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Code for Thought is a community podcast for researchers who code or who want to learn how to code. Launched in Jan 2021, it is now available in English, German and - since September 2024 - in French.
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🟥 We are happy to announce that the SSI has received £4.8m from to launch the Research Software Maintenance Fund. Find out more about this exciting opportunity at

As for AI and its usefulness. Let’s say there is room for improvement 🥸. My mom left a voice msg - in German - “hi here’s your mom returning your call.” And this is what Apple AI transcribed it into “Yeah, he is. Daniel had to cut him and go over. I saw my school tooth.…”

After "reading week" we're back with episode 6 of #forCodeInResearch, the companion podcast for the C++ course. And this week it's all about libraries in C++ - with my guest Klaus Iglberger. Out now on your #podcast app, YouTube podcast or

English edition [EN] #code4thought: In this ByteSized RSE episode I'll be talking to 3 engineers who use GitHub as their main or even only tool to manage projects. How they're getting on, you'll find out by listening to it on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or simply

Deutsche Ausgabe [DE] #code4thought: Trainer von trafen sich im Nov ´24 in Berlin zur 4. TEACH Konferenz, um zu sehen wie man digitale Kompetenzen bei Helmholtz weiter fördern kann. Jetzt auf Euren Podcast Apps, YouTube Podcast oder

German edition [DE] #code4thought: the TEACH conference in Berlin Nov '24 brought together trainers from across Helmholtz to see how digital competencies can be strengthened further. Out now on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

Hard to believe we're halfway through the UCL C++ course. And this episode of #forCodeInResearch, my guest Klaus Igleberger and I go through classes and software design. Out now on your #podcast app, YouTube podcast or

English Edition [EN] #code4thought: UX/UI design can make or break your app. And yet, design is often neglected in engineering. Shining a light on design with a Capital D are Meag Doherty (SSI fellow) & Zihao Lu (KDL). Out on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

We're entering 'Reading Week' @UCL: why not catch up on the previous episode on the C++ course #forCodeInResearch - plus a new episode on classes & design, which will be out on Wednesday 19/2. On your podcast apps, YouTube podcast or

Ghislain et moi sommes ravi d'accueillir Florian Angeletti d'INRIA à Paris pour le nouveau épisode de #code4thought - sur OCamL, le langage multi-paradigme. On a couvert beaucoup de sujets fascinants. L'épisode est disponible sur toutes les appli de podcast, YouTube ou

In the 4th episode of #forCodeInResearch, the companion podcast for the UCL C++ course, Klaus Iglberger and I touch on polymorphism and what it means for C++. A wide ranging subject. To see if we do it justice, check it out on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

Edition française [FR] #code4thought: pour cet épisode Ghislain plonge dans le monde de OCamL, la langage multi-paradigme, avec notre invité Florian Angeletti d'INRIA. Disponible sur votre applications de podcast, YouTube Podcast ou . Bonne écoute!

#FOSDEM is over, but the #OpenReserch devroom is not!! If you missed FOSDEM, or you just can't get enough of Open Research (can't really argue with that!), you'll be pleased to know we are live again (online) this Sat 15 Feb with a brilliant programme:

And while on the subject of podcasts: there is a new #code4thought episode [EN] out this week as well (after a false start by uploading the wrong audio 😱). My chat with Debs Udoh - out on your podcast apps or

Prepping a new set of #C++ classes (parallel computing) for #forCodeinResearch - the companion podcast for the UCL course. Why not listen to the published episodes (intro/data types/errors & exceptions) on your podcast app, YouTube or

In our 3rd of #forCodeInResearch episode, Klaus Iglberger and I talk about exceptions and what you can do when things don't go quite to plan. And how you can prevent errors from happening in the first place. Out now on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

Well, this has been a very embarrassing moment - uploading the wrong audio file. Even though this is corrected now - podcast apps don't always immediately sync up - so it may take a few moments. Bummer.

Oh dear - my apologies to listeners! I accidentally uploaded the wrong audio file for the episode with Deborah Udoh and the conversation I had with her. The correct version should be available now and you can listen to it on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

English edition [EN] #code4thought: Deborah Udoh gave an inspiring talk during #RSECon24 last year. And here she talks to me about her path to engineering: facing many odds, but never letting them slow her down. Listen to it on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

Great way to start the day with Peter Murray Rust's talk about #OpenKnowledge graphs for climate & the great stuff #semanticClimate is doing in the I finally got to meet Chuff, the okapi, who came all this way to see me! 💚

Lots of interesting discussions, presentations and interactions at the at #fosdem2025 . But I do confess my brain is starting to get a bit frazzled 😵‍💫

Simon Tournier points out an important issue at here at #fosdem25 - how to preserve software. Enter #softwareheritage the international archiving solution (non profit) for software

Simon Tournier is currently talking about an important package #guix at right now. We interviewed him for an episode on GUIX last year (episode is in French)

At FOSDEM 25 in the Open Research Dev Room. Will be doing a bunch of interviews.

Our journey through C++ land is taking us to data types and the curious world of pointers in this second episode of #forCodeInResearch, the podcast for the C++ course at #UCL. My guest in this episode is Marc. Listen to it on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

Deutsche Ausgabe #code4thought [DE]: mehr Softwarekompetenz in der Wissenschaft? Wie schaffen wir das? Das war das Thema eines Symposiums in Hannover im Dez. 2024. Zu hören jetzt auf Euren Podcast Apps, YouTube Podcast oder

German edition [DE] #code4thought: how can we improve software skills in research? That was the theme of a workshop in Hannover Dec 2024 - organised by deRSE and Volkswagenstiftung in Germany. Listen to a summary (in German) on your podcast apps, YouTube podcast or

Welcome to the 1st episode of the podcast #forCodeInResearch. The podcast for the course on C++ at #UCL. With my guests Marc and Klaus I look into the beginnings of C++ why people are using it. Listen to it on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

Happy New Year and welcome to a new season of #code4thought [EN] English Edition: we start with a ByteSized RSE episode on data visualisation - with Kirsty Pringle from the SSI. Out now on your podcast app, YouTube podcast and of course

I am pleased to announce that I am working with @UCL on a new course companion podcast 'for Code ... in Research'. The course is for UCL students, but the podcast is for you all. The fun starts on 22 Jan, but there is a teaser ready on all podcast apps, YouTube,

Happy New Year and all the best for 2025 from your podcast show 'Code for Thought' #code4thought. A new season will start on 21 January, almost exactly 4 years after the show was born. A lot to look forward to (I hope). In short - the break's (nearly) over. See you all soon.

Last episode [EN] #code4thought of 2024: David Mills who created NTP (network time protocol). Listen to my chat with his longtime collaborator H Stenn on your podcast app, YouTube or

English edition [EN] #code4though: there is a gap in teaching post-grads how to make their work reproducible. In France, 3 researchers got together and created an online course to fill this gap. Listen to my conversation with them on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

Edition française [FR] #code4thought: our host Ghislain meets with the team from GUIX Simon Tournier, Pierre-Antoine Bouttier and Ludovic Courtes. Out now on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or Note, the next French episode will be out on 11 Feb 2025. Bon écoute!

Edition française [FR] #code4thought: une rencontre avec l'équipe de GUIX Simon Tournier, Pierre-Antoine Bouttier et Ludovic Courtes. Disponible sur votre appli de podcast, YouTube podcast ou Attention: Le prochaine episode en français sera publié le 11 février 2025.

If you're at #AGU24, join us to see discuss some of the recent progress happening in the ecosystem! and I will be there and would love to connect!

Saw that the team of the RSE competency workshop in Hannover #FSKomp24 were using some serious mics for the job. I like the Rode NT1 - got the 5th gen, which I use for podcast recordings (USB port only, though).

Just got back from a 3-day workshop in Hannover/Germany on how to boost skills in research software engineering #FSKomp24. One of the workshop teams was run by #deRSE, the German RSE assoc. There'll be a podcast episode #code4thought (in German) about it in Jan/25.

English edition [EN] #code4thought: Niklaus Wirth, a pioneer in computing, sadly died Jan 2024. He created, amongst other things, the Pascal language.I met with 3 engineers to talk about the impact Pascal had on them. Listen to it on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

Today is World AIDS Day. And while a lot of progress has been made, there is still lots to do. I also remember the friends I lost over the years. #WorldAIDSDay

ByteSized RSE [EN] on #code4thought: in the 1st episode of season 3 of ByteSized RSE, we talk about containers like Podman and Docker. My guest is Simon Li, research infrastructure engineer at Uni Dundee. Listen to it on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or

Just got back from Berlin and an eventful/exciting trip: TEACH 4 workshop organised by (HIDA), a recording at the on the Hermes project and a meeting with the tech lead from . Need to catch my breath a bit

Deutsche Ausgabe [DE] von #code4thought: in dieser Folge führt uns Georg Hager vom Rechenzentrum der Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg durch die Landschaft der HPCs. Von Vektorrechnern bis zu modernen GPUs. Zu hören auf Euren Podcast apps, YouTube podcast, Wissenschaftspodcast und

English edition [EN] of #code4thought: meet Luisa Orozco, Djura Smits and Ermanno Lo Cascio, RSEs at the eScience Center in Amsterdam. They work closely with researchers on a range of different projects. Listen to it on your podcast app, YouTube podcast or