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Youth worker, rights advocate & researcher specialising in participation // Liverpool FC Fan // NZ Politics // Toitū Te Tiriti // Free Palestine // He/Him
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Conversations with young people this week have reminded me of the importance of positive teacher/pupil relationships as a necessary prerequisite for authentic student participation/voice activities in school. Young people need adults they feel safe sharing their frustrations/hopes/ideas with.

Finally submitted on the treat bill. Te Tiriti provides a foundation for my cultural identity. I am tangata tiriti which means my identity is defined by my relationship with Māori. Our relationship with Māori is what makes us pākeha distinct from our European cousins/ancestors. Let’s celebrate that!

My partner: “ I know that conversation wasn’t for me, but you naming old cricketers with your brother and your dad for about an hour was the most bored I’ve been in my life”

Survey fatigue is real but surveys are still so heavily relied on as a way of seeking young people’s views. While it’s not revolutionary we are trialing a deep listening approach that seeks to take stock of the perspectives young people are sharing with us everyday. #youthparticipation

When upholding the right of young people to have a say in decisions that affect them one decision is: what decisions are being made or prioritised. Often the conversation is determined by adults and I’m interested in ways we can allow young people to determine the conversation! #youthparticipation

Some schools in the uk are locking toilets during lessons and students are letting us know the impact: -period anxiety for young women -embarrassment for students with IBS -restricting water intake -queuing all lunch time for the toilet

Youth participation should be about reciprocity! While organisational improvement or evaluation may motivate senior leaders to listen to the views of young people, emphasis should be on what the organisation can give back to young people rather than what we can extract from them #youthparticipation


I often see participation misconstrued on both sides as “doing whatever the kids want.” Advocates reduce themselves within participation projects for fear of diluting youth voice and skeptics don’t bother for fear of opening up a can of worms. #youthparticipation

I’m interested in what we allow to count when it comes to gathering children and young people’s perspectives. Your right to have your voice heard will be upheld if you share it through the latest, purpose built, survey or focus group.

Hi everyone, I have recently moved to the UK from NZ and have the privilege of working towards embedding a culture of child and youth participation within a mental health service in the NHS. Looking forward to posting some reflections and questions here on Bluesky!