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PhD; researcher with a focus on poetry, University Lecturer @ University of Eastern Finland. Tweets on academic life, literature. Personal opinions. she/her
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Interested in the academic study of the United States in Finland? Join FASA! The FASA Board is elected in the annual general meeting on February 25, 2025, at 2 p.m. (online). All members are welcome to join!

Osaako joku suositella yksinkertaisia älypuhelinsovelluksia, joilla voisi treenata muistia? Saisi olla suomeksi eikä liikaa hämmentäviä mainoksia (varmaan kyllä mahdoton vaatimus).

I love the idea of this conference "Railway Aesthetics. Experiencing Locomotion across Media and Cultures", which will be organized on a train!

While reading this (mostly) 19th century literature joke thread, I tried to think about what kind of a joke Stephen Crane would write, since I have a lecture on his work next week, but his joke about bars would probably be super grim so...

Top 5 poems being read on, an American poetry website.

New publication: Ambivalent Laughter: Conceptual Poetry’s Humor and Metamodernism (open access), included in a small collection edited by Bruno Ministro and João Paulo Guimarães

As a member of any of the Nordic Associations for American Studies (including, European Association for American Studies, or American Studies Association, you can register at the members rate!

Why would Instagram do this? Do they not understand that quite a lot of non-Americans will eventually start to boycott their services if they keep up this kind of nonsense? (And can someone please build a better version of Facebook and Instagram soon?)

Registration for NAAS2025 is now open! Don't forget that as a member of any of the Nordic Associations for American Studies, European Association for American Studies, or American Studies Association, you can register at the members rate. So join now!!

Join the FASA Board! The FASA Board is elected in the annual general meeting that will be held on February 25, 2025, at 2 p.m. (online). All FASA members are welcome to participate in the meeting! You may also express your interest by sending us an email at [email protected].

If you're coming to the NAAS conference, registration is now open! It is also worth joining your local NAAS or EAAS affiliated association so you can pay the lower member fee.

A chilling (but well-written) article on Alice Munro

Kyllästyitkö Twitterin myrkylliseen ilmapiiriin? Oletko muuten kohdannut verkkovihaa — tai jopa tuottanut sitä? Kerro vihapuhekokemuksistasi kirjoituskeruussa, vastausaika tammikuun loppuun. Kirjoitukset arkistoidaan ajankuvana ja niitä tutkitaan. Anonyymiys turvataan.

It is Poetry at Work day, so people should celebrate by reading poetry at work

If you do research on American studies in Finland, it is a good idea to join FASA (or renew your membership if you are already a member)! #americanstudies

Yhdysvaltain tutkijoiden kannattaa liittyä FASAan, jos ette ole jo jäseniä! Ja jos olette, nyt on hyvä aika muistaa maksaa jäsenmaksu.

Näin viime yönä unta, että olin valmistelemassa Suomen Akatemian hakemusta. Deadline oli tulossa (niin kuin oikeasti onkin), mutta minulla oli vielä kesken sekin, että mitä edes haen. Olin muka hakemassa akatemiatutkijan paikkaa, kunnes tajusin, etten ole enää siihen hakukelpoinen (1/2)

Grading is done and I got an article manuscript off my desk, so it is time to turn on my out of office message for the holidays!

This is what's so baffling about so many suggestions for AI in the humanities classroom: they mistake the product for the point. Writing outlines and essays is important not because you need to make outlines and essays but because that's how you learn to think with/through complex ideas.

Ei, se murto-osalla hinnasta Temusta ostettu tavara ei ole samaa kuin lähimmästä elektroniikkakaupasta Se hinta-ero ei johdu pienemmästä katteesta, vaan laadun( ja -valvonnan) puutteesta sekä työntekijöiden palkoista ja työoloista Älä. Osta. Temusta. Mitään.