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1. 16 SC foundation stitches in blue. Ch 1, turn. 2. 16 SC in blue. Ch 1 turn. 3. Do 2 rows 16 SC per color until done. Remembering to Ch1 and turn at the end of each row. Work over ends as you go all on one side, weave in final tail. #freecrochetpattern #youmatter #translivesmatter #animorphs

The unexpected muses are the best! Ive got hoofie alien badasses on the brain thanks to #Animorphs

I did a 10 minute video on #animorphs based on an action that #serrow could have made while giving the #yeerks the power of space flight. I feel this hypothetical action could have prevented the general hunger to more host bodies that started the onslaught of the yeerks against the entire universe.

This is a standard size envelope. In my pocket. Men's pockets are wild af. #menspockets

Look at this marvelous church sign that my church put up.

In #andalite society, a warrior who loses his tail is disgraced and known as a #vecol. This andalite turned his tail blade into a staff & studied human forms of fighting. It's told he is a formidable enemy in battle. #animorphs [This art is mine. Please credit if shared] I hope that I get the chance to meet you the next time you tour. You have been an inspiration my entire life, and I'm even [slowly] writing a book series because of you.

Got caught up with the holidays and forgot to post on here. I had a bunch of commission work going on. Finally made something that may be for me? It's a little snug, though, so idk. May have to go to someone with a smaller head than me.

Took this photo in my theatre. I'll be sad to be leaving this location soon, but promotions lay ahead! My goal is to one day return to this theatre. It feels like home.

Something Wicked this way comes! Come out to see #Wicked Part 1 in cinema! It's fabtastic!

Can't wait to show up to work today!

I love K. A. Applegate.

Super proud of my complete #animorphs book collection. Took me probably around 13 years to track them all down. ☺️

I'm excited to see Wicked tomorrow night!

Yall should go follow this spotify and then go buy her album and single on band camp. She's a lovely openly trans artist in the states and she deserves the follow. There is a track on band camp that isn't on spotify yet.

Crochet rat! This is Skylar Conover This song is so lovely and so powerful. Here is her band camp. Her Journey Home EP from 2022 is the only album up there. Throw her $4 and buy her album.