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Political scientist @ UW-Madison. Congress, political parties & money in politics.
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Looking for a great RA for the 2025-2026 academic year? I know a smart senior double-majoring in Political Science & Data Science who wants to RA for a year before starting her Ph.D. She python and R skills & interested in American & Comparative -- Elections, Voting Behavior & Political Parties!

. The Marquette Law School poll of registered voters in Wisconsin shows a time series of party identification over time. Showing a modest but growing Republican advantage over the last year.

[email protected]: Marquette Law School Poll has consistently asked registered Wisconsin voters about their family situation. Striking decline in WI voters reporting that they are living comfortably since late 2020.

[email protected]: Striking decline in majority Latino wards in Wisconsin for D presidential candidates. Consistent with Bernard Fraga's presentation earlier in the day.

Really interesting discussion from showing college voting wards in Wisconsin. Modest Republican shift in university areas, suggesting possible modest student shift rightward.

The great providing the deep dive on Wisconsin 2024 election data. The figure on the right shows ward level change in vote share for Trump between 2020 and 2024. Only tiny shifts at the ward level: incredibly stable presidential vote choice in 2020 and 2024 in Wisconsin.

So great to have here at the Elections Research Center 2024 Election Symposium sharing his insights from the campaign trail on the 2024 election!

Prof. Bernard Fraga presenting "Shifting Right or Sitting Out? Black & Latino Voters: 2016-2024." Shows very large shift to GOP by Black men, continued shift to GOP by Latinos & Latinas. Some evidence of Democrats' base staying home in 2024. #ERC2024ElectionSymposium

Prof. Lynn Vavreck showing survey data about individual voters changing views over time. Argues big shift happened in 2016. Gradual (tectonic shifts) were happening before that.

Prof. Lynn Vavreck arguing that New Deal Era of conflict is over. We have identity-inflected policies are shaping the political landscape. Harder to compromise about identity issues rather than economic issues.

Prof. Lynn Vavreck presenting on The 2024 Election: Calification and Campaign Dynamics

Barry Burden showing late deciding voters broke for Trump. Also an explanation for why polls slightly favored Harris relative to outcome. #ERCElectionSymposium2024

Barry Burden presenting three views of the election: A crazy events driven roller coaster, a standard election explained by traditional political science theories, or a hybrid of standard and events.

Barry Burden kicking off the Election Research Center 2024 Symposium with a recap of election results, and some early explanations

Today's my favorite post-election tradition! The Election Research Center at the UW is hosting our Election Symposium! We have an all-star panel of:, Lynn Vavreck,,, and Bernard Fraga!

I spent some time this morning diving into the admirably detailed polling methods for the NYT/Siena poll to understand how they weight on party in states like WI that don't have party reg and don't record which party primary you participated in. 1/2 here we go!

🚨Thrilled to say we're doing a lot of hiring at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Political Science this year! The first two lines have already posted: American Politics (Asst or Assoc) and Environmental Politics (Asst, Open Field). Links below!

So fun to see featured for #WomensHistoryMonth! Tagging my awesome co-authors and cofounders: & We're so grateful to the scholars who contribute to this amazing community. Want to join?

So exciting to be teaching my grad congress course this spring for the first time in a few years. Any recommendations about exciting new stuff I should include? Legislative politics broadly defined -- self-nominations welcome! Grateful for any thoughts & suggestions!

Do you research political economy in comparative politics? Come join us at UW-Madison! Listing for our TT job: polisky

Do you research political violence in comparative politics? Come join us at UW-Madison! Job listing: polisky

Excited that my first polisky post is to share the good news that we’re hiring for two TT lines in comparative politics: political economy and political violence! Come join us in Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison! I’ll post the links to the job listings. Happy to answer Qs!