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I'll (try to) post daily pictures of the Cat V plush! She's a little loaf :3 | I follow back! (Unless I deem too NSFW, sorry in advance!) Run by:
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//IMPORTANT!! I'm going on a small hiatus from this account because I've not been in the best place mentally recently. I'll still be posting on my main, but for the time being, I won't be doing anything here. I'm so sorry, everyone, but I'm sure things will get better for me later!

Day 57! I havE DEfeETED the biG UZI! -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV

//No post tonight, sorry ya'll! I've been lying in bed basically all day with a hangover lmao... I will post tomorrow however!

Day 56!! Part 1 of 2(? Maybe)! SoME NCe firEWORks eVRY Now anD AGAin... -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV //I had planned to get a picture with fireworks, but I didn't get one, second post coming some time after midnight for me!

Day 55! I wONdeR wHAT the NW YEar wLl briNG... -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV //I've been terrible at posting at the right time, oopsie... A lot has been going on between Christmas and New Years so I've been pretty tired

Day 54! I fOUNd tHS shirT IT's cOOL... -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV //Realized that I am several hours late, so I just quickly thought of something simple that didn't require me leaving my room... (it's almost 2 AM)

Day 53! I cAN't GEt dOWN... -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV //Yesterday didn't happen, I didn't remember, then forget several times, I swear!

Day 52! WhaT a FUn fAMly! -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV //Special appearance of my family! Wacky picture and normal picture!

Special picture for tonight on! (Assuming it happens, lmao)

Day 51! MerRy CHrstMaS eVrYOne! I hopE YOu all GOt whT yoU wIsHEd for! #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV //Posts will be returning to normal, maybe a double post on New Years, tho I won't be home. We'll see!

Day 50! Part 4 of 4! I gOT sqUIshD, hLP... -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV //Last post for today, I just wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas Eve again, and I hope you get lots of good food, gifts, whatever you do. And if you don't celebrate it, have a nice day!

Day 50! Part 3 of ???! I gOT pREsnts... -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV

Day 50! Part 2 of ???! MeRrY ChRIstMs eVE FRom aLL Of us tO ALl of YOu! -V + everyone else! #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV

Day 50! Part 1 of ???! (I'll post more pictures today because it's Christmas Eve.) I fOUnd ThE TrEEts!!! -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV

Day 49! We'RE aLl REadY FOr ChrISTmaAS eVE tOMrrOw! ANd eVEn mOre fOR ChRstMAs DAy! -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV

Day 48! I aSKD N aNd UZi if ThEY KNw wHEre the CHrStmaS tREats arE. -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV

Day 47! I CoULdn'T fINd wHEre tHE TrEaTs WEre put... BT! I GOt aCcEPted INto the PLusHiE CoUnciL! -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV

Day 46! I maDE sMEthiNg, bUt I dIDn't gET a PIcTurE... MaYBe TmoRRow! -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV

Day 45! It'S a NiCE eVNing, bUT no SNw... -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV

Day 44! I DOn't kNW HOw I gOt uP hERe... -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV //LATE POST AGAIN, UGGHH. Sorry...

Day 43! I don't KnW wHAt tHs BAg iS FOr, sO I WEnt in iT. #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV //SORRY FOR LATE POST, I LOST TRACK OF TIME BECAUSE I GOT DISTRACTED LMAO

Day 42! I hEArd thIS gaME wS COol.. -V #MurderDrones #SerialDesignationV #SDV #MurderDronesV