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Peace & conflict, societies & languages in Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Russia, Georgia Nonviolent Communication (NVC) trainer, dialogue and process facilitator. Author. Cyclist. Human. attempting to put #NVCinpractice
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The accuracy of the political cartoons recently is incredibly painful.

5 ways you can support Ukraine — even if your government doesn't want to #Ukraine

With all the calls from the US for Zelenskyy to be replaced or step down, Ukrainians are now starting to worry about their president's safety. Zelenskyy is a legitimately elected president with a 65%+ approval rating in Ukraine. Remember, Russia had tried to assassinate him many times since 2022

This is Marco Rubio explaining how the USA promised to defend Ukraine forever if they got rid of their nuclear arsenal left after the Soviet Union fell. This is why lil marco was sinking into the couch. He was hoping we wouldn’t find it…so don’t RT right now this very second.

Ik heb een verzoek aan mijn vrienden in mijn Bluesky bubbel. Ik zie dat de meerderheid overgegaan is naar Signal (f*ck Zuck) . Denk er eens aan om een donatie te doen aan de Signal ontwikkelaars. Het is een non-profit organisatie en die moeten we koesteren. BVD 🙏🏾🙏🏾

or round 3. Or 5. Depending on when you start counting.

Reality check. Thank you, Financial Times.

OTD in 1921 the Red Army completed its occupation of Georgia after invading a few weeks before. We signed a treaty less than a year earlier saying we would never invade. Imagine, more than 100 years later, us still doing that to our neighbors...

Waarom wiskunde belangrijk blijft.

Ik las net ergens anders dat regel nr. 1 voor de ingang met populisten is: niet in het frame van de tegenstander stappen. De gesprekken van Russische en VS diplomaten gaan niet over vrede, maar over 'deals'., blijf alsjeblieft je journalistieke (huis)werk doen!

Bwahahaha. Mar-a-Lago was listed as "Kremlin Headquarters" for a little while on Google Maps. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oh wow...

Russia started an 11-yr war by invading Ukraine. Russia can end a war of annexation and aggression by withdrawing from Ukrainian territory. This is constant and it should remain uncontroversial for all future allied discussions about peace, punishment, and international security.

Independent media is under siege! For the cost of a typical app subscription, you can protect independent voices across the Caucasus. Learn more:

Amis everything else, Georgians are still protesting last fall's stolen elections.

At least now it must be clear for everyone Ukraine is definitely not a US proxy.

Verklaring van meer dan 250 Oekraïense ngo's: democratische verkiezingen zijn onmogelijk zonder duurzame vrede. "Democratie in oorlogstijd moet nog meer worden beschermd dan in vredestijd, omdat de kosten van een fout of verlies van vertrouwen extreem hoog zijn.” ✍️

"Trump simply does not understand nontransactional life choices. (...) He can’t fathom the idea of doing something for someone other than himself. He just thinks that anyone who does anything when there’s no direct personal gain to be had is a sucker.”

I'd lke to nominate this for quote of the month: "I decided to write only about things I understand well, that's why recently I'm not writing anything."

Вирішив писати лише про те, на чому я добре розуміюся, тому останнім часом нічого не пишу.

My warmest greetings go out to the wonderful people who built their careers sniffing out “Ukrainian Nazis” under every stone in Ukraine for tasty headlines that fueled Russian war propaganda on this-is-why-Ukraine-must-be-dealt-with, only to get Nazi salutes normalized in their own country.

We defeated a dictator in 2014, and trust me, Ukrainians know how to defeat them. Zelenskyy is a legally elected president, and you have no say about our country or elections. Only Ukrainians do. Under martial law, we cannot hold elections, our territories must be returned to Ukraine first.

Trump calling Zelensky a dictator, claiming he has a 4% approval rating is pure nonsense. Here's what research by leading Ukrainian and Western academics shows. Read the press release and share widely!

Except that the 'two superpowers' line is part of the propaganda frame of one of the two.

Russia has posted its largest budget deficit in three years and depleted its rainy day fund by 57% since the start of the war. How much longer can the Kremlin cannibalize the civilian economy to support its war spending?

Goed dat AP protesteert, maar als de macht door een fascist is overgenomen, dan heerst willekeur, en kan niemand zich meer op de grondwet of grondrechten beroepen. En echt niemand, dus dat geldt ook voor rechten van mensen die na de val dit kabinet overwegen op Wilders te stemmen.

I’ve started using the word ascientific to describe a lot of what is happening. For example, mandating that sex only be recorded as male and female is ascientific—intersex people exist! Acting like gender doesn’t exist is ascientific—it very much does! Erasing transgender people is also ascientific!

“I think the strategy here is: ‘Well, we’re just going to do it and dare somebody to stop us, and by the time they stop us, we’ll have destroyed it.’”

Stel dat Wilders dit over Joden had gezegd. De wereld was te klein geweest en het was einde politieke carrière Geert Wilders. Het fascistische spook is terug en we weigeren het monster in de bek te kijken. Dit is geen populisme, dit fascisme.

Some insights into what the hostile takeover of US government may mean for #Ukraine:

This is pretty bad news. Multiple sources told Reuters that U.S. military aid to Ukraine was paused and later resumed It signals the absence of a clear Ukraine policy in the Trump administration, with factions split between "halt all aid" and "strengthen Ukraine" 1/

Another fascinating example of upside-down speak: all this makes sense and comes sometimes really close to truth if you inverse everything (i.e. hear 'Ukrainians' where he says 'Russians' and vv.). Russian propaganda and most politicians seem to live in an inversed universe where true=false.

Europese scheepseigenaren verkopen oude olietankers voor miljarden en helpen daarmee Rusland en Poetin. Het Kremlin omzeilt sancties op olieverkoop met een schaduwvloot: meer dan 600 olietankers die in niet-westerse landen geregistreerd staan. 1/n

Book burning? If everything was digital in Hitler's 1930s Germany, this is what his book burning would have looked like: deletion of data, removal of websites, retraction of scientific studies, censorship of words like "equity," "diversity," "climate change."

🇺🇦❗️Zelensky called Ukraine's exclusion from Trump-Putin talks about war dangerous: 🗣️ "They may have their own relations, but talking about Ukraine without us is dangerous for everyone," he said.

Langzaamaan kunnen we toch wel gewoon zeggen dat hier een staatsgreep aan de gang is?

Civilian-dressed persons have just kidnapped activist Daniel Bulkashvili, who had recently left a 12-day unlawful detention. It’s likely that they were regime policemen. Meanwhile, protests continue in Tbilisi, Batumi, and beyond. #terrorinGeorgia #GeorgiaProtests

Don’t look away. De slachtoffers hebben gezichten. Dit heeft geen enkel militair doel en is een regelrechte oorlogsmisdaad.


"Hitler wanted to kill me for being a Jew. Now, Putin is trying to kill me for being Ukrainian." Roman Shvartsman, an 88-year-old Holocaust survivor from Odesa, compared Russia's military aggression against Ukraine to the barbaric crimes of the Nazis during World War II. 📹: DW

#CallForParticipation "The Most Documented War: Enacting Archives" 📍 International #Symposium | May 22-24, 2025 in #Lviv, #Ukraine | in collaboration with #CenterForUrbanHistoryLviv #INDEXLviv und #DocumentingUkraine Deadline: February 25, 2025 🔗www.maxweberstiftung...

On Jan 27, the first stage of the second underground school opened in #Kharkiv, with 750 students already attending. Once the second stage is completed, the school will host nearly 1,000 students. In total, over 6,000 children are studying in Kharkiv’s underground schools and metro #warinukraine

Goed dat Oekraïne steeds vaker Rusland weet te raken (enkel op militaire doelen) in Rusland zelf. Toch bekruipt mij een ongemakkelijk gevoel. Wat zou er zijn gebeurd als we Oekraïne nooit die restricties hadden opgelegd. Hoeveel Oekraïense mensenlevens zouden we daarmee hebben bespaard.

Things are not getting better - even though they hardly make news in (Western) Europe any more...