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Web professional, sports enthusiast, home cook... When not at my computer, I'm usually fishing, hacking golf balls or experimenting in the kitchen.
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Shrimp & Veggies with Angel Hair Pasta #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #shrimpandveggiepasta #shrimppasta #shrimpandveggies #angelhairpasta #angelhair #pasta #shrimp #onions #garlic #spinach #mushrooms #cherrytomatoes #oliveoil #butter #crushedredpepper #parmesancheese

Spicy Breakfast Tacos #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #breakfasttacos #breakfast #tacos #spicy #scrambledeggs #eggs #potato #onion #greenpepper #mushrooms #tomato #jalepenos #cholulahotsauce #hotsauce #flourtortillas

Shrimp Fried Rice #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #shrimpfriedrice #friedrice #shrimp #onions #egg #scrambledeggs #peasandcarrots #beansprouts #scallions #wok

Pizza & Salad #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #pizzaandsalad #pepperoniandsausagepizza #pepperonipizza #sausagepizza #pepperoni #sausage #pizza #salad #romainelettuce #radicchio #cherrytomatoes #onions #pimentos #italiandressing #parmesancheese

Homemade Chicken & Stars Soup #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #chickenandstarssoup #chickenandstars #soup #chicken #onions #celery #carrots #pastina #chickenbroth #crackers #homemade #soupseason

Roasted Herb Chicken, Rice & Pasta Blend, Steamed Broccoli #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #roastedherbchicken #roastedchicken #herbchicken #roasted #herb #chicken #chickenthighs #riceandpastablend #rice #pasta #steamedbroccoli #broccoli

Spicy Cajun Shrimp Pasta #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #spicycajunshrimppasta #spicyshrimppasta #cajunshrimppasta #spicy #cajun #shrimppasta #shrimp #pasta #fettuccine #onion #greenpepper #garlic #mushrooms #scallions #spicycreamsauce #creamsauce #cayennepepper #cayenne

Crispy Cod Fish Nuggets with Homemade Tartar Sauce #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #crispycodfishnuggets #crispy #codfishnuggets #codfish #cod #fishnuggets #fish #nuggets #homemadetartaresauce #tartarsauce #appetizer

Breakfast Tacos #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #breakfasttacos #breakfast #tacos #spicy #scrambledeggs #eggs #potato #onion #greenpepper #jalepenos

Garbanzo Bean Soup #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #garbanzobeansoup #spanishbeansoup #garbanzos #ham #chorizo #onion #greenpepper #potatoes #soup #soupseason

Fresh batch of Garbanzo Bean Soup #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #garbanzobeansoup #spanishbeansoup #soup #garbanzobeans #chickpeas #ham #chorizo #potatoes #onion #greenpepper #garlic Link to the recipe:

Chicken Tenders, Chili with Cheese and Onions, French Fries #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #chickentenders #chicken #tenders #richandmeatychili #chili #cheese #onions #frenchfries #freshcutfries

Blackened Shrimp Caesar Salad #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #blackenedshrimpcaesarsalad #blackenedshrimp #shrimp #shrimpcaesarsalad #shrimpcaesar #caesarsalad #caesar #salad #lunch

Homemade Sushi Rolls #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #homemadesushi #homemade #sushi #maki #makiroll #sushiroll #rice #crab #cucumber #avocado #nori #wasabi #pickledginger #soysauce

Crab Chowder and Salad #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #soupandsalad #crabchowder #crabsoup #crab #chowder #soup #cheese #crackers #salad #lettuce #radicchio #radish #carrot #tomato #onion #croutons #honeymustard #lunch

Crab Chowder #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #crabchowder #crab #chowder #crabsoup #soup #potato #leeks #carrot #celery #crabstock #cream #cheese #garlicbread

Shrimp Cocktail #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #shrimpcocktail #shrimp #appetizer #oldbayseasoning #oldbay #spicycocktailsauce #cocktailsauce #lemon

Smashburger & Fries #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #smashburger #hamburger #burger #lettuce #tomato #onion #mayo #mustard #ketchup #frenchfries #fries #freshcutfries

Baked Ham, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Corn #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #bakedham #ham #hamandpotatoes #mashedpotatoesandgravy #mashedpotatoes #gravy #corn

Mojo Roasted Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #mojoroastedchicken #mojochicken #roastedchicken #mojo #chicken #scallopedpotatoes #greenbeans

Loaded Baked Potato & Salad #testkitchen #allkindsofrecipes #loadedbakedpotatoand #loadedpotato #bakedpotato #butter #cheese #bacon #sourcream #chives #salad #lettuce #tomato #onion #mushrooms #cheddar #croutons #ranch #lunch

Veggie & Cheese Omelette, Avocado, Wheat Toast #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #veggieandcheeseomlette #spinachmushroomoniongreenpepper #cheeseomelette #veggieomelette #veggie #vegetable #omelette #eggs #spinach #mushrooms #onion #greenpepper #cheese #garlic #avocado #oliveoil #wheattoast #toast

Chicken & Andouille Sausage Gumbo with Rice #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #chickenandandouillesausagegumbo #chickenandandouillegumbo #chickenandsausagegumbo #chickenandandouillesausage #chickenandsausage #chicken #andouillesausage #gumbo #whiterice #rice #scallions

Chicken & Andouille Sausage Gumbo #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #chickenandandouillesausagegumbo #chickenandandouillegumbo #chickenandsausagegumbo #chickenandandouillesausage #chickenandsausage #gumbo

Fried Eggs, Avocado & Wheat Toast #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #friedeggs #sunnysideup #eggs #sunnysideupeggs #avocado #oliveoil #wheattoast #toast #butter #breakfast

Egg Fried Rice #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #eggfriedrice #friedrice #egg #scrambledeggs #onions #peasandcarrots #peas #carrots #scallions #rice #wok

Roasted Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #roastedtomatosoup #roastedtomatoes #tomatosoup #grilledcheesesandwich #grilledcheese #sandwich #soupandsandwich #soupseason

Habanero Hot Wings, Steamed Shrimp & French Fries #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #habanerohotwings #habanerowings #habanero #wings #buffalowings #hotwings #hotbuffalowings #chickenwings #spicy #steamedshrimp #shrimp #frenchfries #fries #drawnbutter #bluecheese #ketchup #barfood #barfoodnight

Ham & Eggs Fried Rice #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #hamandeggsfriedrice #hamfriedrice #eggfriedrice #friedrice #ham #onions #egg #scrambledeggs #peasandcarrots #scallions #rice #wok

Jerk Chicken, Black Beans & Rice, Platanos #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #jerkchicken #jerk #chicken #chickenthighs #thighs #chickendrumsticks #drumsticks #blackbeansandrice #blackbeans #whiterice #rice #platanos #platanosmaduros #platanosfritos #caribbeancuisine #caribbeanfood #caribbeanflavor

Jerk Chicken #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #jerkchicken #jerk #chicken #chickenthighs #thighs #chickendrumsticks #drumsticks

Nachos #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #nachos #cheese #jalepenos #tomato #onion #avocado #lettuce #salsa #tortillachips #sourcream

Spicy Chicken & Mushroom Ramen #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #spicy #ramen #chickenandmushroomramen #chickenramen #chicken #softboiledegg #boiledegg #jammyeggs #mushrooms #cilantro #scallions #sriracha

Honey Habanero Hot Wings & French Fries #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #honeyhabanerohotwings #habanerohotwings #honeyhabanerowings #habanerowings #honey #habanero #wings #buffalowings #hotwings #hotbuffalowings #chickenwings #spicy #sweet #frenchfries #fries #bluecheese #ranch #ketchup #barfood

Fried Eggs, Rice & Avocado #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #friedeggsandrice #eggsandrice #friedeggs #eggs #sunnysideup #rice #whiterice #avocado #oliveoil #scallions

Chicken & Artichoke Pasta #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #chickenartichokepasta #chickenartichoke #chickenpasta #pasta #grilledchicken #chicken #artichokes #onions #pimentos #scallions #alfredosauce #ziti

Spinach, Mushroom, Onion & Cheese Omelette, Potatoes O'Brien, Wheat Toast #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #spinachmushroomonioncheeseomlette #spinachmushroomonion #cheeseomelette #veggieomelette #omelette #eggs #spinach #mushrooms #onion #cheese #potatoesobrien #wheattoast

Veggie Cheeseburgers with Fries #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #veggiecheeseburger #veggieburger #cheeseburger #veggie #cheese #burger #americancheese #lettuce #tomato #redonion #mayo #mustard #ketchup #fries #frenchfries #freshcutfries

Ham & Eggs Fried Rice #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #hamandeggsfriedrice #hamfriedrice #eggfriedrice #friedrice #ham #onions #egg #scrambledeggs #peasandcarrots #scallions #rice #wok

Grilled Pork Chop with Sauteed Onions, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Sweet Peas #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #grilledporkchop #porkchop #sauteedonions #onions #garlic #mashedpotatoesandgravy #mashedpotatoes #gravy #sweetpeas #butteredpeas #peas #comfortfood

Habanero Hot Wings, Steamed Shrimp & French Fries #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #habanerohotwings #habanerowings #habanero #wings #buffalowings #hotwings #hotbuffalowings #chickenwings #spicy #steamedshrimp #shrimp #frenchfries #fries #freshcutfries #drawnbutter #bluecheese #barfood #barfoodnight

Spicy Chicken & Mushroom Ramen #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #spicy #ramen #chickenandmushroomramen #chickenramen #chicken #softboiledegg #boiledegg #jammyeggs #mushrooms #cilantro #scallions #sriracha

Beef Sausage with Sauteed Green Peppers, Onions & Garlic, Wild Rice, Broccoli #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #smokedbeefsausage #smokedsausage #beefsausage #sauteedpeppersanonions #peppersandonions #greenpeppers #onions #garlic #wildrice #steamedbroccoli #broccoli

Grilled Chicken Salad #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #grilledchickensalad #chickenbreast #grilledchicken #salad #iceberglettuce #lettuce #redcabbage #carrots #tomato #redonion #mushrooms #cheese #croutons #ranch

Sausage, Beans & Greens Soup #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #sausagebeansandgreenssoup #sausagebeansandgreens #soup #kielbasasausage #sausage #garbanzobeans #garbanzos #beans #collardgreens #collards #greens #potatoes #onions #greenpepper #garlic #porkstock #soupseason

Grilled Chicken Tacos with Chips & Salsa #allkindsofrecipes #testkitchen #grilledchickentacos #grilledchicken #chickentacos #chicken #tacos #lettuce #tomato #pickledredonions #pickledjalapenos #cheese #flourtortillas #chipsandsalsa #tortillachips #salsa #tacotuesday