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Lecturer in Politics at Queen’s University Belfast. Political parties, devolution. French politics and the puzzle of Macron’s party. Slow but committed knitter
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The Ukrainian government has a list of places where you can donate to the war effort here. I personally just donated $100: Slava Ukraini.

I hope Ukraine wins the war and Zelenskyy gets to live the rest of his long, long life in complete and utter peace, jesus christ

This is a President who skipped a World War One commemoration because it was raining talking to one who has stood in front of a fresh mass grave of his own people.

Thoughts are with the Ukrainian people who have endured and endured and who deserve so much better than Trump and Vance.

The BBC’s choice to have a split screen between the front of the White House before Starmer’s arrival and the possible arrival of the Tate brothers in Florida is concerning about their sense of priorities

A whole country’s culture is in danger

Post doc position in research project the resilience of liberal democracy in Finland

I am keeping a diary of daily events, as they unfold It is available to everyone. I am new to Substack, so please let me know if something is wrong with the link or the file.

Our SI on the 2024 UK General Election is out now! Eds with

But you know, they’re protecting women by harassing trans people, so who cares if the research data on women’s health is gone and there won’t be any more research on women’s health for the next 4 years?

“If the BBC or John Lewis was cutting 5,000 or 6,000 jobs, we’d hear all about it but what we’re seeing in universities isn’t being noticed//…//.”

What's the power of the French President when he hasn't got a parliamentary majority to back his programme, I hear you ask. He can move painting

I'm looking to hire a student research assistant to work on a BA project on digital Chinese diaspora's engagement in progressive social movements. they could be based anywhere in the UK. if this is of interest to any of your students, please let them know! 🙏

Fewer than half of British people can name the 2022 British PM with a 5-letter surname starting with T. Politics can be more brutal than showbusiness sometimes.

Reminder that the single greatest threat to 🇪🇺 & transatlantic security, democracy, & prosperity is neither 🇷🇺, nor 🇨🇳, nor any other external threat, but rather the authoritiaran calls coming from inside the house

Un enjeu de mémoire essentiel et qui rappelle aussi la politique ethnique de la 3ème république Pourquoi avoir attendu 80 ans pour compter les « Nomades » persécutés en France pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale ?

« Si l’écho de leur voix faiblit, nous périrons »

Il y a 80 ans, le 27 janvier 1945, les soldats de l'Armée rouge soviétique libèrent le camp de concentration et d'extermination d'Auschwitz-Birkenau en Pologne. J'aimerais vous raconter l'histoire de Victor Bogorad à gauche et Renuka Urapola, à droite, l'histoire d'une mémoire vivante de la Shoah.

📯 Introducing a ✨ NEW conference ✨ for researchers specialising in extremism, democracy, and populism 🥇 Inaugural Conference of 🕰️ New and Old Challenges of #Populism and #Radicalism 💂‍♂️ Hosted by 📅 9–10 June 2025 ✍️ Submit your Panel or Paper by 3 March

Terrifying and another grim reminder why the UK launched the BN(O) visa nearly 4 years ago, and why so many have taken up the offer. "HKPORI president and CEO Robert Chung was taken away by police on suspicion of aiding wanted UK-based pollster Chung Kim-wah."

Thanks to for inviting me to speak about the need for more investment and support for music and the arts in NI

Ever wondered why polls often missed the mark? Interested in spending three years figuring out the answer? How about a fully funded PhD working with me and ? All details in the attached link - apply by Feb 28th!

life in El Salvador, the country that is a model for the global far right

Il y a 22 ans, si on m'avait demandé, quand on défilait dans nos rues pour dire "non "à Jean-Marie Le Pen, comment les médias parleraient de sa mort, je n'aurais jamais imaginé cela. Le tortionnaire raciste, antisémite et négationniste est devenu "papa".

Many Scots get offended when people talk about the Ulsterisation of Scottish politics. The SNP isn’t helping their case

Après la condamnation de Stuart Hogg pour violence domestique, Montpellier rugby a désormais 3 joueurs avec une condamnation pour violence intra-familiale. Ils ont un programme de réhabilitation secret ou c’est juste qu’ils s’en fichent? Avec Laporte comme coach, on penche vers la seconde option

Started this year with deep dive in Breton terrorism + manufacture of BZH identity... 1. Fascinating series of documentaries (in 🇫🇷) It's got it all* *Nazis! Angry grannies insulting Nazis in Breton! Weird Irish links! Wild leftwing swing, then pro-business!

Powerful front page from L'Humanité on Jean Marie Le Pen: 'His Profession Was Hatred'. The dagger pictured was recovered at the scene of the brutal torture and murder of Ahmed Moulay in Algiers in 1957. One of multiple pieces of evidence showing Le Pen was a torturer.

Jean-Marie Le Pen used to boast that he was ‘France’s most hated man’ (yes, he enjoyed that; he was a fan of hate after all). His death is going to be especially tough on those doing dry January

since it is Muppet Christmas Carol time, let us revisit this wonderful interview with Michael Caine, who loves it as much as the rest of us “People say to me, Have you ever sung? I say, Yes, I sang in a movie. They say, Who with? I say, Kermit the Frog.”

I’m not sure about the strategy of trying to get the Socialist to support the Bayrou government while appointing ‘Manuel Valls’ to the government

I can suspend my disbelief for an alien with a cape and a superdog (Krypto!), but a regional newspaper with that many employees? Come on!

Dominique De Villepin prédit la démission de Macron à l'été prochain: "Il est comme un joueur de poker intoxiqué qui pense qu'il pourra toujours se refaire", pointe l'ex-Premier ministre sur France 5, qui rappelle le calendrier implacable qui va s'imposer au chef de l'Etat. Imparable.

PhD completed! Thanks to and and all at .

Reminder: "Policy-oriented Political Philosophy - New Opportunities and Methodological Challenges" 24-25 April 2025 Blavatnik School Oxford Call for abstracts closes on 20th December. All can submit, PhD candidates and early career academics encouraged.

Rumours is pretty bonkers but it is also very funny, with a side of very niche EU jokes

Super happy to announce that the State Democracy Index 2.0, covering 2000-2023, is done and about to be publicly posted (probably tomorrow). Hope fellow nerds find it useful.

An extremely damning evidence against voter ID, partly because it’s likely people without voter IDs are also less likely to answer long surveys on politics, making these extremely conservative estimates. Given the under-registration in this country, means large scale exclusion from elections

Quite the contrast between UK and other European countries in terms of generational change in income for children of indigenous. The thread links this to availability of data on race. If, like in France, you don’t collect the data, you can’t see and address problems