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Writer, Geek, Imagineer. Husband, Dad, dice wielder. Woolly Inclusive Evo. Poet, Tenor. Chaplain (uni/TTRPG). Trojan Duck. Extrovert, Gloranthaphile, Traveller fan, nascent alcoholic & EUrophile. Unreliable author (big ideas, little results).
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Still just enough time to say #GoodMorning as kettle boils for Pop-Up #Coffee Stop here at the Development Hub...

Yesterday another Social Media source reminded me that I've been working on #24dots for over 2 years. (Not technically true - I've probably done 2-3 weeks of equivalent full-time input over that period). Another stalled project. #TTRPG #PoiltlessPost

In other news, it's apparently International Women's Day. So to all inspirational & supportive women in my life, or who have been, of whatever age, here's to you!

#GoodMorning It's been so long since I blogged that I've forgotten things, however...

I lie in darkness as Spring approaches, birdsong at 5.30am a clear sign, as month marches closer to double digit dates, and I, somewhat booze-binged from night before, wait half-awake with aural static, tinnitus, for dynamism of daylight.

Day close to end. Time to be grateful for the expected (work-related), the different (reading to Year 3s), & the unexpected (long-obsolete tablet & reading disregarded Kickstarter PDFs free of distraction). Not bad for a Thursday... #GoodNight all!

#GoodAfternoon! In a change to our regular programming Dr Moose is involved with community engagement this afternoon, to wit, reading to Year 3s as part of World Book Day...

#GoodMorning! It's Ash Wednesday - I wonder if anyone will show up, and whether I have any contact with the CU to warn them of the clash with their lunchtime prayers (for the two that attend... which may be more than I get!) #Coffee, anyone?

#GoodMorning, as Sun shines brightly over a clear, chill, morn in Isengard. Last month ended with an excellent night in Aylesbury for Fish's farewell gig (& guest queue appearance by Paul Fricker - worlds elliding). Now a new month, and the opportunities thereof. Onwards!

#GoodAfternoon! A lack of posting in the morning usually implies some unexpected level of work engagement. As was the case today. Still Things Have Been Done, #coffee drunk, obligations fulfilled, & late lunch consumed. Off to Aylesbury later, for Fish's farewell tour gig. It could be a late night.

#GoodMorning all! The early blush of Sun's rising, before bricks took light in echo of their fiery genesis. Wednesday... always a good reason for #coffee!

At the Royal&Derngate, on a weeknight? That'll be Brit Floyd, then...

#GoodMorning! I would post a bonus working Saturday photo.... but it's on the work phone. Perhaps you'd prefer last night's supper instead? As usual, no #RPG stuff from/for me today... ah well.

#GoodAfternoon@ Welcome new followers of my #coffee-fuelled intermittent, semi-random ramblings, reflections & observations. Latest questions, why am I unmotivated to read new #RPG pdf? Clue's in those last 3 letters. How can you re-enchant a new build site? Where's my imagination gone? Hmm...

News from Isengard: acquired 1 tin of coffee (serious win!), 2 pairs 36" waist trousers (I am "The Incredible Shrinking Moose"), & 3 belts. Have perused #QuestWorlds #RPG scenario ideas (1970s action adventure genre) & driven round 5 vacant Northants village parishes. I've even done some work!

The sky is blue, and the Sun is shining. The wind has teeth, frost-breath nipping fingers, exposed flesh. I have #coffee, hot, dark & bitter, and opportunity lies ahead, for acts of love & service, chat & laughter, consolation & support. May your days bring & be of blessing! #GoodMorning

The morning is long gone (with good stuff, I should add -not just #coffee, both drunk & served to others). The afternoon advances. Here, for no particular reason, a picture...

#GoodMorning folks! Today sees Dr Moose & family head off to the good burghers of Haselbech (population: tiny) in word, sacrament & hymnody. Thence to the ancestral seat (so to speak) for victuals appropriate unto the day, with Mum. A fine way to spend Sunday. (There's been #coffee, stand easy!)

#GoodMorning, on this damp Saturday. I'd have preferred a slightly later awakening, but that wasn't to be. Still, there's been #coffee. Not the most exciting status, but there you have it!

Rather than a collateral set of wishes, here's a #GoodMorning directly for you all, sponsored by #coffee, daylight, and a Scotch Egg. In other news, yesterday evening was filled with #Traveller creative goodness, & the gout is fading fast!

I suppose #GoodAfternoon is in order, not that I can see whether weather has improved from within repurposed office building wherein Actors rehearse, converse. It is good enough. I'd appreciate some inspiration, but if so, would I really have opportunity & time to capitalise upon it? Still; Onwards!

I bid you all a #GoodMorning! Bit dim & grim, isn't it? However, who knows what delights await? (Except #coffee, that's a given).

#GoodMorning! Challenging timings today, and still unsure how to manage them (& be both caring husband & caring Chaplain). Ah well. There's been #coffee, which is a good start!

#GoodMorning all! Tis Wednesday. Daylight approaches behind the curtains, the first #coffee has been consumed, and a new life awaits you in the Offworld Colonies! O, hang on, that's Bladerunner. We're not *quite* at that level of dystopia... Onwards!

#GoodMorning folks! Not much to report, though the sunbeams streaming through cloud rents earlier were aesthetically pleasing. Taxi services for GLW continue, as does work. And Morning Prayer & #coffee, of course.

#GoodMorning all! After week opens up, of usual & different, expected & strange. Mine will include #coffee, challenges, and undoubtedly joy too (even if the form is yet to be disclosed...). Onwards!

Before I forget, I wish you a #GoodMorning, though road sounds wet in the dark, tyres treading on splashy asphalt. Even so, at edge of hearing, a bird sings. Onwards, via #coffee, to daylight & Friday!

Okay, who stole the morning? In other news, combining diet & tummy gripes from anti-inflammatories isn't fun. Ah well... #coffee, anyone? #GoodAfternoon.

#GoodMorning folks! A beautiful morning for an appointment at the Fracture Clinic for Mrs Moose, and so a change of routine for me! I'll gecearning my #coffee...

(2/2) It's my phone, and if the uni wants me to be as responsive as I was, they can provide the means. This camel is fed up of straws.... In other news, it's probably good that the uni isn't on this platform!

(1/2)Following on from this morning's IT concerns. I installed the app. After a day of it there I'm not prepared to accept the inconvenience, of, for example, getting past the lockscreen. The disappearance of a Bluetooth link isn't proof of trouble (correlation is not causation, after all).

It had to happen sooner or later: 20 minute walk to satellite site, and forgetting a vital key...

#GoodMorning! Prayers have been prayed, fresh #coffee to hand. Frustrated: once again IT security policies making life more difficult, not less (i.e. will need 2 diaries not 1). Irony: I had a work mobile for a year, & returned it in the Autumn because students don't do phone calls. Thought needed!