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KD2NAD, and if you know what that means, then you know
14 posts 16 followers 15 following
Getting Started

Such a small thing made my morning.

“The children of darkness are evil because they know no law beyond the self.” Excerpt From The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness Reinhold Niebuhr

“Our democratic civilization ... is under attack by the children of darkness ... who declare that a strong nation need acknowledge no law beyond its strength.” Excerpt From The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness Reinhold Niebuhr

Trump's defense of plastic straws is actually just another way he is supporting Big Oil. The petrochemicals industry was a major donor to Trump's campaign. BBC coverage misses the point.

Another formerly ok site has joined the burgeoning mob of haters.

The follow up to Federal funding comes along with the Government initiating the RAGE program under 2025 (Retire All Government Employees). After everyone quits, it's obvious that program can no longer be serviced or funded, right?

This is the tremulous start of my Blue Sky account. Pat said I have blue sky, here's my account! My first attempt was hi-jacked by github. My 2nd worked but on the laptop I had to pass a mensa test of hurdles to get in.