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Pediatrician cartoonist parent in search of the intersection of humor with everything (and everyone), mildly obsessed with complex care, canoeing and the animals of our lives.
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The young stand up

From a provider perspective - this is how the prior authorization process can seem. PS pointless, maddening, btw. #Graphicmedicine

A guide to some select sounds in the upper airway. #pedsky #graphicmedicine

Motivation is good Focus makes it great. #TuesdayMotivation

Open it up...get lost (in the best way). #WorldBookDay.

Perhaps it is best he does not know the answer #dogsky

Not everyone likes knowing the size of their catheter #medsky #graphicmedicine

Teaching point as we practice (and learn): NOBODY wants to be a mystery case, aka a 'fascinoma' and most especially, if it might be measles, one of the most contagious viruses known. Recall #vaccineswork and DON'T cause #autism.

Assuming it has not been DOGE defunded, has anyone checked on how all things look from the ISS?

Goal: to surround ourselves with nonobstructionist people, and live life that way #MondayMotivation.

A reflection. Wait now.-the difference is stark! We no longer rise in the #dark. In a fortnight comes the #Equinox of #Spring the dawn chorus (that earlybird thing). Take off Old Man #Winter- Take the blooming fl'wers hint.." or snow'll get 'neath flowers sunk Go home, #Winter, yer drunk!

At the doggy cafe. #dogsky

#Teen #parent milestone When you require an answer and your adolescent doesn’t want to face the question

Little feet can still gobble the earth! #Morningwalk

How healthcare and home repairs are sadly similar- lingo, referrals, uncertainty, limited coverage and delays. #medsky

Clinic. There's no journey more full of joyful surprises than talk w a 4 year old in clinic. Me: So sorry that you had flu! Feeling better? She: Yeah, I was so sick. I threw up a lot and I had to go so bad it was like I was going Number 5! Glad to report, folks, she is feeling better. #pedsky

Sometimes in #Pediatrics you pick your battles, and fight some fights another day for the bigger win. A successful clinician will work with a kiddo and use time and building trust as tools to win the long game. Otherwise, some parts of the physical exam can freak kids out. #pedsky #graphicmedicine

It is good that we #innovate in #healthcare, and improve what we do. Improving our practice has value, but being too clever for our own good (with artful renaming of our roles) may just be confusing. #medsky #graphicmedicine

More the #EHR user experience we’d like to see... #medsky #graphicmedicine

When you have a dog who is not so thrilled about a frigid #morningwak

Nothing finer than enjoying a streaming cup of #morningcoffee

#caturday? Who cares

A sign the dog is colder when outside than you thought. #dogsky

True for the #EHR as with anything, be careful when asking questions that might elicit strong responses #medsky #graphicmedicine

When last gen #AI meets next gen AI. #medsky #graphicmedicine

#Teen #parent milestone. That recurring tendency to eat before dinner...and to be hungry as cleanup wraps.

Though the river may be ice free, the approach to the put in had some challenges. Thereafter: cool happenings. Calm morning, a sighting of our first spring redwing, and a developer put a new lodge on the riverbank. #Morningpaddle. Clips below

Health literacy vs. cultural literacy #medsky

100% physical and behavioral health integration scenario. #medsky

“The world is always going to be dangerous, and people get badly banged up, but how can there be more meaning than helping one another stand up in a wind and stay warm?” - Anne Lamott #BeKind

#Spring is coming....and that just makes everything better.

What a toddler word cloud looks like. #pedsky #parentsky.

The rooting reflex in the #newborn. A stimulus applied to their lip/cheek (such as a finger, breast, bottle, or their own hand) will prompt them to move their head from side to side in search of a nipple to feed, then: lip smacking or sucking on their fingers. Time to eat! #pedsky #graphicmedicine

Look back at #medschool and #residency While every trainee values feedback from a supervisor (and hopes for positive, constructive comments), there was little more annoying than getting the phrase that revealed a faculty member was phoning it in. #medsky

The recent cancellation by the Administration of vaccine prevention planning meetings against #covid and #flu may not only demonstrate a desire to make ill informed decisions…but maybe also tempt fate unnecessarily Who wants to go viral…again? #vaccineswotk

Runnin’ round my brain Too much information driving me insane -The Police And not enough what you need to know when you need to know it #techlife

Among the many challenges of changing #healthinsurance is that it may impact our relationships. #graphicmedicine #medsky

The fallacy that befalls all of us on the day of a #dental visit. #graphicmedicine #pedsky

Join us! The Steve Parker Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics in Primary Care Conference.‪ Join us on BU Campus! BMC Pediatric faculty presenting March 7 & 8 Keynote speaker: Dr Alastair Bell, WellSense CEO CLICK and GO (1 or both days) IRL or on Zoom CME, CEU MOC available

#Teen #parent milestone Adolescence impatience with obsolescence.

This ever happen to you? #worklife

#Teen #parent milestone When your adolescent almost has a breakthrough in spite of your continuous education

Siblings crack me up...especially when one gets convinced and wants to work up if something pathologically wrong is afoot with their little brother or sister. (Chances are, they were just as ridiculous themselves!) #pedsky #graphicmedicine

#Teen #Parent Milestone. The one time experience of having a pack of teens enter your kitchen only reveals the boundless depths of their appetites. 2 takeaway lessons: 1) the def of ‘snackfood’ is astoundingly broad& 2) you’ll overstock such items long after they have left for college(just in case).