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Im Darksilvania on Instagram, Deviantart and Tumblr and I make fakemons
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Regular Folks: "Why is Totodile in Pokemon A-Z?" Me, an Intellectual:

COORIER (Flying/Psychic) The Messenger Pokemon Since I didn't make anything new for valentine's day, I'm gonna take this chance to post this old one that I hadn't posted here before, Im still very proud of them

I also do fakemon ✏🦎

Cochimir y Mantecarni, tipo tierra y fuego. Toman largas siestas en el barro, su calor corporal tan elevado termina endureciéndolo para cuando despiertan. Cochimir and Mantecarni, ground and fire type. They take long naps in the mud, their body heat harden it up by the time they wake up. #fakemon

Cinkax, rediseño sencillo. Cinkax, design upgrade. #fakemon

Telecroma, tipo fantasma y psíquico. Poseen televisiones y le juegan bromas y sustos a los humanos, usan sus colores para hipnotizar. Telecroma, ghost and psychic type. They possess TVs and scare and play pranks on humans, they use their colors to hypnotize. #fakemon

Hematoto y Fulgorror, tipo siniestro y bicho. La luz en su abdomen atrae y entorpece a presas pequeñas, al atraparlas las dejan sin sangre. Hematoto and Fulgorror, dark and bug type. The light in their abdomen attracts and hinder little prey, when they catch them, they drain their blood. #fakemon


Saw this meme going around and felt this 2 were perfect for it

ay me gustaron como se ven juntos <3

Palomantra, tipo hada y volador. Sus parvadas cantan en frecuencias que calman y dan paz a quien les escucha, aman el pan. Palomantra, fairy and flying type. Their flocks sing in frequencies that calm and give peace to those who listen, they love bread. #fakemon

Mapapunk, tipo siniestro y acero. Sus pelajes estan llenos de óxido de acero, lo que les dá su color, son rebeldes, montoneros y territoriales. Mapapunk, dark and steel type. Their fur is full of steel oxide, giving them their olor, they're rebelious, prone to gang up and territorial. #fakemon

Tlascuas, tipo fantasma y fuego. Muy empático, usa su cola en fuego para defenderse de quien percibe tiene malas intenciones. Tlascuas, ghost and fire type. Very empathetic, it uses its tail on fire to defend from those who it perceives has bad intentions. #fakemon

Xicamaco, Lagrimina y Llorobora, tipo fantasma y agua. Lloran cerca de los cuerpos de agua para atraer víctimas y arrancarles el alma de un susto. Xicamaco, Lagrimina and Llorobora, ghost and water type. They cry close to bodies of water to attract victims and rip off their souls. #fakemon

Finished my 2025 banner! SNEK TIME!

Herssiah, tipo normal. El receptor de los regalos de los 3 sabios y su protegido, conocido como el nuevo rey y que protegerá al mundo en el momento necesario. Herssiah, normal type. The receiver of the gifts of the 3 sages and their protege, known as the new king who'll protect the world. #fakemon

Mórtazar, tipo planta y hada. Amable y generoso, el tercero de los 3 sabios, concede salud del cuerpo y sabiduría de lo natural. Mórtazar, grass and fairy type. Kind and generous, the third of the 3 sages, grants health of the body and wisdom of the natural world. #fakemon

Ketorpar, tipo fuego y fantasma. Templado y empático, el segundo de los 3 sabios, concede fuerza espiritual y sabiduría del alma. Ketorpar, fire and ghost type. Tempered and empathetic, the second of the 3 sages, grants spiritual strength and wisdom of the soul. #fakemon

Melzahav, tipo agua y acero. Valiente y protector, el primer miembro de los 3 Sabios, concede riqueza material y sabiduría en el liderazgo. Melzahav, water and steel type. Brave and protector, the first of the 3 sages, grants material abundance and leadership wisdom. #fakemon

First work of the Year, a new pfp to celebrate the year of the snake

2025 is the year of the snake, so which one of this snake-based fakes would you like to see finished first for next year? Also, if you have any snake based fakemon, why not share it for all to see!

ghosts of christmas from last year!

Picking up from where I left off, there’s only one more left after this!! Anyways, have Lucario X Blaidd, and Hatterene X Ranni! #pokemon #eldenring #art #fakemon

Next Elden-Mon on the docket: Druddigon mixed with the Dragonkin Soldier and Barbaracle mixed with Godrick the Grafted! #pokemon #eldenring #art #fakemon

MISSEL, HOLLEAF, MISSELANGE & HOLLIDRAKE Another set of Seasonal fakemon that has been finally finished after so many years, I even had to do a bit of redesigning, but in the end I really like how things came out, and just in time for the holidays

Another Elden-mon for today! Phantump and Trevenant mixed with the Ulcerated Tree Spirit. #pokemon #eldenring #fakemon #art

The next Elden-mon on deck: Golett and Golurk combined with the giant golems! #pokemon #eldenring #fakemon #art

Next Elden-Mon set: Ursaring runebear and Caelid Corviknight! #pokemon #eldenring #fakemon #art

Our next Elden-mon: Pope Torkoal and Flaming Chariot Octillery! #pokemon #eldenring #fakemon #art

Our next Elden-mon is Yamask and Cofagrigus crossed with the Iron Virgins! #pokemon #eldenring #fakemon #art

Next up: Tangela and Tangrowth but WORMS! #pokemon #eldenring #fakemon #art

Continuing where I left off Here’s Tyrunt and Tyrantrum mixed with the Giant Dogs in Caelid #eldenring #pokemon #fakemon #art

Next on the docket: Sinistea and Polteageist combined with Iron Fist Alexander! (My personal favorites) #eldenring #pokemon #fakemon #art

Starting off with the two that kicked this series off! Voltorb and Electrode combined with the Graven Mass #art #pokemon #fakemon #eldenring

LWYSBRYD (Ghost/Ice) Finally finished this one, it only took me 3 years... It had to be done during the holiday season considering the subject matter, but it is finally done. It comes in 4 different color variants, the colors are purely cosmetic and they do not affect the pokemon