Profile avatar Lean/Agile mindset. Product Developer #XP #Lean #DevOps #People #productdevelopment (he/him)
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Code is liability. Less code = less problems. Delete unused features! #simplicity

eferro's random stuff: Good talks/podcasts (March I)

eferro's random stuff: Good talks/podcasts (March I)

Don't be a hero. Prevent problems, don't just react to crises. #devops #lean #agile

The best way to go faster is to eliminate waste. Be intentional and remove what does not add value. #lean #software #efficiency

Don't just learn methods, learn principles so you can devise your own methods. #softwaredevelopment #principles


This is huge for me! I'm so excited to be joining,, and on the Modern Software Engineering YouTube channel. Woohoo! I think we are all going to learn so much.

Me acabo de quedar en la calle. ¿Dónde se buscaban empleos por aquí?

Mañana estaré en aprendiendo con vosotros cómo gestionar con humor. ¿Os apuntáis? ¡Venirsen, gentes de bien! htps:// #pleaseShare

The art of the 'kick-forward'. Sometimes the best decision is to postpone a decision to learn more. #decisionmaking #lean

Is “Hero Culture” killing your company’s innovation and your team’s morale? In my latest newsletter, I explain why heroic fixes receive all the praise while impactful prevention is overlooked; and how this weakens your teams Don’t you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Don't fall into the trap of 'busyness'. Being busy is a problem, not a solution. Focus on impact. #agile #productivity

In the coming years, I look forward to the best selling books titled “Debugging AI-generated Codebases” and its companion “Refactoring Legacy AI Systems”.

My point here was not that "building orgs is easy." 🤔 My point was that putting all the emphasis on hiring brilliant individuals, and relying on individual acts of heroism to get shit done, lets leaders off the hook for the real hard work of *leadership*.

No sé de quién es , pero 😆😆

Gotham es un caos, un hervidero de crimen. Las luces de los edificios apenas iluminan las sombras donde acechan los maleantes. Pero, cuando todo parece perdido, Batman aparece, golpeando a los malos y devolviendo un poco de esperanza a la ciudad. Ahora imagina una historia alternativa: 👇

Por favor, saluden todos a que ya ha llegao !

¡A new generation of Safetybits network appliances has arrived! ⚡️ Deploying our agent is as simple as connecting three ethernet cables. ⏱️ Clients can self-onboard a facility in just a few minutes. 💾 We also ship them with storage and memory from reliable brands. #cybersecurity #OTSPM

En Genially andamos ahora con algunas posiciones abiertas. Allí en equis Chema cuenta algunos detalles 👀

Qué cierto los dos puntos. las metáforas importan y mucho (llevado a lo mio, hasta las narices de la construcción, los ninjas, rockstarts, (fake) deadlines, etc) Por otro lado, considerar la estrategia como una guerra, nos lleva a ser cortoplacista, no atacar los problemas sistémicos...


Use, Use, Use, Think, and sometimes... Abstract and reuse. Don't over-engineer too early. #coding #software #reuse

Use, Use, Use, Think, and sometimes... Abstract and reuse. Don't over-engineer too early. #coding #software #reuse

The only sustainable way to go faster is by avoiding waste. Learn, adapt, and improve. #software #agile #lean #continuousimprovement"