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Teacher, Father, film nerd, game fan, autistic, expat British living in Japan, PKU.
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Anyone in education know of any attempt at guidelines for use of AI in schools? Mostly regarding how to fairly grade for teachers and rules for students

26/6/23: AH acts surprised he can’t have his half holiday on event days like he hasn’t already been told every term. He argued with the supe and so the supe gave us all a blanket statement about the issue that was clearly only for AH benefit. He def has an illegal side job at that time #MACoW

A lot of incidents happening in the following term but I didn’t record them then as I correctly thought it was futile but boy did shit happen. Namelu AH complained and harassed anyone that even gave feedback on his work. He then used this to complain to the union and make the school scared #MACoW

4th April 2923: Asshole (AH) jumps on the new hires and starts hissing in their ear about how terrible the other teachers are and trying to get them on his side #MACoW

I’m gonna start posting all the stupid things my asshole coworker has done because I started recording events thinking the school might care and do something about it but they are just waiting out his temp contract despite all the harm he’s doing to teachers and students in the meantime #MACoW

Life is just shit sometimes and there is no way to avoid it. I find out my Dad had cancer and in three weeks he died just last week. Now my partners father just learned he has cancer.

How do I go home and smile for my kids now?

The basketball was so depressing yesterday. After playing well and winning on Saturday, Sunday was a shit show. Hanaryz let the ball slip too many times and the bias ref ignoring some blatant fouls from Shibuya killed their will to live. Kyoto lost by over 30 points

There’s a guy at our work who washes his hand all the time and uses alcohol sanitizer after. His hands must be like the world of Mad Max for germs.

Have you any idea how good a cup of tea is after teaching 6 hours solid?

So my contract says I work a maximum of 18 hours class time. I started the year at 15 hours. Co worker gets hospitalised I take 10 of their hours cos I’m the only person who can. 25 hours. Then student needs outside class time. Another 4 hours. I am now doing 11 hours over my contracted limit.

Work gives me ten extra hours and then takes away two and expect me to be happy? Doesn’t take a maths teacher to work out why

I’m fed up of Japanese “lessons” for kids. Take my son to do basketball as a beginner and they don’t teach him how to play. So they just start a match and he has no idea. Gets really embarrassed when he has the ball. Take fighter to cram school. They don’t teach anything just mark your book. Stupid

I never used to think I was autistic because I could talk with anyone quite easily but I’ve come to realise small talk and my complete lack of meaningful connections with anyone in my entire life are different things.

So autistic people are objectively better but seen as worse? The world really is shit. It’s as I always expected.

The only good think about being exhausted is that blissful peace when you drop down into a nap.

Thousands of people crowd under an overpass like a whole homeless community. But it’s not a city gone destitute. It’s just a concert at the arena in August heat waves. Honestly the things people do to stand a mile from their favourite pop star.

I stopped being the funny teacher because the students English gets worse every year so they can’t understand my jokes.

I was shocked when I heard my coworker was getting divorced. I couldn’t believe he found someone stupid enough to marry him. What a cunt!

Looks like we are in for some good weather.

Looks like we are in for some good weather.

So they’ve predicted another megaquake in Japan… again. They’ve been saying that since 2011. We’ll take precautions but we’re not even near the 100 year marker yet and they say it’s every 100 to 150 years. And I moved to Kyoto so I wouldn’t have to worry too much.

Apparently this guy thinks it’s cool to throw empty drinks bottles out of his window, while moving, into the road. Kyoto license plate 3434 京都3434の人は車からコーヒーボトルを投げていいと思う。最悪 😣

That’s my video watching sorted for the next few months.

Was up until almost 2am last night because the oldest couldn’t sleep—holiday is too good for them! They spent all day sat on the sofa and weren’t tired enough. So had to give them a talking to this morning. They’re on a stricter regime now. Hate doing that but they won’t force themselves.

The things nobody tells you about being an autistic parent: everyone says that you love spending time playing with your kids, but I always just want to have my own routine and feel very put out when I have to make time for my kids it’s just another period of a high masking that exhausts me

I always feel weird watching my daughter’s ballet performances. Like I get it’s an upper class and traditional art form but it seems pretty silly and unimpressive to me yet we all pretend it’s beautiful. And what am I supposed to appreciate in the moment?

What I really hate about Japanese hotels is they don’t have drinking water so you have to drink boiled bathroom water from that sink and it tastes rank.

I’m teaching a three day study camp and it’s hard work teaching for 72 hours non-stop, but there’s a peace in my life having a singular purpose. The real world has a terrible freedom.

Cutting corners to save money sure does look an awful lot like evil.

Being an autistic parent sucks. Every time my wife yells at the kids I get traumatised.

Ah it is nice having summer vacation but just seat warming seems like a waste of time.

I’m sure my coworker is out there taking to a 17 year old girl for the last two hours for purely innocent reasons

With the temperature this high every day it just makes me anxious

Tonight we have a spider in the house. Not seen anything bigger than a jumping spider in Japan at all. And here we have a wolf. Used to get them all the time in England. Could r catch him tho so now we have to worry about landing on our faces all night.

Walk into a Chinese restaurant in Japan and they are playing Wild Wild West by Will smith. Don’t ever change Japan.

I’m used to traumatising reading on a Wednesday morning (I read a certain manga about chainsaws and horny boys) but I was not ready for absolute shit fire test questions written by my dumbass coworker. I just cannot fathom the intellectual waste that went into animating his garbage brain.

Japan’s biggest lie is that Japanese people are nice. They are some of the meanest spirited people I’ve ever met. Case in point getting on the bus in the rain and old lady pushes me to get on faster when I can’t move cos the girl in front of me isn’t moving. There were a dozen ways better to handle

Forecast heavy rainfall tonight and tomorrow. Here’s hoping they cancel school classes for the day. How old am I? 44. Haha

I’m just fed up. It seems all my free time is spent getting. The kids to do their chores and hw and it’s too hot to relax or sleep properly.

Ah Father’s Day. I like nothing more than sitting in with the air con on watching movies and playing games uninterrupted. So of course we are going out into the 31’C heat and exploring a temple we’ve already been too.

9yo seems to feel a bit better about her sore throat today. Super keen to eat McDonald’s. So having the desire to eat is a good sign. If she had a fear of eating (and I’m just catastrophising here) she wouldn’t be this happy today.