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Political Science and International Relations. Teacher. Probably you will find me walking through South Caucasus. I ❤️ my 🚲 #WeAreNAFO.
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🇵🇱🤝🇰🇷Polish and South Korean talks are moving forward after some months of turmoil. Warsaw signed a $6.2 billion contract for K2 Black Panther tanks and -obviously- military equipment.

Must read article if you want to understand the strategic changes that are facing European countries, the importance of FPV drones as combat tool and also why some countries are withdrawing from Convention on Cluster Munitions.

Tomorrow will be an interesting Monday. Few hours ago Ukrainian drones reached Novokuybyshevsk in Samara oblast. In this town not far from the capital is located a Rosneft refinery, a thermal power plant and a lot of oil depots. All of them located in the same area 👀 Source:

📳In this place I'm sharing interesting articles and things that are useful if you want to understand what is happening in Ukraine and their neighbouring countries. Everybody is invited to join my Telegram channel if you like my comments and insights😊

Three years ago Kalinouski Regiment was created by Belarusian exiles. Since then they fought in the most difficult areas of Ukraine. Hope we will see a Free Belarus in the near future. Those people are really, really, brave. Source:

Same people that were cheering up assadists barrel bombs ten years ago are now deeply concerned about alawites. At the same time those anti-Imperialists are shaking hands with Netanyahu supporters and old pro-Baath dudes with antisemitic views.

This is really, really dangerous: "The opaque nature of the structures makes it difficult to assess the full scale of Chinese capital flowing into Musk’s private ventures".

Nasha Niva published a piece about a Belarusian soldier that died while was fighting for Russia in Ukraine. Although Belarus is harshly managed by Lukashenka this type of events aren't positive for the regime. Translation:

Millor encara.

Quina felicitat🤗

Ukrainian drones landed over Novolipetsk Metallurgical plant in southeast Lipetsk. Tonight we are living a Saturday with high activity 👀

Today I watched this interesting video published by "Why We Should Care About the Indo-Pacific". They interviewed Wang Ting-yu from the Taiwanese parliament and its Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee. It's a must and really interesting.

I’m tired of getting these spam texts. Please feel free to blow up the email account associated with this one

Milícies neonazis armades finançades per Rússia a Alemanya volent fer un cop d'Estat, i milícies neonazis armades finançades per Rússia a Romania volent fer un altre cop d'Estat. Però Rússia no suposa cap amenaça, només finança, forma i arma a alt-righters arreu d'Europa perquè és antiwoke.

Defense Intelligence of Ukraine sabotaged a locomotive involved in Russian army logistics. Overnight on March 6th, a successful operation was carried out on the railway in Voronezh, Russia. The locomotive supplied munitions and equipment from Russian factories to the occupied territories of Ukraine

Quan llegeixes aquest tuit de la Gemma Ubasart no sorprèn gens que a les presons catalanes hi hagués assassins perillosos amb accés a ganivets🤦‍♂️

"The Telegraph understands that the president is considering redeploying troops from Germany to Hungary, which has maintained a close relationship with Russia."

Few hours ago a factory that is manufacturing food for the Russian Army was targeted in Starodub (Bryansk oblast). Pretty interesting and not far from A-240 road that is connected with Homel Source:

During the next month combats will intensify in Kursk and Sumy. Probably Ukraine will try to carry out more incursions in other areas while they are trying to retreat in a slowly way, but the current situation is really dangerous.

Disculpa’m Pere, és evident que Rússia està duent a terme una invasió a gran escala sobre Ucraïna des de febrer de 2022. Que la teva posició de facto pro russa vulgui negar la major no ho amaga. I mira, si deixen de dinar diners als vostres xiringuitos estaré més que content.

Cuando en medio de una invasión a gran escala el presidente de Estados Unidos es un asset ruso el sentido común es que los aliados tradicionales deben de rehacer su estructura de seguridad e invertir más en defensa para hacer frente a las amenazas y ayudar a Ucrania. Obvio

"And GOP lawmakers say that sharing intelligence should resume immediately, wondering what the United States has to gain from depriving Ukraine from critical battlefield intelligence."

It seems that Russians are doing some things in Baherove -closed- airfield and Ukraine realized about that🔎 Geographical coordinates: 45°23'53.9"N 36°17'23.6"E

As I said in the past Ukraine is living an israelitzation process developing its own defence industry and improving its own capabilities. This is mandatory in front of every possible scenario.

Good news: Ukroboronprom has already increased its capacity for the production of Bren 2 assault rifles to 400 units per day and is working on localizing their production from Ukrainian components. Source: Translation:

Alerta per Kalibr a Ucraïna. Espero que no sigui res.

🇷🇴The group allegedly wanted to to establish a paramilitary militia, overthrow the Romanian government and pull the country out of NATO. Romanian prosecutors also said the suspects intended to introduce a new constitution.

Demà (avui) tocarà donar-li un cop d'ull a les fotos per satèl·lit i al mapa d'incendis de la NASA.

🇱🇹Good news from Lithuania: they are leaving the convention on cluster munitions and sent a clear message to Russia. Every European country should leave from CCM if we want to enhance deterrence against Putin.

China is increasing Moscow economic dependence over Beijing while at the same is appeasing European countries defending a "strong" position of Ukraine with the US. The objective is pretty clear: they want to minimize EU position after a blockade/invasion of Taiwan.

Darrer cop que us donc la turra aquest mes: un dels motius pels quals a la Newsletter d'Ucraïna l'anomeno M07 és per l'autopista que connecta Kyiv amb el pas fronterer de Iagodin. Des d'allà es pot empalmar fins a Varsòvia via Lublin.

Molt bé el partit de waterpolo del Barça.

It was a false alarm: they were launching jet engine drones. We are going to face a complicated night.

Some Telegram channels are publishing information about explosions in cape Chauda. We should wait for more information but this is the second time -in four hours- that we have reports from the temporally occupied Crimea🔎 NB. Cape Chaude is used for launching Shahed drones against Ukraine.

La unitat NORD, formada en bona part per finesos de Carèlia, desplegada a les plataformes del mar Negre a prop de la península de Crimea. Si no em falla l'ull -em pot fallar- veig uns preciosos CZ BREN. Font:

During the last 3-4 days Ukraine advanced in all frontline areas. Actually Russians are only gaining land in Kursk area under a high cost. This is the reason that Moscow is pushing Trump for negotiations: they reached their operative limits and their logistics are heavily damaged.

Meme in real life


Acabo de veure que comptes pro-Kremlin estan animant a anar a la manifestació "No es nuestra guerra" d'aquest diumenge a Madrid. Si us plau, escolteu què en diuen de destruir la UE els que tenen línea directa amb Putin i després discutim de si és la nostra guerra o no.