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🏔️ Yogi 🧘‍♀️ Kagyupa, Dzogchenpa, Friend ☯️ Fond of All Nondual Traditions
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If we're planning to take political action, it is a good time to memorize texts, prayers, sadhana, etc. There will be persecution and imprisonment. Memorizing texts will be protective and make that time beneficial.

Clear visualization is much more difficult than I initially imagined. I often exert effort every day, multiple times a day, for months to clarify one group of basic details. That said, it's my absolute favorite technique. Bc the mind is mirror-like, the CNS responds to clarity linearly with effort.

"Generally, all [outer obstructions] come from the substantial cause of inner conceptuality... In my yogic tradition, we don't see obstacles as faults. [Whatever should manifest], I see them as being kind and take them as something desirable." - Milarepa

Love is a servant, friends

"My father is the wisdom of spontaneous awareness. My mother is the Ever-Excellent Lady, the space of all things. ...I sustain myself by consuming the concepts of duality. My purpose is the act of killing disturbing emotions.” - Guru Padmasambhava

“It is the scent of home that keeps me going, the hope of union, the face of my Beloved.” Rumi

I laugh because of what cannot be spoken. I weep because of what cannot be heard.

Leave this world of falsehood and delusion. Establish yourself in the ecstasy of love. They attain the vision of the Beloved, Who become blind, deaf and dumb. Bulleh Shah

Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. - Chinua Achebe

"At that point, the classes of demons are transformed into Dharma protectors. When you see [these] Dharma protectors as Nirmanakayas, adverse conditions become siddhis."

You're a leaf scattered by an invisible wind. Don't you know something is moving you? Rumi

“Form is emptiness, emptiness is form; form is not other than emptiness, emptiness is not other than form.” ~ The Heart Sutra ~ Authorship and origins from

I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so l sat still for three days. Hafiz

We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may She enlighten our minds. - Gayatri mantra

"When others blame you, they cannot add a fault to you that you do not possess. When others praise you, you are not becoming a greater person because of that. Whatever others say about you does not affect your faults and qualities. Only you can see whether you have this fault or not.

Be sure that someday you will praise and thank God for your unanswered prayers that once you had wept for them. Shams Tabrez

Intellect takes you to the door, but it does not take you into the house. Shams Tabrizi

Love itself describes its own perfection. Be speechless and Listen. Rumi

The Yogi's knowledge is superfactual. It is gained by direct experience rather than cognitive reasoning or conceptualization.

In the echo of silence, the whisper of the Divine is heard. A melody sung by the universe. A song without a single word. Listen to the echo, my dear! and let your soul be stirred. In the silence you will find the Divine's sacred word. Rumi

When you lose all sense of self the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish. Lose yourself completely, return to the root of the root of your own soul. Rumi

I have come to drag you out of yourself, and take you in my heart. I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had and lift you like a prayer to the sky. Rumi

The way of love is not a subtle argument. The door there is devastation. Rumi

Through your love existence and non existence merge. All opposites unite. All that is profane becomes sacred again. Rumi

The universe only pretends to be made of matter. Secretly, it is made of Love. Rumi

Nothing negative to reject Nothing positive to accept Infinite expanse

Losar Tashi Delek!

“If one can hold on to bodhicitta, the black year will become a good opportunity to cultivate compassion and wisdom.” hit translate for the rest of this post…

This consciousness is only possible because the cells of our bodies gave up personal liberties and free markets.

Spotify has Lama Yeshe's audiobook on Mahamudra available for free (for a standard paid Spotify at least). Listened and it's excellent, very digestible. Lama Yeshe is such a treasure. I always feel movement in my heart when I see pictures of Zopa and Yeshe.

"Had I not known sorrow and remorse, How could I have entered the path to release?" 🥲

The world is but a show Glittering and empty It is And yet it is not It is there As long as I want to see it And take part in it When I cease caring It dissolves It has no cause And serves no purpose It just happens when we are absent-minded - Nisargadatta

But I'm nontheistic, I say. So am I, says God.

"Contentment is the indication of the achievement of reality. The absence of doubt should be known as the indication of contentment." -Siddharameshwar

Saw a cloud's whole northern edge become like a rainbow 🌈✨ Not sure how visible it is in the pics but it was quite fun to watch. Not sure I've seen anything like that before.