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Writer/ex-special educator K-4 | 3rd & final curriculum is methodology to end what I’m calling “their trauma, suicide, ptsd.” They created it w denial, betrayal, abandonment | #healthcare IN #Chicago #education AT #ACP #police #parks #charity #company, too
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Alryyy. Alright. Ready to HEAR IT & not emote too much. Change takes time to get what’s hardest done & not he colorblind & say meritocracy, #JoeBiden still my fave. Contrast could not be clearer between you & 🍊 #protect most at-risk w pen Getting ready to wrrrrite alright 3x.

NO MORE KING! Also, quite the snapshot & yes, I’m a little behind, but I’ll catch up since it’s different now. There is NO FEAR & getting the proper treatment/therapy. #TaiChi #neurological or mind/body connection & the rest? I’ll be modeling LIVE

#JoeBiden #POTUS who gave us POLICIES [is politics]* that HAVE & WILL change lives but it takes time! How do I know?! Lived it with fight for gay rights or ALL vulnerable populations. Depends WHEN born 🏋️ *msm did not explain the policies & made u$ doubt ur intent. Why treating different? #WISDOM

When you have so many thoughts after one image. Do you share? Is it a CLASSROOM? Nothing like it & the #teacher creates it just for you. Slava Ukraine

Count down by counting up since if I can STOP A BEHAVIOR & remove it instantly knowing this may be only chance to transfer daily #mentalHealth check-in* that’s mm/MM #advocateAurora Illinois #Healthcare to daily news *homeless advocacy helped tbi thru repetition, anticipation & hesitation. AUTOMATIC

0%🔥 contained #California #WildFires. Pray for rain & wind to stop. If going to “lose it” every day anyway w #2025 being a terrifying & sad new year. Losing everyTHING = DO NOT WATCH #meghanMarkle @netflix. Rec’d award for fighting racism in uk monarchy & didn’t dispel gossip they created FOR 2 yrs? • I screamed whilst in a #ptsd triggering moment in the shower aloud “I will not lose music!” I thought because couldn’t speak, “I lose TV,” & “I lose movies,” before. There’s something with music that ends IT. The indescribable trauma or people. So deSCRIBE it.

President Biden: "[T]o all of the young people in this nation and for anyone in search of what it means to live a life of purpose and meaning – the good life – study Jimmy Carter, a man of principle, faith, and humility. He showed that we are great nation because we are a good people."

Just found this in the office! TY for the reminders of me. I like #teaching. I like old stuff.

Ok. So really ending this #trauma & since here 🦋 is safer than X to share the stuff that is deepest inside you, we share here signs COLLECTION ONE is how I contained paper trail as it’s being created being Pro Se in federal court when they didn’t give kids #specialNeeds a classroom 2014-2015 SY | I’m listening to this now, first time, LIVE to be, but not online. Then I’ll be reminding self to write ON PAPER, “when someone gaslights you, they do not get the last word,” so no, you can’t leave me a message when NO ACCESS to get back in touch. PIC : stopped hearing

Old Notes [now digitized]. There’s 1 link. There’s 1 pic. Certain IT is all over. 2 weeks before 3/15 Is 3/1/2020 I starting signing up for gym & ran into A NEW PERSON. Seemed young-ish, HS. Did not stay. Asking, hire/firs records & ALL IN CLASSROOM #chicago story. Composition 5. Stay Alive.

0 people to then just one & ONE FROM THE PAST so trust self I’ll remember exactly what I need to when I need to & the rest—their darkness—will fAde. Does the emotion count even if #SaviorComplex-y?

I created it! How to PRACTICE DAILY CONSENT choice! This account is private & this post is the skill I’d like to work on so I CHOOSE WHO GETS IN 💡 Pretending to ✍️ to those #unalive #mentalHealth due to stigma & judgement & why I didn’t know. VISIT CHI! As long as u like. I’ll take care of you :)

nEXt☝️Like get out of my house. & this one is FRIENDS. @theLastWord can finally be “put away” new voices. Introduced thru homeless advocacy/housing & learn their political affiliation. True snapshot most at-risk… LISTEN : the last word. I lost consent. Universe decides • DEADLINE, got it attached to brain. This is the mind/body conx & the best words that bubbled up from the past. I’m a mandated reporter/recorder and I’ve documentED WHAT, WHERE, WHO & now ASK WHY? That’s the best part! It’s their words—& soon, just mine.


#Neppy or #Neptune or #Tunes Whatever name is the original black & blue bruise hue & LONG U* sound. *pronouns #literature is #characterization /who’s who? 1) expose self to numbers in real life meaningful application 2) read daily & reread (last chapter) or check notes of cannot recall events

Bridging FAITH & POLITICS by visiting priories & only hearing “a priori” while in one #UK How to make decisions & trusting those with memories of history & direct first-person ARTiFACTS & that’s L O’D, #theLastWord. When people gaslight in a convo, “that didn’t happen,” I get LAST WORD #US Deny.

Best words because in darkness (abuses), it’s only their words. Since they described the triggers “#brainwashing from Fox News,” spit out 🎭 of this person, I believe! Couldn’t hold it in 🤮 I received a warning 3x before each meeting w each. ⛔️: they say things that are “weird,” about body parts.

The www or [digital] universe was “the light” when healthcare stigma was 🕳️/💀 Also, the environment of X is super “triggering” = an acute biological uptick that causes an emotion so powerful, I ✍️ No self-harm (SI) No harm to others (HI) Documented child to adult #teacher

This is an epic because exposure to #Homer #epic #poetry. When my dreams changed after assault, I followed them literaly to #Scotland. What was it? Tartan sheep & I know that’s Scottish kilts ~3rd century AD. All knowledge you have, you do keep, but must let it go to make room for new stuff. #tbi