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I create unique and immersive digital music using AI from Suno! Youtube: Instagram: TikTok:
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There is a silent storm inside of us. Some can weather it better than others. 1 small thing can be the tipping point. Don't be that thing. You don't know what others are going through. #youarenotafailure #reachoutforhelp #youareenough #youarenotalone #codeandchords

Most days seems like the hope is fading to be "normal". Everyone is different and has their own experiences. Use this to help others so that they don't feel alone. #youarenotafailure #reachoutforhelp #aigenerated #music #youmatter #youarestrong #youareenough #youarenotalone #anxiety #codeandchords

Deep breaths can help calm you down and give you time to think. It is, also, a great temporary stress reliever. #YouAreNotAFailure #reachoutforhelp #aigenerated #ifyouhadntbeenthere #music #youmatter #youarenotalone #depression #anxiety #codeandchords Inspired by

Scars That Made Me - Every battle you face, every failure you have is all part of who you are. #YouAreNotAFailure #battlescars #reachoutforhelp #aigenerated #ifyouhadntbeenthere #youmatter #youarestrong #youareenough #youarenotalone #depression #anxiety #codeandchords full song:

The sun will always shine, even after the worst of storms. Sometimes the storm feels never-ending, but the sun will always shine. #reachoutforhelp #aigenerated #ifyouhadntbeenthere #americanidol #countrymusic #youmatter #youarestrong #youarenotalone #depression #codeandchords

The unknown is a scary thing, but doesn't have to be. Embrace it and you may find more than you could dream of. #aigenerated #dollyparton #IfYouHadntBeenThere #americanidol #music #youmatter #youarestrong #youareenough #youarenotalone #depression #anxiety #codeandchords

The Power of One More Day - Just keeping going. It gets better. It may feel like it never will, but it does. #reachoutforhelp #aigenerated #music #youmatter #youarestrong #youareenough #youarenotalone #depression #anxiety #failureispartofsuccess #codeandchords Full song here:

No Matter What - True friends will be there for you no matter what. Cherish these people, as they may not come around often. #truefriends #truefriendhsip #postpartumdepresssion #codeandchords Full song here: Inspired by

I have heard the phrase "it's your family/blood". Family cares about you Cut out the toxic people from your life, even if they are blood. #aigenerated #music #rock #youmatter #youarestrong #youarenotalone #depression #anxiety #codeandchords Full song here:

Not Good Enough - I frequently feel like I am not good enough and that I will never live up to people's expectations. I know what people think shouldn't matter, but it can be hard to overcome that feeling for some people. #youmatter #youarestrong #codeandchords Full song here:

Having someone to talk to is one thing. Having someone that understands, is much different. If you don't have that person, please reach out. #youarenotalone #aigenerated #music #rock #youmatter #youarestrong #youareenough #depression #anxiety #failureispartofsuccess #codeandchords

Afraid to Fall - Being afraid to fail is a normal feeling. However, the feeling of what could have been is much more powerful. Instead of wondering, do, fail, and get back up. Failure is a step to success. #aigenerated #music #rock #youmatter #youareenough #failureispartofsuccess #codeandchords

#SaveTheWorld Some days, I wish I could save the world. Take away everyone's pain and give it to myself. #aigenerated #music #rock #youmatter #youarestrong #youareenough #youarenotalone #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #codeandchords Full song here:

Reach out if you need someone to talk to. Don't keep it in. There is always someone that can sympathize with what you are going through. #reachoutforhelp #reachout #aigenerated #youmatter #youarestrong #youarenotalone #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #adhd #codeandchords

There are days when I feel surges of power, like I can do anything. I would love to have more days like that. #aigenerated #music #rock #youmatter #youarestrong #youareenough #youarenotalone #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #adhd #codeandchords Full song here:

Sunshine Wears Boots - A random song for a random type of day. #youareenough#youmatter#youarestrongerthanyouthink#youarestrong#youareenough#youarenotalone#depression#anxiety#mentalhealth#adhd#neurodivergent#invisiblewounds#codeandchordsFull song here:

I always see myself as weak, wishing I was strong than I am. Then, I remember everything I have been through and remember, I am stronger than I give myself credit for. #youareenough #youarestrongerthanyouthink #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #codeandchords Full song here:

Quiet Hero - I see people that boast about their accomplishments. Influencers that post things just to get likes. Me, I prefer to do good and never be seen. Why do you need to glorify helping others? #youmatter #youarenotalone #youareenough #codeandchords Full song here:

Crossroads in the Dark - For some of us, what seems like a small decision can be a big one. Our minds work differently. It can pain us to do some of the most simple things. #youmatter #youarenotalone #youareenough #depression #anxiety #adhd #codeandchords

Tired of the Weight - It takes a lot out of you when you are fighting daily. People can't see the struggles you have inside, and I try not to let them. #youarenotalone #youareenough #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #mentalillness #adhd #codeandchords Full song here:

I can never complain when a day is pretty decent.#youareenough #youmatter #youarestrong #youarenotalone #youareenough #depression #anxiety #mentalhealth #mentalillness #abuseprevention #adhd #neurodivergent #invisiblewounds #codeandchords Full song here: