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Editing days I should have 3 videos out this week!

I missed by a bit but i hit 150! Went from 130 to 150 with only streams but i NEED TO make videos. Thank you all who followed loves you

Is there a way to make your vtuber flash colors when someone donates or subs to you? #vtube #vtubestudio #ggn

Tomorrow! We are streaming! Poppy playtime part 2 and another game it might be monster hunter wilds #streamer #youtube #kick #twitch #vtuber #ggn

Hello name is Eeda Grimm I'm a... um Fox ,cat spirit thing. I'm here to play horror games scream and maybe cry. I'm here to chat, hang out and maybe one day get some friends. More friends I have friends, yes they are real. If you could slap my twitch

Had a really good weekend of streaming hit a few milestones and now I need to edit bc Monster Hunter Wilds is on its way! #stream #youtube #ggn #vtuber #smallstreaner

Live NOW on Twitch, Kick and Youtube Playing Bendy Part 2 #GGN #vtuber #streamer #Bendy

Playing more Bendy yes I scream yes I panicked but it was fun streaming on! Meet me on Twitch Let's get some more friends! #ggn #vtuber #streamer #raids

Going from Poppy playtime to Bendy yes I scream yes I panicked but it was fun streaming on! Meet me on Twitch #ggn #vtuber #streamer #raids

Streaming Starting in 30!!! The Last of Us - Beating the Game Something else after that see you on all platforms

Okay today I think I'm going for a long stream day! Either 2 3 hour streams or i finish the last of us and 1 other game later on in the day ill start at 11am est so as the kids say. Dad get out of my room and stop knocking my stuff over! CLOSE THE DOOR!. #GGN #VTUBER #STREAMER

I have to edit today! I'm getting people watching the streams but I need to grab more with shorts and videos

Once I hit 10 subs on Twitch or 380 followers or 150 sub on YouTube ill play silent hill 2 remake. NEVER played a silent hill series before, also I hate horror games. #twitch #youtube #vtuber #streamer #ggn

This weekend was a blast The Last of Us and dollmare both had people watching me and chatting thank you for the raids ill shout you out when I get home! #twitch #ggn #vtuber #youtube

At our first hot pot! it's cool and they have DragonBall z on the big screen

My favorite move is :Who Framed Roger Rabbit. What's yours #vtuber #streamer #ggn

For the next 2 days I'm editing until 8pm est on Friday to stream. I have alot to edit, bc remember just bc you went live dosent mean people will see you. Short form and long form show yourself off. Sell yourself to have random people so they pop in and make friends.

New Digimon game coming out in December this year. I don't have a ps5 BUT I can play the list of digimon games I have and reward myself with one for the new game. #digimon #vtuber #ggn #streamer

Did some recording today and it was FUN, i didn't stream but I might throw one in tomorrow or Tuesday... also thank you all for the new follows on Twitch, youtube and kick

Streaming myself becoming a knight z kingdom come 1

Going Live in 45 min with The Last of Us Part 1 Getting a good stream in then tomorrow im fixing up the Office

Ooooo btw i got banned from tik tok live for 7 days bc @tyneebravo made a sticker saying KYS and I got banned for hate speech like what! #vtuber #ggn #banned #tiktok

The monster hunter wilds beta is super fun! Can't wait for the full drop. The Last of Us stream is tomorrow #streamer #vtuber #ggn #mhw #monsterhunter

In the nightmare fueled game Nuclear Nightmare the Thing copies my wife

Streaming Now The Last of Us

I will be playing more The Last of Us at 130 EST Caught me Twitch, Kick or youtube. Links in Bio

Playing some Nuclear night mare with friends on stream come watch the chaos at

Had a fun little stream of The Last of Us had a few people pop in. Glad you had fun and can't wait forbmore to come

More editing this week some cable management but this Friday is a stream!

Newest video is up live on GitGudNetwork !!! #vtuber #GGN #phasmophobia #streamer

Okay so I'm editing cleaning out files and making everything easier to find. And redo my overlay since I can record seprate from streams overlay. This week is Digimon, Witcher 2, The Last of Us, see you then

Okay I got my ibs working.... I can now stream with overlays, record gameplay and avatar seprate so I can do edits better and have higher quality videos

Okay I want to play ff7 og one day and then play the new games. But I just want to find a way to have a upscale in graphics. Anyone know a way to do that #streamer #ggn #vtuber

Post of me and my Boss and her getting fed up with me LOL

Had fun with a quick stream tonight with #GGN playing Phasmophobia - Thank you everyone who joined tonight!!!

A meeting today with the team, and editing. If I have time a stream

Getting into The Last of Us PC

Im playing the Last of Us on PC this game started my journey. Love this game so much #vtuber #streamewr #GGN #twitch #kick #youtube

Today is streaming day 3est. I should be doing classic digimon world 1 or the last of us pc. #vtuber #ggn #digimon #tlou

Also desk is done i need to do my cables and will be reposting my shorts on here.

Yea I'm going to just stay on this platform from now on.

Sorry I have been absent for a while changing alot of things, upgrading the office, pc and teams pcs. I should be up and running for a stream this weekend!

I'm getting sick... BUT I'll still move my office around even if I'm wheezing

Getting both offices ready for streaming and recording getting it done! #ggn #streamer

When a Digimon gains a Virus you should have used NordVPN #digimon #vtuber #VPN #GGN

TyneeBravo is streaming Marvel Rivals Comp go yes hi #twitch #vtuber #ggn #dudesahat

TyneeBravo and I will be doing a Horizon zero dawn hard-core insane run on our streams tonight, using the knock feature. See who can get father in the game with out going "insane" #twitch #kick #youtube #trovo #vtuber #getdownwiththesuckness #ggn