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Software engineer but also a closeted artist, dog lover and avid reader. Currently obsessed with spring/summer blooms 🌸 🌹 🌺
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There are just so many fucked up parts to this story: The abortion happened before Roe v Wade was overturned. A young man was involved but only got probation while the mom and daughter face jail. Facebook gave the cops their private messages. A friend turned them in. This is all just so so fucked up

Thought orchards were only tropical? Meet the Pacific coralroot which is a leafless, parasitic and perennial orchid that grows in shady forest floors in the Cascades and parts of the Rocky Mountains 🧪 🌸

Butterfly bush, native to central China and Japan is a favorite of butterflies as the name suggests but funnily enough doesn’t provide food for larvae or caterpillars and might out compete those due to its invasive nature 🧪

White spotted pine sawyer beetle native to Washington, look at those beautiful spots and the long antennae! 🧪

The blackberry bushes that abound being pollinated. Himalayan blackberries can be easily distinguished from their non invasive and native cousins by their thick ridged stems and leaves that are clustered in fives.

Meritocracy is the most insidious myth that has been ingrained in all of us as children

Is there a term for “someone is doing something for the greater good but it might inconvenience me a tiny bit so I don’t like it” energy?

Like most of the plants/flowers I come across on my walks, Feverfew is non-native and invasive where I live. Originally from Eurasia, it’s name derives from Latin “fever reducer” and is sold in powdered form as traditional herbal medicine under the name Glitinum to treat headaches. Ymmv. 🌸🧪

Digitalis purpurea (common foxglove) is a poisonous ornamental, but the toxin in it led to the synthesization of an important heart medicine - digoxin! Apparently in WW2, due to supply chain shortages soldiers used to collect medicinal herbs for medicine, and foxglove was used to regulate heartbeats

New York Libraries are facing a $36.2 million budget cut. Today is a day of action. This is a link to the social media tools page: Please post about it. Tell people. Make your voices heard. #NocutstoLibraries

Trailing ice plant also called pink carpet for these gorgeous long lasting blooms 🌸 is native to South Africa, though you can see it extensively in California as ground cover and thrives in rocky soil. Leaves produce hallucinogens and in SA they make an alcoholic drink called khadi from it 🍷 🧪

blue sky is lacking in the delightfully-weird-but-legitimately-science department so it’s a good time to take about my favorite study of all time, which determined that dung beetles navigate via the light of the milky way:

The internet is going to continue to get much worse

Todays bloom is Bear’s breeches aka Acanthus Mollis which was first described in 1736 (!) by Linnaeus. The shape of its leaves features heavily in Greco Roman architecture and Helen of Troy was also described as having a dress with acanthus leaves as embroidery 🌸 🧪

Todays bloom is Silene Coronaria - leaves and stems are a grayish silvery felted green, with tiny hairs discouraging insects and ants to climb or eat them. Coronaria translates to “used for garlands” in Latin, which makes perfect sense given how bright the flowers are 🤩 🧪

Blackberry (this one is the Himalayan blackberry) which is extremely invasive in the Pacific Northwest, here forming impenetrable thickets if left unchecked. Produces copious amounts of fruit for foraging though 😁

French lavender, topped with a cute bumblebee in this picture, whose leaves smell heavenly. Noxious and invasive weed in Australia though.

Evergreen Candytuft 🍭- the perfect name for this cute ornamental shrub

Star of Persia - I thought this was an onion bloom at first, and turns out I was close! This plant is in the allium family 🧅

I used to find Phil on Modern Family hilarious, but on this recent rewatch, all I see is weaponised incompetence 😞

Black locust tree - native to small pockets in the eastern US but now has spread all over the world as an ornamental plant and as for it’s excellent hardwood. Flowers hit you with a heady fragrance as you walk under the tree and are the only non toxic part of the tree and can be made into jam 😋

Bah now I’m sad I missed this

Umm how did you know exactly who I am 🤔

Creeping buttercup, (aka creeping crowfoot and sitcast) a perennial weed in North America. Petals are super glossy to attract insects and thermoregulate the flower’s reproductive organs.

Golden poppies, a perennial state flower of California and native to Western US and Mexico though large swathes of it have been replaced by the invasive mustard and other grasses.

Rhododendron macrophyllum, state flower of Washington. Varieties of this evergreen shrub/tree is native to the Himalayan region and is the state/national flower in many states in India and also is the national flower of Nepal too where the flowers are edible!

Irises in bloom, the rhizomes are only visible in the winter above ground for this variety looking similar to ginger, it’s a lovely perennial