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Mom, wife, teacher
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What the actual fuck?? Did they really just treat Zelensky that disrespectfully?? 🤬🤬

Found out last night that my student loan that I have been paying on for over 30 years was forgiven. Now I’m terrified that it will be reversed. 🥴

The news is screwing with my mental health. Everyday when I get home from work it is something worse than the day before. When will someone stand up to him?? Why are our true leaders letting this continue??

Red White and Blueland?? Good lord they are 5 years old. How did we get here?

Finding joy in absolutely nothing.

Been feeling ‘off’ for awhile now. Very on edge. Rage-y. On the verge of tears. Impatient with everyone. Struggling to articulate anything. As far as I can get is F*CK!

I’m so exhausted. As if what is happening daily in the world isn’t bad enough, my husband hit a deer tonight. Like we have money to fix a new car. I hate everything right now.

When is the next protest in Nashville? Anyone know?

I really need this school year to be over. I’m tired. Kids are feral. Admin are stressed. Federal gov is…….well………🤬🤬🤬 Teachers are done.

Yall, check on your teacher friends. We are NOT okay. 😩😭

It’s a fresh new hell every day when I get home from work. 😵‍💫 I hate it here now. 😩😩😭😭

Hell of a week. All the EOs. MIL passes. Friend passes. Kid gets Flu A. Plane crash. State Republicans pass school vouchers taking $$ away from public schools. I can’t even articulate how I feel right now. 😭

What fresh hell has he caused today? 🥴

I’m in a reading slump. Have been for over a year. This is so unacceptable to me. I have tried to read. I can’t seem to settle my mind and focus enough to read anything. I hate it.

I’m struggling today/tonight. I’m exhausted….physically, mentally, emotionally. All the ways. I’m sad and disgusted. Life is so depressing and scary right now.

So, how do you reconcile needing to speak out, but knowing that doing so will possibly cost you your job and you have a family and already live paycheck to paycheck? Living in a red state is hard.

Everything just feels heavy. The job. They family. The world. All the things. I feel like I’m about to collapse under the weight. I’m a fixer and I can’t fix anything. It’s a horrible feeling.

The rage is real. 😤🤬🤬

Dream job? Own a small book store/coffee shop. Or own a food truck at the beach selling DoleWhip. What’s your dream job?

We had ‘Underground Spirit Week’ at school for the adults this week. It was so much fun! Favorite moments? Today was Freaky Friday….dress like students. One kid looks at all of us and says ‘This feels targeted.’ It was hilarious. Also, gaslighting them all week was fun. ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

Ahhhhhh……..Thanksgiving break. I made it!! A whole week off and then 3 more until Christmas break. Teaching this time of year is hard.

At what point are students going to be accountable for their own engagement? I’m not putting on a show. I’m teaching. At some point they need to take responsibility for paying attention.

I teach history. This week I taught the U.S. Constitution. Teaching the Preamble made me sad. The Bill of Rights was fun. Kids like to learn their rights. lol They don’t like that they apply to the government and not their parents. 🤣

It’s been a long week. 8th graders. A full moon. Two weeks before a break from school. Behaviors where………something. 🥴 I’ve god some kind of sinus crud too. So, yay me. 😵‍💫

Anyone read JR Ward?

Is this the positive place I need? Everywhere I go, it’s scary and sad. Angry. I’m angry. I need positive place to spend time.