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E-LIVE aims to contribute to enhancing the digital pedagogical competencies of language teacher trainers, trainees and school teachers, in order to innovate, enrich and make more effective and meaningful lingua-culture teaching.
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Goodbye X! The E-LIVE project will no longer be posting on X but we won't be eliminating the account right away To get news on what we are doing and what we have done, please go to Bluesky ( or @ E-LIVE project on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. #edusky

This is state of the art stuff! High & Low Immersion Virtual Reality for Virtual Exchange. We were impressed at how much students were into High Immersion. We created a genial·ly ( and if you want to dive in deeper, this case study: (

A very interesting genially on Diversity and Differentiation featuring Óscar Balseiro-Mayi. He explains what he understands by diversity and how positive he thinks it is.

This interactive Genially takes an exciting dive into the crucial role of parents in a virtual exchange! Watch engaging videos of parents from Spain and France as they share their enthusiastic opinions about their children's involvement.

A on why Óscar Balseiro-Mayi, a primary school teacher in London got involved in the E-LIVE project. @EUErasmusPlus @eTwinningEurope

A on why Bart Pardoel, a secondary school teacher in The Netherlands got involved in the E-LIVE project. @EUErasmusPlus @eTwinningEurope

A on why Anna Peris, a secondary school teacher in Spain got involved in the E-LIVE project. @EUErasmusPlus @eTwinningEurope

New article using data from the E-LIVE Project by Cathryn Bennett & Ciara R. Wigham! Student-teacher engagement in and reflection on virtual exchange task design #ELIVE, #UCAuvergne

Here is the playlist of all the talks from the E-LIVE Multiplier Event in Nuenen in the Netherlands (15th of October). Pick the one or ones that you are interested in!! Enjoy!!

Dutch & Spanish secondary school students spontaneously celebrate having guessed the secret word "Orxata". They then go on to sing! It was a tough task but they did it in the end! (We blurred out the names) @frame_vr @EUErasmusPlus

E-LIVE "How to" Français: Les succés des échanges virtuels - les points de départ! Cathy Brady donne un aperçu perspicace de la manière de réaliser un échange virtuel. L'enregistrement de la présentation est maintenant disponible ici!

“How to” Session: Les succés des échanges virtuels -les points de départ! Avec Cathy Brady (Manchester Metropolitan University) @ManMetUni @ELIVE_project @EUErasmusPlus

New recording available!! E-LIVE Experts talk featuring Shona Whyte's presentation: In the zone: Developing effective language learning tasks for live telecollaborative exchange. (31st January, 2024) @Univ_CotedAzur @EUErasmusPlus @eTwinningEurope

UPDATED PROGRAMME The E-LIVE team cordially invites you to our one-day Multiplier Event on the 10th of April, 2024. We have put together what we think is an interesting programme with talks and workshops (streamed and in person). @UCAuvergne @EUErasmusPlus

The E-LIVE team cordially invites you to our one-day Multiplier Event on the 10th of April, 2024. We have put together what we think is an interesting programme with talks and workshops (streamed and in person). To register first using the QR codes on the programme.

Lots of work and recreation at the Valiant Project Conference. #valiantVE2024 #Elive_project

A reminder not to miss Shona Whyte’s exciting talk on the 31st –only two days from now! at 19:00 CET: “In the zone: developing effective language learning tasks for live telecollaborative exchange”. More info on the flyer! @EUErasmusPlus @Univ_CotedAzur Join up using the QR code!

De nieuwste opnames van Nederlandse schoolleraren die hun ervaringen hebben gedeeld met virtuele. Ontdek hoe ze leerlingen betrekken en wereldwijd intercultureel leren bevorderen. (Link en QR-code hieronder) @EUErasmusPlus @EurocallLang

Why is a Virtual Exchange important in education? Teachers who have taken part in E-LIVE give us their viewpoints. Below is a link and a QR code! @EUErasmusPlus @eTwinningEurope

¡Lo prometido es deuda! Aquí tenéis la grabación de la presentación “How to” de E-LIVE: Nacidos para aprender. (enlace y código QR) @Santoangelbadaj @CGuadalaviar @educacionEXT @GVAeducacio @EUErasmusPlus @EurocallLang

Fue un placer escuchar y ver la presentación "Nacidos para aprender" ayer. 3 ejes: crear actividades interesantes; trabajo en equipo; la importancia de interactuar con pares para motivar al alumnado. ¡Enhorabuena! @Santoangelbadaj @CGuadalaviar @educacionEXT @GVAeducacio

Éste lunes 15, tres de nuestros maravillosos profes darán una charla muy práctica sobre cómo llevar a cabo un intercambio virtual. Puedes apuntarte con el código QR o google “elive project” y cliquear en el enlace! @Santoangelbadaj @CGuadalaviar @GVAeducacio @educacionEXT

Two great new talks in January. Sign up using the QR codes. @Santoangelbadaj @CGuadalaviar @Univ_CotedAzur

Segunda presentación “How to” de E-LIVE. ¡En español! Profesores experimentados de primaria y secundaria os darán consejos sobre cómo organizar un intercambio virtual con alumnos de otros países. ¡3 charlas en una sesión! #Santoangelbadaj #CGuadalaviar @GVAeducacio @educacionEXT

Trainee-teachers of English at @uca, inspired by their exploration of Chatterdale E-LIVE's FrameVR environment, are creating a VE task for their future secondary students around visiting an in-world tourist information office. @UCAuvergne @UniUtrecht

Enkele opmerkingen: “Mooie presentatie en leuke voorbeelden” “Wat een verrijking inderdaad!”, “Jullie enthousiasme werkt aanstekelijk!”, “Bedankt! Het was inspirerend. Ik hoop binnenkort ook mee te doen!

Here's one with photos! See you on Wednesday, if you speak Dutch!

ELIVE "How to" sessie ( 13 december 2023 om 20.00u)

Funny how the rainbow 🌈 split the sky into two colours this morning in Valencia!

Moya, Gran Canaria.

Your friendly, local, neighbourhood, substitute Pragmatics & Discourse Analysis coordinator at the 46th. AEDEAN Conference held at Universidad De Las Palmas DE Gran Canaria @ULPGC @aedeaninfo

Begoña Clavel-Arroitia and Barry Pennock-Speck, part of the E-LIVE team, give a talk on “Virtual Exchange for the Teaching of Foreign Languages to trainee teachers at the Universidad Católica de Valencia. Their host was the instructor for the course, Arash Javadinejad! @EUErasmusPlus @eTwinning

Spiderman sure has some cool moves!

FrameVR virtual world for pupils of any language. Removing the written word & leaving only 3D models & sounds means that, for instance, Primary School pupils need to interact to carry out the activities we have created. @frame_vr @ELive

Looking for the pedagogical affordances of virtual worlds -with or without VR!

FrameVR virtual world for pupils of any language. Removing the written word & leaving only 3D models & sounds means that, for instance, Primary School pupils need to interact to carry out the activities we have created. @frame_vr @ELive

Links to recordings of the E-LIVE Multiplier Event in Valencia (Universitat de Valènia) are on our web page: Times for each talk in the morning & afternoon sessions are below each YouTube video. @EUErasmusPlus @eTwinningEurope @EduSky #AcademicSky