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Greece-based journalist and copy-editor. Ballinasloe sham.
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The most shameful day for the United States of America in any of our lifetimes.

A day that will live in infamy.

Jaw-dropping. Never seen anything like it.

On 15 March 1939 Hitler and his deputy summoned the Czech President to Hitler’s residence in Berlin and then bullied him to submitting to a German invasion of his country. They drove him to the point of physical collapse, threatening him until he eventually signed his country’s death warrant.

I really didn't think it would get this bad this quickly.

My mind drifts back to the people who told me that "all politicians are the same" and that it made "no difference" whether Harris or Trump won.

At the #Tempi rally in Corinth marking 2nd anniversary of railway disaster. Never seen anything like it. All shops/businesses are closed. Thousands of all ages at protest.

The White House has referred to Keir Starmer as the Prime Minister of ‘Great Britain and Ireland’.

"Yes, he really posted this” Monstrous

Just noticed that the website has been revamped. It's awful and comes a few weeks after the @NLIreland revamped the 1901/1911 census page, making a hames of it as well. Why "fix" things when they are not broken? Or without any consideration of users?

A new political landscape is emerging in Germany. Snap analysis of the German election result by Jens Bastian

#Merz fragt, wo die #Antifa war, als Walter #Lübcke ermordet wurde. Merz fragt, wo der Aufstand der Anständigen war, als Walter Lübcke ermordet wurde. Achtung: es kommen Fakten. Etwas, was Merz und #CDU nicht mögen. #thread

The young vote in Germany, by gender. 😳

This is quite funny. In his district (which happens to be most of my family’s district), Lindner got fewer votes than the FDP.

The second biggest party in Germany, the far-right AfD, is so extreme that the bloc of far-right parties in the EU expelled it. A prominent member refused to say NAZI SS members were criminals. It downplays the holocaust. It was strongly endorsed by Elon Musk. JD Vance also lent his support.

Die Linke are hitting nearly 30% in the city of Leipzig. AfD on around 21%. CDU in third, followed by the SPD & the Greens. Amazing result.

Left party most popular among first-time voters, with 27% of vote, up 19 points since last election #germanyvotes

That the Left party has almost bounced back from the dead to increase its parliamentary representation is the only consolation on a very grim day for Germany, where one in five voters backed the far-right AfD.

Merz has won, but what won't be mentioned by anyone at the CDU is that when he took over the party, Merz claimed he would return it to results better than anything Merkel achieved for the party in her time as Chancellor. At 29% he is still 3% below her worst result in 2017.

Wehrt euch, leistet Widerstand!

Heute vor 82 Jahren wurden Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl und ihr Mitstreiter Christoph Probst ermordet. Sie waren da gerade 21, 24 bzw. 23 Jahre alt. #AnDiesemTag 🧵

"Behind The Left’s revival is Heidi Reichinnek ... Clips of her fiery speeches have often gone viral, including one in which she attacked CDU chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz for weakening Germany’s postwar 'firewall' quarantine" against the AdD.

Elon Musk follows a select group of people on X, mostly world leaders, tech mogouls and celebrities. But he also follows a small number of fringe Irish characters who have an outsize influence on the multi-billionaire. Our investigation:

"This activity has not gone unnoticed by Irish officials who are concerned that the second most powerful person in the United States is getting his information about Ireland from extremist sources and then sharing that information with his 218 million followers."

Welche Konsequenzen haben die oft populistisch geführten Diskussionen rund um das Asylrecht für Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland? Unter anderem darüber werden wir am Dienstag (25.2.) mit dem Historiker und Publizisten Patrice Poutrus sprechen. Los geht’s um 19 Uhr, der Eintritt ist frei. #fcsp

The bribe mustn't have been enough... "Police stopped the vehicle for illegal tinted windows, and the foreign national allegedly offered money to avoid a fine and license suspension. Officers immediately arrested him on bribery charges."

The bulletin will be available from 5 p.m. for 24 hours on and Skai TV Hybrid.

The useful idiots are out in force tonight!

An oldie but goody from Gorgeous George

Das Massaker von #Hanau ist eine tiefe, offene Wunde auf meiner Seele. Nicht weil ich erlebt habe, was Opfer, Überlebende und ihre Angehörigen durch dieses rassistische Massaker erleiden mussten. Wohl aber, weil mir meine Erfahrungen sagen: Du warst gemeint. #HanauIstUeberall

„Tot sind wir erst, wenn man uns vergisst.“ (Ferhat Unvar) Wir klagen um Fatih Saraçoğlu, Ferhat Unvar, Gökhan Gültekin, Hamza Kurtović, Kaloyan Velkov, Mercedes Kierpacz, Said Nesar Hashemi, Sedat Gürbüz, Vili Viorel Păun.

Descendants of Holocaust survivors marked the 76th anniversary of Cypriot internment camps’ closure in Feb. 1949. About 2,200 babies were born in Cypriot internment camps that held some 52,000 survivors, in the aftermath of World War II. An story

Jewish man in Florida tries to murder two Israeli tourists thinking they're Palestinians. The victims subsequently claim they were the target of an "antisemitic" attack and post “death to the Arabs” in a message on social media after the shooting.

Athens’ Irish community and its many friends will celebrate Ireland’s national holiday a week early at the annual Greek-Irish Society St Patrick’s Day Gala Ball at the Hotel Grande Bretagne on March 8.

"Notably, transcripts are missing from 11.30 p.m. on June 13 to 2.20 a.m. on June 14 ... The Adriana sank at 2.06 a.m. on June 14."

Who knew under a World War Two reparations agreement, Bulgaria had to supply Greece with water?

Kathimerini report on the blatantly illegal construction work on Santorini that is is taking place under the nose of the authorities

Local media report the suspect has a history of political activity with the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party and previously ran for parliament.

A victim in #Sweden's mass murder, Bassam Al Sheleh. A father of two who came to Sweden from Syria. Worked making bread and food, and on days when he had Swedish language classes -- where he would be killed -- he would start at 4-5am, then work late after classes. Loved TikTok.

In what other country would it take almost two years for video evidence of a railway disaster that claimed 57 lives to miraculously surface? #Tempi

Musk has sicced his followers on the WSJ writer who reported on a DOGE staffer’s racist online, history demanding her firing. This is a tactic Silicon Valley’s neoreactionaries have been advocating for years: Pick a reporter, dox and harrass, make an example of them, make everyone else afraid.

I don't have a lot of confidence in Elon's process, let me put it that way