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Former dev. Infosec-curious + a million other things-curious too. Pronouns: she/her/OMG not her again. Extremely queer. Democracy enjoyer. My handle is a […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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Aurora above Andøya Spaceport on the eve of the inaugural Spectrum flight. Not a bad send-off. Photo: Isar Aerospace/Robin Brillert/Wingmen Media

The Musk/Trump administration, erasing non-white people, women, LBGTQ+ people, and disabled people from public life and full participation in civil society.

RFKjr’s former NGO, the antivax Children’s Health Defense, is staging a antivax website with CDC badging collateral that makes it appear like the official government website: Domain and link to CHD was found by @kyleehmke

When I first heard someone say that antivaxxers were, at their heart, believers in a kill-off-the-weaklings, eugenics-adjacent philosophy, I remember thinking, that’s overwrought. They just don’t understand the science. Surely we can explain, etc., etc. Now I’m, like … yeah, that’s exactly […]

Hello, it’s the weekly #washingtonstate #kingcounty (that is, #seattle and environs) #COVID #COVID19 #wastewater toots. A quick reminder that this King County respiratory disease data comes from Washington State, not the federal government. Let's start […] [Original post on]

My country, losing IQ points by the minute

The US is lucky to have ambitious, hardworking, and incredibly talented people seeking opportunities here, and we deeply benefit from that. But it all depends on us not being capricious, racist fucktards. #GiftLink […]

So many great discoveries and treatments are going to go by the wayside because of the kooks, grifters and dumbasses running the US now.

Here is a good column by Danny Westneat in the Seattle Times describing a very-much-not-dead local resident who was recently declared dead by Social Security. They not only blocked his social security checks but also hovered another $5K out of the guy's bank account, without him being able to […]

I set up my Seestar30 to do a time lapse of the lunar eclipse last night while I futzed with my camera. This is what it got, until some big mean trees suddenly appeared and tried to photobomb the proceedings. :) #astrophotography

The weather was mostly cooperative for the lunar eclipse in Washington State. Or part of it, anyway. #astrophotography

I wonder how it is to work in U.S. law enforcement and know that your justice system is up for sale by your higher-ups. Paywall free link:

Jaime Raskin has an ask, and it’s to FOIA your personal data from DOGE. I’m down, let’s go!

Hello, it’s the weekly #washingtonstate #kingcounty (that is, #seattle and environs) #COVID #COVID19 #wastewater toots. A quick reminder that this King County respiratory disease data comes from Washington State, not the federal government. Let's start […] [Original post on]

My sweet, adorable pup has been sick with an infection, and I’m happy to report she’s on the mend. But the real reason for this toot is to tell you our vet recommended wrapping her pills in whipped cream cheese for dosing and OMG YOU GUYS HOW DID I GO THROUGH LIFE NOT KNOWING ABOUT THIS????? […]

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this article about the Bonneville Power Administration's draft decision to leave the California Independent System Operator's (CAISO) market for an Arkansas-based market called the Southwest Power Pool Markets+ (SPP) […]

This is a good piece on the many ways Musk and Trump are taking lessons from other authoritarians and cooking the books. These are informational assets the American people paid for, and they are being deleted off the face of the earth because the wrongthink police don’t like it. #GiftLink […]

A good thread summarizing the GOP’s funding bill. I contacted my D house member and D senators and urged them to vote NO on the CR. Don’t bail out the Republicans and don’t bend the knee to President Musk and whatshisname.

Let’s get these fine folks into the #washingtonstate #seattle #tacoma #bellingham #spokane feeds.

Yesterday I chatted with two U.K. friends who had been thinking of moving to Canada, but have scrapped those plans because of this utter madness. #canada #GiftLink […]

The unusual circumstances surrounding two of the largest Lottery jackpots in Texas history have touched off a furious debate about the unorthodox methods used to snag the prizes and have led the governor and attorney general to announce investigations. On April 22, 2023, someone won a $95 […]

Amazing, another clear night. More tracking practice it is. I also set up the smart telescope for a lunar time lapse. The image quality of this thing blows my mind, but the 2x zoom on such a large object might be too much for a tracked time lapse. There’s […] [Original post on]

This is a good, careful piece of reporting about the recent study looking at Paxlovid's impact on hospitalization and death on (mostly) fully vaccinated patients aged 65 to 74. The benefits weren't shown to be statistically significant, whereas previous studies in unvaccinated adults did show a […]

A bit of practice for next week’s lunar eclipse. My plan is to shoot this long-duration event with a tele lens and using a laptop controller, so I figured I needed to get more comfortable with my tracker. Here I used a phone to do the polar alignment […] [Original post on]

Hello, it’s the weekly #washingtonstate #kingcounty (that is, #seattle and environs) #COVID #COVID19 #wastewater toots. A quick reminder that this King County respiratory disease data comes from Washington State, not the federal government. Normally I start with the West Point (WSPT) sewage […]

I did not realize that in the US spring 2025 #covid #COVID19 boosters for 65+ and immunocompromised people had been approved last fall, before we transitioned to our present self-inflicted hellscape. It’s a recommended six-month interval, so the first group of people are becoming eligible this […]

#washingtonstate congressional district 9 (south #seattle Renton, Kent, Auburn) peeps: Representative Adam Smith is having a telephone town hall today at 2:30pm. Let him know what you think about ::waves hand at smoldering ruins:: I sent him a note […] [Original post on]

I was too sick to do anything but admire the after-sunset planet parade last night. But I did instruct my little telescope robot buddy to go image the Orion Nebula again, this time with 30 minutes of integration.

I've been reading about this "Mar-A-Lago Accord" US bond default HHHHHHHHHHH renegotiation plan that's being floated, and, along with everything else going on, I'm feeling like there's a non-zero chance of a 2008-style event. That has caused me to move some money around to make sure I was […]

How much more proof do we need that this administration is completely compromised? There is zero reason for the US to relax any offensive digital actions against Russia. If anything, we should be applying more. Martin Matishak over at The Record writes that the former Fox news host turned […]

Welp, the flu came for me this morning. I’m not terribly sick (thanks flu vax 👍) but it’s not like I’m going to be productive today either. So I played around with a timelapse of the sun with my smart telescope instead. Next up: taking my skillz to the next level, by reading the documentation.

Read the concern-trolling claims about “conflicts of interest,” then absorb the last paragraph. This man only cares about making bank, does not care how many bodies he has to step over to do it, and he runs our entire federal health care system. #GiftLink […]

Hello, it’s the weekly #washingtonstate #kingcounty (that is, #seattle and environs) #COVID #COVID19 #wastewater toots. A quick reminder that this King County respiratory disease data comes from Washington State, and isn't affected by the Trump […] [Original post on]

Some early morning Seestar S30 results from my tricked-out observatory in <checks notes> on top of a garbage can in my #seattle alleyway. This is M13 and that big star is hundreds of thousands of stars in the constellation Hercules, known as the Great […] [Original post on]

This is just batshit insane. #canada Paywall free link:

I just got back from a trip to northern Virginia to go to a memorial service and spend time with my in-laws. The most interesting part of the trip was a tour of the house my niece and her husband recently bought. In it, they discovered more than 3 dozen (!!!!) security cameras. And recording […]

A good Angie Rasmussen thread on the CDC ACIP meeting “postponement” and what she thinks the game plan is for vaccine policy in the US. I fear she is correct; it’s up to us to raise hell and stop it. #covid #covid19 ps: you will need a Bluesky account to read this […]

You know, if my goal was to turn the United States into a pathetic husk of a country by destroying relationships with vital allies, taking the institutions that have provided us with incredible advantages and burning them down to the ground, and creating a degenerate Americans-against-Americans […]