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🔪 Crime, mystery & horror writer 📖 Author of #Clandestina_CR 🖋️ A rising voice in literary thrillers 🎙️ Featured in Marie Claire, Forbes, Harper’s Bazaar & more 📚 Step into my world ⬇️ 🔗
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Un personatge viscós, un narrador remarcable: escriu de Yukio Mishima en Trapezi. cc #Trapezi400



“Let me look inside because it’s time for this lonely rain. Take my hand now, and walk with me along this long road. There’s no place like this, where such a dream has ever happened again.” — ✍️A #rainyday #poem by #CristinaRedondo.✨ 📸A #photoportrait by #CescSales ✨

Vull més d’això or… Let me love you Let me rescue you Let me bring you where two roads meet Oh, come back above Where there is only love Only love… — #U2 #TheGroundBeneathHerFeet ✨ 📸 #photoportrait by #cescsales ✨

Llibertat és caminar amb el cor obert. Confiar en el mar quan s’emporta allò que ja no és meu i em torna allò que sí que em pertany. Perquè sé que a la frontera entre el cel i la terra tot és possible... 📸 #fotografia de @cescsales ✨

"Hope is optimism with a broken heart'. -- #NickCave #FaithHopeandCarnage 🖤

Happy Tuesday. #NaturePhotography #quhl5 #peace 🕊️❄️

Your monthly reminder: Keep writing. When no one cares, persist. When things appear to be crumbling, keep at it. When it's difficult, push through. When you feel alone, listen to the stories in your blood. Just write. The world needs you to tell your stories.

Ja han arribat!!!✨✨✨

✨ just him ✨

He estat a Catalunya Ràdio parlant sobre Mishima amb n'Albert Nolla i tota la família de Ciutat Maragda. Un somni fet realitat, poder participar en el meu podcast de literatura preferit.



Bon any 2025!!! ✨

Happy New Year 2025 ! ( #2025 or the opportunitty to change to the better) 👇🏽

Buon Natale a tutti, quest'anno vi ho scritto una #BigliettodiNatale che vi arriva tramite il sito:

Bon Nadal per a tots, aquest any us he escrit un #PostaldeNadal que us arriba via web:

Merry Christmas to all, this year I have written you a #ChristmasCard that comes to you via the web:

Feliz Navidad para todos, este año os he escrito una #PostaldeNavidad que os llega via web:

Books about Florida, which decade after decade is flooded with people who are not meek nor content nor predisposed to toe the line.

I never thought I would enjoy sharing a coffee with #HenriCartierBresson, perhaps because until now I hadn’t had the opportunity to closely examine part of his work. Read more about it : #writers #photographers

A favor

Wellcome #winterdays ✨🥶✨

Hoy he visitado la Expo sobre el fotógrafo #henricartierbresson que hay en #kbrfmapfre #Barcelona ¿ Queréis que os escriba sobre esta expo y Henri Cartier-Bresson en mi web?

“Llueve. Dicen que en mi país no sabe llover. Y a mí siempre me ha gustado la lluvia. Parece la misma lluvia de siempre. Pero no, no lo es…” continua leyendo mi reflexión entorno a la lluvia y los procesos de cambio en mi web 🔗 ( #retrato de #CescSales)

Two of our 2024 titles—the “excellent” WOODWORM and THROUGH THE NIGHT LIKE A SNAKE, “a sweeping look at what is happening in the rich world of Latin American speculative fiction”—are included on’s end-of-year horror list for! 💀 Dead happy about it, too 💀

Thanks for sharing it!!

“Piove. Dicono che nel mio paese non sappia piovere. A me è sempre piaciuta la pioggia. Sembra la stessa pioggia di sempre. Ma no, non lo è…” legge adesso sulla mia web #piove 🔗 ( #ritratto da #cescsales)

“It’s raining. They say that in my country it doesn’t know how to rain. Yet, I’ve always liked the rain. It seems like the same rain as ever. But no, it’s not…” keep reading my text at my web 🔗 ( #portrait by #CescSales)

“Plou. Diuen que al meu país no sap ploure. I a mi sempre m’ha agradat la pluja. Sembla la mateixa pluja de sempre. Però no, no ho és….” continua llegint el meu text a lameva web 🔗 ( #retrat de #CescSales)

Sally Rooney among Financial Times ‘most influential’ women of 2024


Here’s some Mark Grantham art to make your Wednesday a little better.

Find someone who looks at you the way we look at books.

“A veces el mundo parece un puto manicomio y la tentación de apartarse es irresistible” — #NickCave #Feesperanzaycarniceria #SeanOHagan #sextopisoeditorial

This initiative ✨✨✨✨

Bad fortune slipped away and I feel luckier than ever.The paths change to find safer and more real paths.The freedom to decide what I want to do at every moment of my life and in every project I start..My bad fortune slipping away.. #writerportrait by #cescsales ✨

📚 I si les marques deixessin de centrar-se només en vendre productes i es convertissin en espais de coneixement, conversa i comunitat? Aquesta és la proposta de "Brands as Libraries", un concepte q ens anima a pensar en les marques com si fossin institucions culturals.

Cuidadito a quien le haces buying, que luego te puede pasar la mano por la cara, ser tu jefe o simplemente ….

Any “best books of 2024” list that doesn’t contain even a single genre book is bullshit.

Y así empiezan las cosas: a última hora de la noche, agotada pero agradecida por cómo sucede todo y porque el dolor rasga, rompe, quiebra aún más las grietas para que entre la luz y, al final, todo sea ese aire de cambio que renueva a la vida…one love, one life.. 🥀✍🏽✨❤️‍🩹

In case you need to read this today

Monday vibes…Cyber Monday chaos..or can I just rewind to the joy of the weekend? ✨✨✨ #crimewriting