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Your daily dose of GoBots: A new GoBot will be posted here everyday for you to appreciate (when I feel like it) (#1 Leader-1 fan)
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Royal-T (Annual): Royal-T was originally a loyal Guardian, going with Leader-1 to track Renegade signals in the Arctic and stopping Fitor from dropping an exploding toad on England, before he betrayed the Guardians and joined the Renegade army. First Appearance: 1986 Annual

Spike Stone: Spike Stone is a territorial and powerful Rockasaur that is a threat to both Good and Evil Rock Lords, and the enemy of Terra-Roc. Original Release: 1986 Released Under Rockasaurs Series: 1

Hans-Cuff (Annual): Hans-Cuff was present to police many Renegade schemes, including raising the alarms when Dr. Braxis activated his army of killer wax robots and battling the army of Renegades in the mountains. First Appearance: 1986 Annual

Helicopter and Transporter: Helicopter and Transporter is a Guardian Combinator from the Robo Machines continuity, who transforms from two vehicles to form an unstoppable robot! Original Release: 1985 Released Under Combinators Series: 1 Accessories: Helicopter Blade, Machine Gun

Road Ranger (Annual): Road Ranger helped to protect Earth from many Renegade schemes, like when he served as a sodium delivery truck to trap the Renegades and when he helped to capture Dr. Braxis. First Appearance: 1986 Annual

Tux (Annual): Tux was chosen by Cy-Kill to help take over Wilson Industries to manufacture Sorium. He later found Matt snooping and kidnapped him before Scooter sent the Guardians to stop their plan. He's also fucking terrifying. First Appearance: 1987 Annual

Cy-Kill (Annual): Cy-Kill led the Renegades across many schemes, including when he tried to harvest Magma Worms and kidnap the Guardians' allies. However, he always found his plans foiled, sometimes even getting thrown through a wall by Turbo. First Appearance: 1986 Annual

Scooter (Annual): Scooter, while not the bravest, still managed to help defeat the Renegades through their many schemes, including when he grew to giant size using electricity to stop Cop-Tur and saving millionaire Walter Wilson from Cy-Kill. First Appearance: 1986 Annual

Buggyman (Annual): Buggyman took part in many Renegade schemes, including attacking a power station guarded by the Guardians, subsequently facing off against Hans-Cuff and helping to build a new Zod. First Appearance: 1986 Annual

Cop-Tur (Annual): Cop-Tur took part in many Renegade plots across both GoBots annuals, including harvesting the Magma Worms and dangling Matt and A.J. high in the air to force the Guardians into surrender. First Appearance: 1986 Annual

Leader-1 (Annual): Leader-1 appeared in many of the stories featured in both GoBots annuals, leading the Guardians across many Renegade schemes, including being sent back to prehistoric Earth and stopping some mind-controlling exploding toads! First Appearance: 1986 Annual

Robo Kong: Robo Kong is a Robo Machine giant who lends his power to neither friendly or enemy side. He doesn't convert, but can move forward and back via remote control. He was released by Bandai under the Robo Machine line. Original Release: 1985

Toecutter: Toecutter was released by KFC Toys and was an homage to the original Cy-Kill design at Masterpiece scale, with an extremely cartoon accurate robot mode. He was a remold of KFC Toys previous Junkion mold, leading to a slightly odd bike mode. Original Release: 2022

Hoss: Hoss was the first GoBots homage released by X-Transbots, based on the original Road Ranger design. He is a retool of X-Transbots' previous Huffer homage and was followed by their Turbo homage. Original Release: 2014

Cocomone: Cocomone was released by DX9 shortly after their Cy-Kill homage Salmoore. She is an homage to the original Crasher design and is a redeco of DX9'S previous Invisible (Mirage). Original Release: 2015

Sonic: Sonic was released by X-Transbots and was an homage to the original Turbo design. He is a retool of the previously released Ollie (Wheelie) and released shortly after X-Transbots' Road Ranger homage. Original Release: 2014

Van Guardian: Van Guardian was a TFCon 2013 exclusive homage to the original GoBots Van Guard. He was a retool of the iGear Miniwarrior Hench, and was released alongside a similar Path Finder homage. Original Release: 2013

Shmulik: Shmulik was released by Newage and is based on the E-Hobby exclusive Treds design at Legends scale. Similarly to the original release, he is a recolour of Newage's previous Warpath figure. Original Release: 2024

Salmoore: Salmoore was released by DX9 and was a modernised version of the original Cy-Kill design, retaining his cartoon face with a more realistic alt mode. He was a retool of DX9's previous Wreck-Gar homage. Original Release: 2014

Narligator (Catalogue): Narligator, alongside a Narlihog and Terra-Roc, approached the heroic Rock Lords to give them an even greater problem than the evil Rock Lords devious scheme... First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Narlihog (Catalogue): The Narlihog and Narligator, as well as Terra-Roc, were spotted approaching by Marbles following the confrontation between the heroic and evil Rock Lords. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Terra-Roc (Catalogue): Following the confrontation between the heroic and evil Rock Lords, Marbles spotted the arrival of the terrifying Terra-Roc, along with the Narlies. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Pulver-Eyes (Catalogue): Pulver-Eyes and Boulder were discussing Magmar's absence on Quartex before the Evil Rock Lords appeared to ambush them, with Boulder being trapped in slime. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Slimestone (Catalogue): Slimestone and Magmar set a trap for Boulder, using his slime gun to cover the heroic Rock Lord in slime. Before they could defeat him, however, they were scared off by Marbles and Nuggit. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Nuggit (Catalogue): Nuggit arrived with Marbles to save Boulder and Pulver-Eyes from Magmar's devious trap, covering the evil Rock Lords with sand and scaring them off before the arrival of the Narlies. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Magmar (Catalogue): Magmar and his fellow evil Rock Lord Slimestone devised a devious scheme to stop the heroic Boulder dead in his tracks, covering him in slime, before being chased off by Marbles and Nuggit. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Marbles (Catalogue): Marbles arrived with Nuggit to save Boulder from Magmar and Slimestone's devious trap, but was quickly alerted to a new unforseen threat - the Rockasaurs and Narlies! First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Boulder (Catalogue): Across the universe, away from the Robo Machines battling on Earth, Boulder leads his heroic Rock Lords into a new battle with the enemy Rock Lords, with Magmar and Slimestone ambushing him. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Bismarck (Catalogue): Bismarck ambushed Dancougar in the street, taking on the friendly Robo Machine before they both swore to tear each other to pieces when they next met. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Dive-Dive (Catalogue): Dive-Dive was one of the friendly Robo Machines sent to protect the Earth from the invading enemy Robo Machines, with Leader-1 noting that he's unbeatable at sea. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Vamp (Catalogue): The Super Sized Vamp was attacking a city before Throttle and Spy-Eye appeared to fight back. However, she escaped them and years later was taken down by the Combinators. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Dancougar (Catalogue): Dancougar was formed when his members joined with Mammoth in the city following his fight with Traitor, where he then took on the evil Bismarck who appeared shortly after. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Scooter (Eraser): The Scooter eraser was released by Monogram in their series of collectable GoBots erasers. Much like the rest in the series, it was a pack of two erasers based on his robot and vehicle mode. Original Release: 1985

Traitor (Catalogue): Traitor joined the enemies years into the conflict, affirming to humans that he - a giant robot wasp named Traitor - was not on their side. He was then shot by Mammoth. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Helicopter and Transporter (Catalogue): As the battle for Earth dragged on for years, the Combinators were created, with Helicopter and Transporter being sent to attack the undefeated Vamp. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Throttle (Catalogue): Throttle took on the super-sized Vamp in the city, switching to his vehicle mode and charging at her, leaving her open to attack from Spy-Eye. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Pathfinder (Catalogue): Pathfinder was one of the friendly Robo Machines sent by Leader-1 to battle the invading enemy Robo Machines in order to protect the Earth. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Cy-Kill (Catalogue): Cy-Kill was developed on Gobotron eons ago by a mad scientist, who designed him to look like an Earth motorbike. He was then cloned into an army and sent to invade. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Leader-1 (Catalogue): Leader-1 was the head of the friendly Robo Machines on Earth when he spotted the army of Cy-Kills arriving to Earth. He quickly assembled his forces to meet the incoming threat. First Appearance: Challenge of the GoBots - A Robo Machine Product

Royal-T (Eraser): The Royal-T character eraser was released by Monogram and was a pack of two erasers, one featuring his robot mode and one featuring his jet mode, based on his toy design. Original Release: 1985

Snarlie-Narlie: Snarlie-Narlie is the biggest and baddest of the Narlies, towering over even the most powerful Rock Lords! Though much larger than his fellow Narlies, the toy featured the same gimmick. Original Release: 1987 Released Under Narlies Series: 2

Stun Stone: Good Shock Rock Stun Stone is a Good Rock Lord who stuns his enemies with his heavy weaponry (and presumably also with his flashy colour scheme). The toy transformed the same as the other two Shock Rocks. Original Release: 1987 Released Under Shock Rocks Series: 2