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Plumber who digs animals, chocolate, diversity, hiking, running, and good times.
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Small crawlspaces are my jam. I've had to embrace them since I'm always being sent to these types of calls. #phenominalcosmicpowerittybittylivingspace #maybeishouldgainfiftypounds #nahImgood #lifeasanapprentice #nonbinaryinthetrades #womeninthetrades #dreventure

Kinda cool that I found a happy birthday deco while out on my weekly gayborhood litter pick up on my birthday! #happybirthdaytome #gayborhoodtrashpickup #yallnasty #cigarettebuttsforthewin #again #chewinggumtakessecond #justthrowitaway #lazyasses #dreventure

When man-boys, who are smaller than they think, man spread over the yellow line in their trucks and take out your mirror. #spacialawarenessisathing #manspreadingisdumb #wannaborrowmytapemeasure #yourenotasbigasyouthink #moveyoassover #dreventure

This pasr weekend's gayborhood trash picknup find was a selfie stick. Honable mention to Q-tips, those damn dental floss/toothpick sticks, and the USPS rubberbands. #yallnasty #trashcansareathing #noneofthisshitisheavy #sowalkittoafuckimgtrashcanalready #lazyasses #USPS #dreventure

So stand the fuck up with me. #stopfascism #stoptrump #stophate #stopoppression #stopclassism #stopelitism #strengthinnumbers #riseandriseagainuntillambsbecomelions #ohanddeportelon #dreventure

Had an adventure in a crawlspace so tight I could barely move around with my glasses on, let alone my respirator. #n95itis #phenominalcosmicpowerittybittylivingspace #suckitin #crawlspaces #anybodygotsomeduckbutter #plumbing #lifeasanapprentice #nonbinaryinthetrades #womeninthetrades #dreventure

What? The? Fuck?

Weekly gayborhood trash pick up. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, cigarettes are the one item I pick up the most of. And it appears Camel is the brand of choice in Foster-Powell. #justpickitup #trashcandre #stoplitteringyoulazyasses #smokingisstupid #litteringisstupid #dreventure

Spent the day digging through gravel and wet clay in order to repair a 1.25" water service. Really could not have asked for better weather! 🌞 #Iworkout #digging #lifesawaterservicerepair #canyoudigit #plumbing #lifeasanapprentice #nonbinaryinthetrades #womeninthetrades #dreventure

Well, here I am, having fled from Meta-verse. No more Suckerberg, Swasticar maker or melon felon. Well...kinda. Seems there's no escaping douchebaggery, only the occasional reprieve.