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Together, we empower Canada by creating pathways to trusted knowledge. / Ensemble, nous renforçons l’autonomie du Canada en créant des voies d’accès à un savoir fiable.
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C'est l'heure du #ACAHashtagParty de février! Le thème de ce mois est #ArchivesArtsAndCrafts, nous partageons donc un manuel scolaire français de Montréal sur la couture et la confection de vêtements pour les femmes datant de 1905. 👗

It’s time for February’s #ACAHashtagParty! 🎉 This month’s theme is #ArchivesArtsAndCrafts, so we're sharing a French school manual from Montreal about tailoring and dressmaking for women from 1905. 👗✂️ Try your hand at creating some of the pattern designs in here!

We stand with libraries across Canada in reaffirming our commitment to intellectual freedom during this year’s Freedom to Read Week! Protect your freedom to read by understanding how books are being challenged and learn how you can get involved. #FTRW25 #FreedomToRead

Pour notre dernier post de #BlackHistoryMonth, nous mettons en lumière une revue de 1926 de The Dawn of Tomorrow. The Dawn of Tomorrow était une voix vitale pour la défense, le progrès et la célébration.

For our final post of #BlackHistoryMonth, we’re highlighting a 1926 issue of The Dawn of Tomorrow. This issue covers a range of topics as you can see. The Dawn of Tomorrow was a vital voice for advocacy, progress, and celebration. #BlackVoices

Nous allons innover et collaborer pour un avenir durable Nous travaillerons ensemble, de manière inclusive et créative, afin de créer des voies d'accès à des connaissances fiables et de construire un avenir durable et autonome pour nos institutions membres.

We will innovate and collaborate for a sustainable future We will work together inclusively and creatively to forge pathways to trusted knowledge, building an empowered and sustainable future for our member institutions. Learn more:

Il y a plus de 100 ans, le Canada battait les États-Unis 6-1 en finale du Championnat du monde de hockey 1924. Hier, l’histoire s’est répétée : victoire du Canada en #Coupedesquatrenations contre les États-Unis ! Canada + Hockey = 🏆 #Histoireduhockey #GoCanadaGo

Canada dominated the U.S. 6-1 in the 1924 Hockey World Championship, cementing our hockey legacy. Fast forward to last night—Canada wins the #4NationsCup defeating the U.S! Some things never change: Canada + Hockey = 🏆 #HockeyHistory

C'est la #Journéeinternationaledelalanguematernelle ! 🌍📖Célébrez le patrimoine linguistique en explorant la collection de Canadiana, qui a des textes dans les deux langues officielles du Canada et dans près de 50 langues, dont l'inuktitut, le cri, le mohawk et l'ojibwa. 🔎

Today is #InternationalMotherLanguageDay! 🌍📖 Celebrate linguistic heritage by exploring Canadiana’s collection, featuring works in Canada’s two official languages and in nearly 50 languages, including Inuktitut, Cree, Mohawk, and Ojibwa. 🔎

#ElertCyberavis présente cette semaine des nouvelles et des publications récentes concernant les bibliothèques de recherche canadiennes, issues de et plus !

This week's #ElertCyberavis features recent news and publications relevant to Canadian research libraries from and more!

Nous embauchons ! Le RCDR recrute une conseillère ou un conseiller en mobilisation et communication pour un contrat d'une durée d'un an. Postulez avant le vendredi 28 février 2025 ! Visitez le lien dans notre bio pour postuler. #recrutementimmédiat

We're hiring! CRKN is looking for a Strategic Engagement and Communications Advisor for a one-year contract. Apply by Friday, February 28, 2025! Visit the link in our bio to apply. #hiringnow

Il est maintenant possible de s’inscrire à la conférence virtuelle du RCDR 2025: Les savoirs libres et les avenirs durables! Joignez-nous du 13 au 15 mai. 📆 Inscrivez-vous maintenant :

Registration is now open for the 2025 CRKN Virtual Conference: Open Knowledges and Sustainable Futures! Join us from May 13-15. 📆 Register now:

Josiah Henson, pasteur et abolitionniste, s'est échappé de l'esclavage en 1830 et a fondé le Dawn Settlement en Ontario pour aider d'autres personnes libérées. Il a aussi sauvé 118 personnes, dont son frère. Découvrez son histoire : #Moisdel'histoiredesNoirs

Josiah Henson, a minister and abolitionist, escaped slavery in 1830 and founded the Dawn Settlement in Ontario to support formerly enslaved people. He also rescued 118 others, including his brother. Read his story in The Life of Josiah Henson: #BlackHistoryMonth

Partager notre valeur collective La communauté des bibliothèques canadiennes s'est engagée à construire un meilleur avenir pour les chercheurs et le public. De 2025 à 2029, nous défendrons efficacement notre valeur et notre impact. Pour en savoir plus :

We will share our collective value The Canadian library community is dedicated to building a better future for researchers and the public. From 2025 to 2029, we will advocate effectively to highlight our value and impact. Learn more:

This year's #LoveDataWeek 2025 theme challenges us to think critically about data ownership.❤️ CRKN is expanding the adoption of #PIDs through our growing national consortia #ORCIDCanada and #DataCiteCanada, fostering responsible data stewardship across the Canadian research ecosystem.

Le Provincial Freeman est un hebdomadaire qui paraît de 1853 à 1857. Fondé par Mary Ann Shad, une abolitionniste et militante avant-gardiste, il est devenu le premier journal appartenant à des Noirs au Canada. #Moisdel'histoiredesNoirs

The Provincial Freeman was a weekly newspaper that ran from 1853 to 1857. Founded by Mary Ann Shad, a trailblazing abolitionist and advocate, it became the first Black-owned newspaper in Canada. #BlackHistoryMonth

Favoriser et promouvoir l'évolution du savoir ouvert Au cours des cinq prochaines années, nous travaillerons avec nos membres en tant que communauté afin de favoriser les changements qui permettront de créer un écosystème de recherche ouvert et durable.

We will drive the evolution of open knowledge Over the next five years we will work with our members as a community to drive changes that will create an open and sustainable research ecosystem and advance equitable access to knowledge. Learn more:

En ce #Moisdel'histoiredesNoirs, nous soulignons des documents sur Canadiana qui honorent les communautés historiquement noires au Canada. The Dawn of Tomorrow, un journal ontarien appartenant à des Noirs, a servi la communauté noire au début du XXe siècle.

This #BlackHistoryMonth, we’re highlighting materials on Canadiana that honour and spotlight historically Black communities in Canada. The Dawn of Tomorrow, a Black-owned newspaper from Ontario, served the Black community in the early 20th century.

Notre nouveau plan stratégique 2025-2029 définira l'orientation du RCDR, à mesure que nous poursuivrons notre mission : Ensemble, nous renforçons l’autonomie du Canada en créant des voies d’accès à un savoir fiable. Découvrez notre plan stratégique 2025-2029 :

Our new 2025–2029 Strategic Plan will shape CRKN's direction over the next five years as we advance our mission: Together, we empower Canada by creating pathways to trusted knowledge. Discover how we will carry out our mission in our 2025—2029 Strategic Plan:

For this month's #ArchivesPets ACA Hashtag Party, we uncovered this charming issue featuring pigeons and a variety of other adorable pets! 🐦🐾 Dive into more treasures from our collection:

Inspirational quotes aren’t new—they’ve been around long before the internet! 🌟 Check out New Year Blessings and learn about what qualified as a inspirational quote in 1913:

#ElertCyberavis présente cette semaine des nouvelles et des publications récentes concernant les bibliothèques de recherche canadiennes, issues de et plus !

This week's #ElertCyberavis features recent news and publications relevant to Canadian research libraries from and more!

CRKN's new five-year strategic plan is now available! This plan will guide us from 2025 to 2029 as we carry out our mission to empower Canada by creating pathways to trusted knowledge. 📖 View the strategic plan:

🎉 Exciting news! CRKN and the ORCID-CA Consortium are thrilled to welcome NOSM University as the newest member of the ORCID Canada community. We look forward to supporting NOSM University in implementing ORCID. Learn more: #libraries #academiclibraries #orcid

Reminder: The extended deadline for the call for proposals for the 2025 CRKN Virtual Conference is Wednesday, January 8, at 5:00 PM ET. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your insights and research! More information here:

For our final contribution to the #ArchiveAdventCalendar, we unearthed this delightful illustration of #Santa trekking through the snow in snowshoes, determined to deliver presents to children everywhere. 🎅❄️ Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! 🎄

The December 1911 issue of Canadian Home Journal features an adorable, vibrant illustration of children eagerly exploring the treats hidden in their #stocking 🎅🎁. This charming scene brings holiday traditions to life! #ArchiveAdventCalendar

In the 1885 edition of Canada’s Christmas, several holiday activities, including #WinterSports, are beautifully illustrated. Here, young boys are seen playing hockey on a frozen lake🏒❄️ Discover more of Canada’s Christmas here: #ArchiveAdventCalendar

We’re excited to join Bluesky! Follow us for news, insights, and stories from CRKN. Nous sommes ravis de joindre la communauté Bluesky! Suivez-nous pour connaître les nouvelles, les renseignements et les histoires du RCDR.