraser and Pat Devine are amazing. 1/2

wrote about socialising nature as a way out of hell

GroĂźe Leseempfehlung!

my paper on planning, democracy and collective freedom is now published in the current issue of the ejpe on democratic economic planning:

In case you were wondering how things are going in Germany & on X, after Elon Musk announced his support for the far-right "Alternative für Deutschland" (AfD) in the upcoming Federal election: The chart below shows sums of tweets x impressions by members of parliament over the past 7 days...🧵⤵️

Air pollution has dropped significantly in #Paris in the last 15 years. Mayor’s leadership has traded car space for green space, safe bike space, kid space.. and traded pollution for people. Good trade.

Explanation of how the myth of the market being "the natural expression of human freedom" is well a myth. As Right-Wing Libertarians enjoy spreading this myth, we thought it's important to share this explanation.

Trump und Merz wollen eine neue neoliberale Ära beginnen. Wir gründen das Wirtschaftsmagazin »Surplus«, das die Interessen der großen Mehrheit ins Zentrum rückt, nicht die der Reichsten. Jetzt abonnieren 👉

In diesen dĂĽsteren Zeiten braucht es dringend eine neue Debatte ĂĽber Wirtschaftspolitik und greifbare Alternativen zum Neoliberalismus & zum Aufstieg der extremen Rechten. Deshalb haben wir gegrĂĽndet! Adam Tooze

It’s hard to imagine but cycling in Paris has gotten even better since this article was written in 2023.

A new episode of Future Histories! This time I talk to Nancy Fraser (; about capitalism as a social order and how to envision desirable alternatives. Recorded at NYU’s Remarque Institute. Full ep.:

Nachts wieder stundenlang wach liegen & sich Sorgen machen, auch das ist #IchBinHanna #IchBinReyhan . Verstehe alle, die nach der Entfristung sagen, es habe Jahre gedauert, bis das vorbei war.

Looks so interesting, looking forward to reading the papers. I think industrial relations people could engage more with debates around planning: what different approaches to planning might mean for ir systems, and of course vice versa.

I wrote an article for about how narratives on 1970s Britain, about particularly the 1974-79 Labour government, misrepresent the experience of that government and the possibilities that it contained, including several alternatives to Thatcherism