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Builder of web things. Still hacking every day. Building
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Watched "Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves" with the family again tonight. That movie is a lot better than it has a right to be. It really nails the "tone" of DnD with a mixture of camp and sincerity.

This is for all you #ttrpg and #dnd fans out there! Super stoked to show off the latest addition to Table Slayer: tokens! We've added support for three token sizes, several different shapes and customizable colors, text and images. Interested? Sign up for the beta👇🏻 Building with

Built a custom styled text editor that outputs an AST today using TipTap. This would have taken me over a month and a small team before. You young devs are so spolied.

Oh man. I'm a 45 year old Dad who is hosting a laser tag party for my son this month. This could be prophecy.

Have not had to build a text editor in a long time. Pleasantly surprised at how nice the ecosystem is these days.

Really didn't think it would be possible to make Table Slayer work in mobile, but here we are. Still need to fix some of the flashing during update, but the core work is done. Mostly a lot of fancy container queries. Showing off a nice map from

Drag and drop scene reordering. Need to fix the "flash" that's happening during re-hydration. Do any svelte fans have any good patterns for how to wait / respond once invalidateAll() is run? I load all my data server side initially.

Bit the bullet and tried out the new Claude. It took 3-4 tries and some miss starts, but it figured out how to upgrade ESLint from v8-v9 in my complicated turbo repo. That's worth the entry fee.

Which makes more sense for keymap hints? I think I using Caps + the shift makes it more readable even if it isn't technically correct? Need to make a better icon for "Freehand" obviously.

Tone mapping naming is confusing. "Linear" means no tone mapping, Neutral means "actually, we're applying some color correction here". I feel tone mapping symbolizes how I learn. I was the kid that adjusted that box "till things looked right". For nearly 30 years I never knew what it was.

Looking through some old Steam screenshots I found my Saint's Row Prince run.

I have now fixed three fence lines for my puppy, who loves to sneak out. Today, I spent an hour fixing the last of it, then turned around to put my tools away. I then watched my dog sprint to the fence line barking. Next thing I know he's in the neighbor's yard. I think he's full on leaping it.

Pretty close to wiring up all the different effects that Table Slayer can provide. Let's take a nice bridge map and add some ground fog, some falling embers, and put everything in spaaaaace!

My puppy as soon as I sit down in the morning to work.

Wired up the edge texture controls in Table Slayer. The level of variation that you can get now starting with a typical flat battle map is getting pretty large.

Tonight I'm wiring up the artwork for the verify your email page on Table Slayer. More awesome art from Tempted to add some Three JS stuff in that portal as you enter the code. Need to change the form to a pin input still.

My wife last year: "I don't think I need to go to concerts anymore". My wife this year: "We should get Sturgil Simpson tickets". As you wish.

Pretty happy with the SNL anniversary show last night. Sort of wild to me that I wore out a VHS tape of the 15th anniversary when I was a kid and am still watching the show.

Pretty confident that Table Slayer is in the "weeks" range for beta release at this point. I need to clean up some views, and wire up some new effects into the scene editor. The rest is all chore work around marketing pages or mobile.

Someone needs to make a fantasty / scifi version of DoorKickers. That series has some of the tightest controls in gaming.

I love working in Svelte. Every time I write the code class="someComponent" I say a silent thank you to the Svelte devs. It is so fun to write regular ol' HTML and CSS in my files.

YES! Can't wait for Spring.

Finished watching Shogun. Brought me back to being a 13 year old kid with that massive book in my hands. Pretty cool to revisit that world. Super well done.

Another #TableSlayer update! This last week I continued to refine the post-processing effects (bloom, DOF, LUTs, tonemapping, etc.) and also added some new weather types. Starting to look polished! 🏆 #ttrpg #dnd #threejs #webgl