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Archaeologist, musician, artist and wildlife photographer.
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I had some great shots today, but this one is worth posting. The sweet face of a difficult bird to photograph...White0-breasted Nuthatch "listening" for bugs...

White-crowned Sparrow on a cold winter day in the Corrales Bosque, New Mexico, USA. #Birds #Birdingnm #Corralesnm #Birdingsouthwest

Spring has sprung!! Mating courtship dance between Northern Flickers! Corrales Bosque, NM, USA. #Birds #Corralesnm #Newmexicobirding

WOW!! Just what I needed today: Bald Eagle on the Tingley Ponds/Bosque, NM, USA!! #Birds #birdigngtingly ##Birdingtingleyhnm

Cedar Waxwings are still finding good things to eat in the Corrales Bosque, NM, USA. #Birds #Corralesnm #Birdingnm

Forgot to hash tag my first attempt! How about a nice stack of White-crowned Sparrows? Corrales Bosque, NM, USA 2-8-25. #Birds #Corralesnm, #Birdingnm

How about a nice stack of White-Crowned Sparrows? Corrales Bosque, NM 2-8-25.

How beautiful are Wood Ducks??

"Arrrggggg... Bob...looks like the Cap'n furgot his peg leg again..."

Sandhill Cranes, Corrales Bosque, New Mexico, USA. #Birds #birdingcorralesnm, #corralesnm

Cedar Waxwing, Corrales Bosque, New Mexico, USA 2/1/2025. #Birds #Birdingcorralesbosque #corralesnm

Male Mallard...contemplating...Tingley Ponds 12/14/2025> #Birds #Birdingnm #Tingleyponds

Neo-tropic Merganser Female... SURE of her place in the Universe!!

Northern Pintail, up close and personal! Tingley Ponds 1/25/2025. #Birds #birdingNewmexico #tingleyponds

Mr. Wood Duck Striking a pose! Tingley Ponds 1/25/2025. #Birds #birdingnm #Birdingtengley

Northern Pintail, what a cutie! Tingley Ponds, NM 1/25/2025. #Birds #Birdingnm #Tinglybeach

Mr. Wood duck in his prime! Tingley Ponds, 12/14/24. #Birds #Woodducks #birdibgnm #birdingtingley#tingleypondsnm

Great Blue Heron. The light was perfect! Tingley Bosque 1/25/2025. #Birds #greatbluieherons #birdingnm #birdingnmbosque #tingleypondsnm

Not ducks...but certainly in a row! Neotropic cormorants ready to take the plunge! Tingley Ponds, New Mexico 1/25/2025. #Birds #cormorant #birdingnm ##birdingtingleyponds

OK, question. My son and I also suspect that we have Dyscalculia. We are seeking medical diagnosis here in New Mexico...but I have hit a wall at every turn. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Close up of Mr. Wood Duck. Tingley Ponds 1/25/2025. Handsome bloke! #Birds #woodducks #birdingnm #birdingtingleyponds #tingleypondsnm

Neotropic Cormorant. Female. Tingley Ponds 1/25/2025. #Birds #birdingnm #birdingtingley #tingleypondsnm

#ADHD, hello, I am new. My son and I are both ADHD neurodivergent with other learning issues. We are both medicated and live our best lives! Good to connect with other folks here!

Black-crowned Night Heron. Tingley Beach, New Mexico, USA 1-25-2025. #Birds #birdingnm #birdingtingley #tingleybeachnm

Wood Duck flotilla, Tingley Beach, New Mexico, USA 1_25_25. #Birds #birdsnm #birdingtingly #tingleybeachnm

Immature Black-crowned Night Heron, Tingley Beach, New Mexico 12/ 2024. #Birds #BirdingNM #birdsswus

A few years ago, there was an "art challenge." I decided to address each prompt using Crow as the central character. The prompt was "time." This is what I came up with:

Juvenile Black-capped Night Heron. Tingley Beach, New Mexico, USA 12/2024. #Birds #birdingnm #tinglebeach #birdingnm

Young Black-crowned Night Heron. Tingley Beach NM 2024 #Birds #tingleybeach #tingleybeachbirding #birdingnm

American Widgeon. Doin' Widgeon stuff! #WShitewaterdraw, #Birds, #birdingusa #birdingaz

Gila Woodpecker at #Sanpedrohouse AZ. #Biirds #birdingaz

One of these is not like the other!! Juvenile Snow Goose, Whitewater Draw, AZ, 12/24. #Birds #Birding #Whitewaterdrawaz,

Hooded Merganser. Tingley Ponds, 12/2024

One of these things is not like the others... juvenile Snow Goose, Whitewater Draw, AZ 12/24 #birds #whitewaterdrawaz #birdingaz #birdingswusa

Squabble at Whitewater Draw AZ...sounds like the beginning of a Spaghetti Western lol!! Sandhill Cranes fighting over a female...who calmly watches on...wonder if she dropped a white handkerchief??

Young Lesser Goldfinch with good things to eat...Tingley Ponds, New Mexico, USA 12/ 24.