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Happy #McInerneyMonday #POstables one of my favorite Shane and Rita moments to kick off Women’s History Month. These two are my favorite set of besties. 🫶🏻 #SignedSealedDelivered

What’s the hold up You’ve got another #SSD movie in the can and the #POstables are waiting in their droves to see #ToTheMoonAndBack Make the announcement for that and many more movies today 🙏💌

UK 🇬🇧 #POstables don’t forget that GREAT!movies are still showing #SSD every week night at 5pm. Tonight’s movie is #FromTheHeart So much miscommunication between our couples in this one 💔

#POstables #McInerneyMonday Shane knows who she is and uses her amazing talents to help others. She feels empathy for her friends and those they help during their investigations. We miss our Miss McInerney! Bring on #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

#POstables mark your calendars for the mini #SignedSealedDelivered marathons coming soon!!

#POstables #ShaneSndOliverSunday This amazing couple always gives us #SomethingGood in the romance department. We’re ready for more looks, kisses, porch swing scenes, and dancing in #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD #WeAreFOREVERPOstables

#POstables #ShaneSunday #SomethingGood Shane always gives her all to every dead letter mystery, even if she has to bend a few rules with her hacking skills! We’re ready to see how she handles the next dead letter mystery in #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD

#POstables #SuperSevenSaturday #ATaleOfThreeLetters was a very special movie. We are ready to see our Super Seven in the next very special movie, #ToTheMoonAndBack! We’re ready for more #SignedSealedDelivered! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #WeAreFOREVERPOstables

#POstables #FabulousFiveFriday They tackle difficult subjects and present heartbreaking scenes, but they show us that forgiveness, compassion, and kindness always win in the end. We miss our Fabulous Five! We’re ready for #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD

It’s Fantastic #Fab5Friday‼️ What do you call a Fantastic writer and 4 Fantastic actors that have been together since 2013❓ The #Fab5 of #SignedSealedDelivered‼️ #POstables want to know when we can see them again in #ToTheMoonAndBack🌙❓ #MoreSSD‼️ #DarrenAbbott

#POstables #ThankfulThursday Today we are thankful for unforgettable scenes like the dance scene in #TheMasterpiece! There are so many unforgettable scenes in #SignedSealedDelivered. We’re ready for more in #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

#POstables tonight’s movie on UK tv is #TruthBeTold We get to meet Papa Joe for the first time. He’s been on #TeamShOliver from day one. Just wait until he hears about the baby! Oliver will be a wonderful Dad because he learned from the best💌

#POstables #WindbackWednesday #Soulmates Our two sets of #Soulmates had some very funny lines in this episode. There were also some sad and touching moments. We’re ready for more laughter and tears in #ToTheMoonAndBack and more! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

#POstables #SSDForChristmas was on tv here last night and I have to say that jealous Oliver is the gift that keeps on giving 😉 and a worthy subject for #WindbackWednesday 😊 We need Oliver & Shane back in #ToTheMoonAndBack asap 🙏💌

It’s Welcoming #WindbackWednesday‼️ Forgiving, opening his heart, and leaning on Shane…Oliver Welcomes his dad back in his life‼️ This healing is a step closer for Oliver & Shane‼️ #POstables are Welcoming #ToTheMoonAndBack🌙 Anytime & anywhere‼️ #MoreSSD‼️ #DarrenAbbott

If home is where the heart is then Oliver is definitely Shane’s home, & she is his 🥰 The #POstables are beyond excited to see them in their new home so please announce the air date for #ToTheMoonAndBack asap 🙏💌

It’s Outstanding #OTooleTuesday‼️ #POstables we’re excited when #ATaleOfThreeLetters💌💌💌 came out to see Oliver & Shane navigate married life with working together‼️ We can’t wait for #ToTheMoonAndBack🌙 to find out more about #BabyPToole‼️ #MoreSSD‼️ #DarrenAbbott

Happy O’Toole Tuesday #POstables “The tabernacle of love.” Shane’s facial expression cracks me up 😂 #ShOliver #SignedSealedDelivered

#POstables #OTooleTuesday From the beginning, these two have challenged each other. They not only have romantic chemistry. They have intellectual chemistry. Through it all, they always have each other’s back! We’re ready for more! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

#POstables #McInerneyMonday #TTSL Shane can tell us so much with just a look. We are ready for more Shane expressions in #ToTheMoonAndBack and many more #SignedSealedDelivered movies! #BabyOToole #BabyDorman #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD #WeAreFOREVERPOstables

Happy #McInerneyMonday #POstables Shane is curious and contemplative about Dunbarton Oakes but…waits it out makes me quite proud. #SignedSealedDelivered

#POstables #ShaneAndOliverSunday Sparks started flying at the coffee cart, and the chemistry between Shane and Oliver grew into a beautiful love story. We are ready for #ToTheMoonAndBack and many more! #BabyOToole #BabyDorman #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

#POstables #ShaneSunday From the very beginning, Shane changed the DLO and everyone in it, especially Oliver. #SignedSealedDelivered had an amazing beginning and just kept getting better. We are ready for #ToTheMoonAndBack and many more! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD

It’s a Sunny #Super7Saturday‼️ Music plays such an important part in #SignedSealedDelivered‼️ Music can evoke many emotions, like #POstables feeling excited about the announcement of #ToTheMoonAndBack🌙 #MoreSSD‼️ #DarrenAbbott

#POstables #SwooningSaturday Right from the start, these two have had swoonerific moments. They have unbelievable chemistry! We want them back soon! Please give us a premiere date for #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

It’s been way too long On this #SuperSevenSaturday the #POstables are asking you again to announce the air date for #ToTheMoonAndBack and get these seven stars back on our screens 🙏💌

#POstables #FabulousFiveFriday #ATaleOfThreeLetters was the most recent installment of #SignedSealedDelivered. Our Fabulous Five knocked it out of the park! We are ready for #ToTheMoonAndBack and more! #BabyOToole #BabyDorman #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

It’s Talented #ThankfulThursday‼️ With such a Talented writer & Talented cast how can #POstables not be Thankful for all the #SignedSealedDelivered‼️ There is still #ToTheMoonAndBack🌙 that needs to be aired…when will we hear❓ #MoreSSD‼️ #DarrenAbbott

This #ThankfulThursday the #POstables are so grateful to for creating this incredible show & to our amazingly talented cast for bringing her characters to life. Please announce the next movie & #RenewSSD asap 🙏💌

#POstables #ThankfulThursday We waited for SO LONG for this magnificent wedding. We were thankful we finally got to see our favorite couple tie the knot. Now we’re waiting AGAIN for a premiere date for #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

#POstables this #WindbackWednesday let’s remind ourselves of this beautiful scene with Oliver & Shane and let’s also remind that we are still awaiting an air date for #ToTheMoonAndBack It’s past time to #RenewSSD

It’s Wise #WindbackWednesdsy‼️ In “The Impossible Dream”the #POstables were Wise & solved a coded letter, brining Randilynn back to her daughter‼️ Be Wise & let us know when #ToTheMoonAndBack🌙 will be aired. We want to see them working together again‼️ #DarrenAbbott

#POstables #WindbackWednesday Let’s all raise our glasses and toast this amazing movie, these wonderful actors, and their brilliant creator! To the #POstables! To #SignedSealedDelivered! To a premiere date for #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

Happy O’Toole Tuesday #POstables #ShOliver holding onto each other 🫶🏻 I adore this scene. 🫶🏻 Shane knew that Oliver needed this moment. 🫶🏻 #SignedSealedDelivered

It’s Outstanding #OTooleTuesday‼️ What could be better than… A perfect wedding A magical honeymoon Another O’Toole coming into the world❓ #POstables would love to see what the future holds for this Outstanding family‼️ in #ToTheMoonAndBack🌙 #MoreSSD‼️ #DarrenAbbott

#POstables #OTooleTuesday Shane and Oliver - colleagues - friends - a thing - going steady - in a relationship - boyfriend and girlfriend - engaged - married - and finally expectant parents! We can’t wait for more! #ToTheMoonAndBack #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD is always fun to watch. I'm excited to see her latest work!

Happy #McInerneyMonday #POstables Shane making Mondays less Monday with her radiant smile. 😁🫶🏻☺️🥹🫶🏻 #SignedSealedDelivered

Calling all UK 🇬🇧 #POstables Exciting news! Tonight starts another run of #SignedSealedDelivered on GREAT!movies every weeknight at 5pm, & for those of you who haven’t seen it #TheVowsWeHaveMade is being shown on Saturday at 12.40pm. Enjoy! 💌

#POstables #McInerneyMonday In #HomeAgain, Dale told Oliver that Shane likes to color outside the lines. Oliver always follows the rules. When you put the two together, you get something beautiful! We are so ready for #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD

It’s Staple #SuspenderSunday‼️ Although Suspenders are a Staple of Oliver, it’s not the only thing that makes him Oliver… Love of words‼️ Attention to detail‼️ Love for Shane Will #POstables see a new “Staple” in #ToTheMoonAndBack🌙❓ #MoreSSD #DarrenAbbott

The #POstables knew that Shane & Oliver were smitten from the very start but we had to wait a very long time to see them finally get together. We don’t want to wait another 10 years for #ToTheMoonAndBack so please give us an air date asap 🙏💌

#POstables #ShaneAndOliverSunday These two in #HigherGround were excellence personified. Every movement, expression, and word were expertly performed! We want more Shane and Oliver! and Eric Mabius are the best! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD

#POstables #ShaneSunday Shane went through many emotions in #HigherGround. She went from the highest highs to the lowest lows and back again. We enjoyed every moment! We can wait for more #SignedSealedDelivered! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD

#POstables "Mystery Island Winner Takes All" preview is available at link below: Premieres on @hallmarkmystery 3/13 @ 8pm (e) & includes as a New York Times award winning mystery novelist! Mark ur calendars & support Kristin in this movie!

#POstables #SwooningSaturday “I will see you on Monday, Shane.” “I was just so grateful!” “Thank you for saving my life!” There were so many swooning moments in #LostWithoutYou. We are ready for #ToTheMoonAndBack! #DarrenAbbott #RenewSSD #LoveLikeSSD the #POstables don’t need flowers, chocolates or fancy restaurants for Valentines Day. We just need your announcement that we’re gonna see #ToTheMoonAndBack on our screens asap. Do it today and #RenewSSD for more movies while you’re at it 🙏💌