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Still wholeheartedly mean this. I mean, who desecrate's the final resting place for the Q's? Drufus, that's who. ALL because he's NOT Jason and never will be. Even AJ wouldn't have sunk this low. #GetRidofDrufus #GH

#StoneCold Jason Morgan is the better man - mob hitman, absentee father and all. Congressman Drufus Q - formerly Drufus Cain - is trash! #gh

Drufus' excuse for acting like a jackass for nearly a yr, is bc Susan Moore choose Jason over him. He wanted the privilege/opportunties that Jason was given but shirked. Bitter & Jealous. Asshat never thought he dodged the crazy Q gene and was actually saved. Get ur priorties straight nimrod! #Gh

THIS is why Nina irks me! A soon as the #WeepyWillhoe throws some crumbs her way, she clams up and lets her go on believing her stupidity is justified. When will she learn, lord! WHEN?!?!?! #gh

Just finished watching #Gh … #WeepyWillhoe now wants to divorce Michael? Someone pls make it make sense?! WTF is driving her? Drufus and the D? Michael as annoying as he is, is the better man/choice. Nina finally sees it! And this craziness is all bc of the hoe’s belief that he’s her hero?

This asshat has no clue what his daughter wants … cuz he’s making enemies and sleepy with inappropriate ppl. 🤦🏻‍♀️ #Gh

Omg, what the hell?! Listen up #WeepyWilhoe, stop acting like that slutty teen bouncing from man to man to validate herself/an idea of family. Get some therapy b4 ur children pay the price for your actions. Signed, a friend who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is … and cares. #Gh

#Drillow must D-I-E. Immediately. Swiftly. With carnage. #gh

📢 : If someone has bad punctuation or starts a comment in response to someone else (not tagging that person) - DON’T BE THAT DICK WHO POINTS IT OUT. In the end, the only person who’s bothered by it is the said dick. PSA over. #dickishbehavior #grammarpolice #aintnobodygottimefordat

I see that willow is still doing stupid Willow things like being concerned about drufus, when is she going to get clue already? Don’t nobody care about that dirty dog! Stop being concerned abt that D! #soapsky #gh

STAAAAP! Omg, she’s waking up. Shut up Chase, she’s finally waking up. Let up wake up!!! #Gh

Thank you Soap God for Tracy Angelica Quartermaine!!! She the only one to get through to Jason. May they NEVER write her out of character like they've done Everyone else !!! #GH Her scenes are a Joy ❤️❤️❤️

Preview for tomorrow ... Willow says she's not bowing down to Sonny/Carly. Nimrod, Tracey blocked you from your kids - and your idiotic behavior. Nina def has your number - hormonal teen twit. How is preventing access to the husband you don't want the right thing to do for your kids? 🤔 #Gh

I get what Tracey's saying, but what abt Michael? Michael is family and Sonny knows that he didn't want to take the kids away from Willow. He wanted joint custody. This storyline of #Drillow must end, cuz NO ONE is digging it! If anyone desrves to loose their kid(s), it's the Congressman. #GH

The following individuals need to STAY IN THEIR LANE: 1. #Drufus - you are NOT family or a healthcare proxy for Michael 2. Joss - little Ms. Detective wannabe. Stay out of grown ass police business 3. Sasha - girl, you gonna out your secret if you keep this up! #Gh

I have some - no mother should have their child taken from them. However, where was HER concern/empathy when she was in bed with #Trashncle? Or when she took her son out of state w/o telling the child’s father? She can kick rocks. #GH