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🌟Brand New Episode - The Far Edges of the Known World with Owen Rees🌟 This interview is a cracker! We’re joined by historian Owen Rees, founder of to discuss his fabulous book which interrogates the idea of centres and peripheries when in comes to the ancient world.

Today is my last day at Google. I joined as an intern almost 18 years ago, and it still feels like it was yesterday. I'm incredibly grateful that I got to work with so many amazing and talented folks, but I'm also excited to try something new. First step: a few months of travel and photography :)

Yes, before becoming Vice President, JD Vance did compare Donald Trump to Hitler. In 2016, Vance referred to Trump as “reprehensible” and expressed concerns that he could be “America’s Hitler.

тва което е притеснително в либерали като божо и сие, на които мъск първо им харесва щото громи комонизти и им е интересен, а после ретроактивно не са съгласни с него, е че се провалят да разпознаят основни симптоми на фашизма

Facts 👇👇👇

this actually makes my stomach sink with dread, because it has to be very very very very bad for the grifter to say this

A great thread explainer on how Gen AI tech works in layman’s terms and why it isn’t “learning” in the same way humans do

One of the most common arguments you hear from fans of generative ‘AI’ is that it’s not plagiarizing people’s work, it’s just learning like a human learns. So I’m going to break down why that’s just not true, and why it can never be true, with the existing systems. 1/

Why I Won't Write on Substack

Cats: lying down right where you're trying to walk since ancient Mesopotamian times...

Today on Ancient Office Hours, Dr. , a Roman historian, archaeologist, and lecturer at the University of Glasgow, discusses ancient medical practices including skincare and assistive technologies, classical reception in video games, and writing her book Cleopatra’s Daughter.

While Trump is expressing his admiration for Putin—Putin’s army just bombed a children’s hospital in Odesa, Ukraine.

You can take the man out of the Apartheid but you can't take the Apartheid out of the man.

I was told that this country would stop a hostile extraterrestrial army by punching them in the face, but we got here a bunch of kids that will shit themself if a cat hissed at them and nobody is stopping them while they are doing this:

Знаете ли какво е това? Това е Куба след Испано-американската война. Колония. Прочетете го внимателно “Trump’s demand is iron-fist coercion by a neo-imperial power against a weaker nation with its back to the wall, and all for a commodity bonanza that exists chiefly in Trump’s head.”

The investment in this thing could have solved world hunger for 5 decades ahead

Най-големият проблем на Адолф Хитлер е, че енкрипшънът на неговата Енигма е гола вода и англичаните са му го хакнали.

няма друг легитимен живот освен да живееш принципите си. естествено, че невинаги ще успяваш и ще се поддаваш понякога на конформизъм и страх, но въпросът е в съзнателното намерение и практическо усилие

Measles has a 12% mortality rate in unvaccinated young children. Children cannot be vaccinated until they are at least 12 months old. And if infants need to be kept home and out of daycare to avoid potentially fatal measles outbreaks... Guess who that removes from the workforce. (Women.)

The idea that you can encourage people to "voluntarily" move out of your way by turning their cities into rubble is easily recognized as a war crime when Russia does it. When Israel does it academics launder the atrocity with euphemism.

The balance of power between these two is something we can still only speculate about, but I did find it interesting that Trump did not engage in any of his usual physical posturing of dominance during this episode and instead stayed in a relatively submissive seated position with his hands clasped.

безсилен гняв ме обзема при мисълта, че никой не ми вярваше, че "бизнесът", дето толкова му треперим като гръбнак на обществото, са просто нагли крадци и мошеници и естествен враг на всичко хуманно и социално в едно общество

It's not a demolition site it's a mass grave. It's not a demolition site it's a crime scene. It's not a demolition site its a homeland. It's not a demolition site it's Palestine. It's not a demolition site it's a genocide.

не е въпрос на преувеличение. не говоря за авторитаризма или фашизма като генерални полит движения. установяването на паралелен апарат за прочистване на администрацията са буквално ХИТЛЕРСКИ НЕЩА! мн е различно от Ел правителство. ако лидер на полит партия не може да види паралелните 1/

Past Patricia 95 days ago: «And I’m getting fucking tired of leftists who are pretending Trump won’t build a whites only seaside resort in Gaza after he’s helped with the genocide.»

American media, summarized:

There are a lot of myths and fantasies about Capitalism, which is why reading history is rather quite useful.

I think what made the AI bubble was that it had some economic characteristics that economists love. There seemed to be a barrier to entry because the initial investments were extremely high, and it seemed that it scaled with money not labor. Environmentally important: money == energy in this context

Fuck the ADL for saying “free Palestine” is antisemetic but whimp out over an intentional Nazi salute by one of the most powerful men in the US on national TV.

Portrait of ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt for

#RomanSiteSaturday - The Civil Basilica of Volubilis (Morocco), built under the Severan dynasty on the eastern side of the Forum. This imposing building was 42.2m long and 22.3m wide. It originally had two storeys with outer walls faced with Corinthian columns.

I visited in 2008 and I regularly return to Myra in my thoughts ever since. Sapinuwa‘s photos capture it beautifully.

Myra, Western Necropolis. The rock cut tombs were shaped in the form of the houses of the era.🏺

David Lynch has died

Hey Chat, what does the final boss "Pick Me" sound like?

I made a Doom source port that runs within a PDF file. PDFs support Javascript, so Emscripten is used to compile Doom to asm.js, which is then run within the PDF engine. Input/output is done by manipulating text input fields.

the crazy part is this means the facebook we’ve all been experiencing for the past 5 years was the *good* version

It is always worth knowing what the powerful mean when they use terms like "the economy."

Но на десните политици, няма да им дойде мисълта, че има нужда от КТД, че има нужда от читав профсъюз, че не трябва да има значение дали “отделенията са печеливши” (wtf, оздравяло дете печалба ли е?) и че думата “печалба” изобщо няма място в здравеопазването.

As a reporter who covered the Facebook apology tour circa 2016, and spent HOURS on the phone with FB flak and executives earnestly telling me Zuckerberg was torn up over Russian election interference and was making it a top priority to fix misinfo on FB, this week’s developments are 🙃

gosh I just don't know where the youth might get the idea that vigilante justice is the only thing left

Hitler had all the communists killed. She should know. Her grandfather was a nazi judge appointed by Hitler.

Who did that? 😱