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JD Vance was talking like a SUPERIOR to Europe in the AI Summit in Paris. Why was greeting the VP? The EU with the U.S. can ONLY be SECOND! And that’s NO way for the European Union to be.

If ANYONE is seeing this, you have to KNOW, Europe is in DANGER, we need the European unity more than EVER before. 💙

Is Musk a nazi?

Imagine Alice Weidel working for a stronger, more sane European Union. Damn.

Not a good direction…

António Costa starts his mandate really nice: he went to UKRAINE, to the UKRAINIEN PEOPLE on his FIRST days in office. Mr. Costa, you have a leading position in the European Union. Don’t you wanna see us first? Talk to us, EU CITIZENS first? #thehell?

The second SMS-Leyen Commission is NOT supported by the CITIZENS of the European Union. This new Commission still DOESN’T care about making Europe take the lead again in the world. AMERICA IS ABOUT TO CONQUER MARS! While von der Leyen seeks to be in America’s shadow. LEAVE OFFICE MADAM, NOW!

Az európai civilizáció, aminek a MAGYAROK is a részesei. Európa történelme felemelő és MOTIVÁLÓ! A tudomány, a fejlődés, a VIRÁGZÓ helye ez. Itt ment végbe a történelmet MEGHATÁROZÓ események 90%-a. A legszebb pedig, hogy annyi SZENVEDÉS után végül az egység útjára léptünk. Az Európai Unió a JÖVŐ!🇪🇺

CRAZY, how Georgescu is WINNING. When did this guy show up in politics?

Mindenki új világrendről, világrend VÁLTÁSRÓL beszél. Miközben mára EGYÉRTELMŰ, hogy az 1947-ben kialakult világrend van ÉRVÉNYBEN. Ami röviden: Amerika és Oroszország SZEMBENÁLL egymással és közvetett módon HÁBORÚZNAK a világ minden pontján. Vietnám, Korea…rémlik? Most pedig Ukrajna.

Az európai civilizáció, aminek a MAGYAROK is a részesei. Európa történelme felemelő és MOTIVÁLÓ! A tudomány, a fejlődés, a VIRÁGZÓ helye ez. Itt ment végbe a történelmet MEGHATÁROZÓ események 90%-a. A legszebb pedig, hogy annyi SZENVEDÉS után végül az egység útjára léptünk. Az Európai Unió a JÖVŐ!

The Hungarian EU presidency is a success afterall.

America and Russia CONTINUES their power struggle (Cold War), only now they are not doing it in VIETNAM or KOREA, but in EUROPE, Ukraine. That’s why it has this much effect on global politics.

Check HISTORY. This is the Cold War. It NEVER stopped. America and Russia is playing this SINCE 1947. In Korea, in the Middle East, in Vietnam and now in Ukraine. This war is NOT about Putin, NOT about Ukraine. It’s about the struggle between America and Russia. That’s the TRUTH!

More access to the Black Sea. Sadly, it will only be AMERICA’S access to the Black Sea, not Europe’a because we have PUPPET leaders like URSULA, who doesn’t even have opinions OF HER OWN!

This CLEARLY shows that Putin WILL use nukes if he has to. My DEAR Russia, we know you’re fighting America, the other tough guy wannabe, but PLEASE, fight on the America soil and LEAVE. EUROPE. ALONE. Just for this time. An America, you should REMEMBER: Europe>>America.

Kaja Kallas will be the NEXT #Commissioner of #ForeignAffairs of the #EuropeanUnion. However when you check her X profile, she PINNED that Ukraine must win, Russia must loose, Ukraine, Russia, war, Ukraine, push Russia out, Ukraine…eh MY DEAR, are you KIDDING us? Commissioner of War?

Vannak OLYANOK, akik szerint ENNEK a rakétának a bevetése NEM eszkaláció. Haver, ez a rakéta MÁR KÉPES atomtöltetet is hordozni. Hogy ne lenne eszkaláció. A másik kedvencem: Putyin CSAK beszél. B*sszus… te meg elfogsz PORLADNI az atombombától. A LÉNYEG, hogy az oroszok NEM BLÖFFÖLNEK az atommal.

1000 days SINCE the start of another PROXY WAR between America and Russia in Ukraine. The COLD WAR DIDN’T end. It goes on to THIS day. How long will the world be in the SHADOW of these superpowers never ending STRUGGLE? This goes on EVERSINCE Europe lost it’s HEGEMONIC position in 1945.

It is a fair game for sure. But I just can’t be HAPPY for the deaths of anyone. Russians and Ukrainians. This COLD WAR fueled proxy war between America and Russia has to STOP. Once and for ALL!

Bluesky seems to be eating twitters lunch


Where are the 🦋 users from the European Union? Those are MY people!

What the h*ll is Commission President URSULA doing? She goes on USELESS diplomatic missions, talks about giving our souls to Ukraine WHILE the European unity is BREAKING TO PIECES! So does the European IDENTITY! It’s vanishing. Woman, get yourself together or LEAVE office.

Just so we’re clear - Any party telling you who you can love, what gender you are, which medicine you can take, which books you can read, which history you can learn, what prayers you should pray and what you can and cannot do with your own body, doesn’t give a fuck about freedom.

Europe is in DANGER today! The European leaders DON’T CARE ENOUGH about the real problems. The European Union is NOWHERE near where it SHOULD BE!

If there is ABSOLUTE truth in the WORLD, it’s this: SANITY wins over INSANITY! ALWAYS!