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Gamer and Hobbyist. Reliving my teenage years with Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar, Necromunda and Blood Bowl. Board game addict.
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Active Commenter What do you think are some particularly “Black Library” words used regularly, but uncommon in everyday conversation? I’ll start us off with “inexorable”, “ichor” and “susurration” 😅

Last night I played an opponent in AoS Matched Play who said that he was a competitive tournament player. I’m relatively new, only picking up the game in the last year. Idoneth vs Skaven It was a complete shitshow, and I’ve never played an opponent so poor with the rules. Roughly in order:

I’m increasingly finding the Citadel App to be way off for colours that resemble “official” GW schemes. Take this example for the Volkus terrain - the door. The app states a base of Caliban Green, shaded of Nuln Oil, then highlighted Warpstone Glow and Moot Green. But that won’t look like this!

Latest off the production line is this Warboss in Mega Armour… or should that be WAAAAAAAGH! Boss? #warhammer #ork

Some pictures from this weekend’s Warhammer 40K clash in which Orks and Necrons fought to recover explosive supplies from an urban battlefield. This was the White Dwarf scenario of the month, Volatile Assets, and it proved to be a blast in more ways than one! #warhammer

I’m used to seeing beautifully painted miniatures, but can I get a shoutout for the unsung heroes making terrain for their clubs so that we have beautiful boards to play on as well? Here’s my work in progress Sanctum Administratus - been going at this for about 3 weeks now! #warhammer

Managed a victory playing the Volatile Assets scenario from last month’s White Dwarf, even though my opponent tried to be a bit sneaky and “accidentally” used a 1200pt army in a 1000pt game.

I can’t help but feel a bit deflated after a recent AoS game against Nighthaunt. Having a flat 4+ save against *any* attack reduces everything to a 50/50 success, no matter what. After that, there’s a 6+ Ward save, easily reduced to 5+ for just 1CP. And then they can come back. #warhammer #aos

This was the last time in my recent game of AoS that things were going well for me! #warhammer #aos

Bastian Carthaloe making a desperate last-stand against Revenants and the Purple Sun of Shyish. #aos #warhammer

When painting glowing text in axes etc, one tip I learned from a much better painter than me (elminiturista) is to use a layer of watery white paint first. This flows into the runes quite easily and you can then add over any base coat you like - again, make it watery so it flows. #warhammer #aos

For those working with Citadel paints, as I do, I find a little bit of edge highlighting works wonders with scrolls and parchments. Paint across any ridges in your highlight colour, and all down the edges, including any little rips and tears. Colours used in ALT text.

I’m not a cosplayer, but I really admire people who go to great lengths to make hobby-related costumes and the skills they have. Watching real-life Space Marines clomp around a hallway always puts a smile on my face. It makes me happy to see people living their hobbies and having such fun with it.

I’m relatively new to painting Stormcast Eternals. One little tip when with the intricate shield designs is to complete the shade stage of the shield first. This gives a handy dark outline to the lightning. Paint in straight lines, downwards, and join the circle together. #warhammer #aos

Reclusion WIP. Still a long way to go with this one, but I love the new AoS Stormcast miniatures. Retributor Armour gives a great gold colour, but definitely needs a couple of coats to give a smooth base to start shading. #warhammer #aos