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February Flew By As befits the shortest month, it feels like February has only just begun and here we are on the last day of the month. Time to look back at my February posts: this will be the twelfth, so this will mirror the month in being a shorter review than usual, you'll be pleased to hear.…

A Classic Album I thought that I'd try something a little different today. Yes, it is still music, and yes my series Listen To The Band plays a set of songs by the same artist, but I've never before concentrated on a particular album. If this works there are many other albums I could do this for,…

Tuesday Tunes 240: Sharing More Love As last week's set of love songs seems to have gone well I thought I'd play some more this week. After all, we all need a little bit of love now and again, don't we, and it seems to be something much lacking in the world right now. So here are some more tunes…

InLinkz 349 Senior Salon Pit Stop

SLS: The River Flows For this week's Song Lyric Sunday, as he tells us in his post, Matching Song And Movie Titles,  Jim is inviting us to play a song that was used as the title of a movie. The one I'm going for is ever so slightly off target, as the movie title was a shorter version of the song's…

Luck For this week's midweek offering I thought I'd go with another of John Holton's prompts for his Writer's Workshop. The one I have chosen is his #1: write a post based on the word luck. I could have waxed lyrical about having won on both our National Lottery and the Postcode Lottery in the…

Tuesday Tunes 239: Love I always like to keep abreast of current events so a mere four days after Valentine's Day I thought I'd play a selection of love songs. It's good to have your finger on the pulse, I think. To be honest the day rather passed me by, as it always does, as I don't have a…

InLinkz 348 Senior Salon Pit Stop

SLS: Make Love Your Goal This week's invitation from Jim for Song Lyric Sunday, in his post Transcending The Original, is to play a cover song that we think is better than the original. I really should be claiming this as an episode in my (very) occasional Under The Covers series, shouldn't I!…

A Special Centenary – A Reprise As it so reliably does, the Timehop app reminded me this morning of a post I wrote four years ago today. This was to mark what would have been my Mum's 100th birthday, had she lived to see it, and apart from memories of her I found myself enjoying all over again the…

Thank you, Robbie 😊

Tuesday Tunes 238: You Is Back Having played a couple of weeks of your and you're songs I took a look back at where that idea started: my list of possible songs with you in their title. Although I have already run with that as a theme - back in October for three weeks - I was pleasantly surprised…

InLinkz 347 Senior Salon Pit Stop

SLS: Been A Long Time Usually for Song Lyric Sunday posts I like to play something that won't be duplicated by others, if I can, as I like to provide some variety. Today I am going completely down the opposite route. The theme for today is to give you a song played by a band that got back together…

Friday Funnies 10: At The Movies As it is four months since the last one I'd been thinking that maybe it was time for another selection in my occasional series of Friday Funnies, and John Holton has given me the perfect reason in this week's Writer's Workshop. One of his prompts is to "write a…

Amazing Japanese street art and some great words by Robbie: Roberta Writes - d'Verse Reimagining the ordinary and street art on Ginza Street #poetry #streetart #Africananimals

Tuesday Tunes 237: You’re More Last week I played a set of songs which had either your or you're in their title, and I said then that I had several more for this theme. So I'm going round again this week, though by a coincidence - not by planning - these are all you're tunes. But as usual I'm…

InLinkz 346 Senior Salon Pit Stop

One Month Done As I get older - I'm 71 - I've come to the conclusion that time is moving faster than it has ever done before. How else can I explain that it feels like yesterday that I was posting some tunes for New Year's Day and we are already at the end of the month? But the calendar doesn't…

Tuesday Tunes 236: Your You’re Back in October I ran a set of three in this series with you as the theme, and I was prompted to expand those for another set of songs with the two variants, your and you're in their title. Apart from its appeal to my more pedantic tendencies - the implicit grammar…

InLinkz 345 Senior Salon Pit Stop

SLS: Bells And Whistles For this week's Song Lyric Sunday Jim has given us an intriguing little challenge: to play a song that mentions a bell, buzzer, chime, gong, horn, siren, or whistle. read all about it in his post Quasimodo Rang The Bell. Those of you familiar with my musical tastes will…

R.I.P. Garth Sadly, it is time for me to pay my respects to another of my favourite musicians, who has recently left us. Garth Hudson, the last surviving member of The Band, passed away on Tuesday at the age of 87. Eric Garth Hudson was a Canadian multi-instrumentalist best known as the…

Tuesday Tunes 235: Some More Silver A couple of weeks ago I played a set of songs with silver in their title. It seemed to go well, and I even got some suggestions for more tunes, so I thought I'd go with it again for this week: here is my second set of silver songs. The two songs that were most…

InLinkz 344 Senior Salon Pit Stop

SLS: Still Shining Brightly For this week's Song Lyric Sunday Jim is inviting us to play a song by a forgotten band, as he tells us in his post, Brush With Fame. I'm betting that most won't ever have heard of my featured act, though maybe one of them might be more familiar from his later solo…

What I’ve Been Watching For this week's Writer's Workshop John Holton has given us the usual six prompts, one of which is to "Share links to 5-10 of your favourite non-political YouTube videos from this past week." How could I resist! As you might expect I watch a lot of music clips on there, but…

Tuesday Tunes 234: For Dad A Reprise When I shared Martin Simpson's wonderful song with you on Sunday it felt very poignant for me, too. He describes the relationship he had with his father, who instilled in him the love of music and nature - great gifts indeed. It made me think a lot about my own…

InLinkz 343 Senior Salon Pit Stop

SLS: You Couldn’t Even Hold A Job Apparently, this is one of those special 'days' so beloved of the Americans. You know, like National Clip Your Toenails Day (25 April, if you're interested). As Jim tells us in his post today is Work Harder Day, and he is suggesting that we mark it by playing a…

Starman One of the prompts that John has given us for this week's Writer's Workshop is this: If evidence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe were discovered, would it alter your core beliefs or sense of self? As regular readers will know, I'm not exactly renowned for my deep, insightful…

Tuesday Tunes 233: Silver For the first Tuesday Tunes of the new year I'm going with a theme I thought of more than a month ago, before all of the seasonal stuff took over. I was down the YouTube rabbit hole following one song with another that they suggested, when one that I hadn't heard in years…

InLinkz 342 Senior Salon Pit Stop

SLS: Happy Birthday For The 27th For his first Song Lyric Sunday theme of the new year Jim's post - Kicking It Off - is inviting us to play a song by someone who was born in the month of January. I think this is a great idea, and hope that he does this for other months, as it gives such a wide…

As Time Goes By You must remember this.... or maybe not. Guess which film I recently saw on tv, for the umpteenth time - I never tire of it! But it gave me a title for today: my review of what happened last year on my blog. I have done a few of these previously: after a bit of a hiatus I restarted…

Songs For New Year’s Day That's my approach - I think they're pointless, but whatever floats your boat, I guess. Yesterday I promised you a second set of tunes to mark the New Year, and here they are. As before, these are all songs that I have played before, which have become a regular part of my…

Tuesday Tunes 232: New Year’s Eve As has become my habit I am sharing two sets of tunes with you for the New Year. Rather than attempt any wheel reinvention I am going with songs I have played before - I liked them then, and still do, so why not? Apologies to anyone who feels short-changed by the…

SLS: Southern Cross Now that Christmas is but a distant memory it is time for life to return to normal. It is Sunday, which can only mean one thing for me: SLS. For this week's Song Lyric Sunday theme, Jim is inviting us to play a song that features nautical terms, words connected with ships,…

Advent Countdown 2024: Christmas Day 🎅🎄🤱 Well, it’s finally here. The big day is upon us, and I hope Santa brought you everything you wished for. If you have been with this series for the previous eight episodes I am grateful to you, and if this is your first you are also very welcome. I wanted to…

Tuesday Tunes 231: Christmas Eve 🎅🎄🦌 Although I'm not branding it as such, this is the eighth post in this year's Advent Countdown. Adding that in would have made the title far too long! Today's set of five includes three songs that could only be played today - so I do that most years! - plus a…

SLS: Make It Last All Night Following on from his run of Brit Awards themes, Jim is inviting us this week to share a song for SLS that was played on the British TV show The Old Grey Whistle Test, as suggested by the only deadhead in the hameau. He tells us about it in his post - Emphasis On Album…

Advent Countdown 2024: Part 7 🦌 Only six days until Christmas Day or, if you're a guy, that means it is five days until you start your Christmas shopping (a little PSA for you there). Looking through my notes of songs I have played for this season in previous years there are many which I'm not…

Tuesday Tunes 230: aka Advent Countdown 6/2024 🎅 How quickly are the weeks going! Only just over a week until Christmas, which means I have just four more of this year's Advent Countdown selections to play for you. Today's set is another mixed bunch, including three that I have played before and…

InLinkz 341 Senior Salon Pit Stop

SLS: Donna Has A New Car For his third and final dip into the Brit Awards Jim is asking us to play a song by someone who has won the Brit Award for An Outstanding Contribution to Music, also known as the Lifetime Achievement Award. His post Best of the Best tells all. I looked at the list and it…

Advent Countdown 2024: Part 5 As I mentioned in Part 4 I am adding in an extra set of tunes, as there are so many still to play and I know I'll run out of time! One thing that I try to do every year is to include a few more serious songs in the mix, and it seems a good idea to do them all in one…