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Kayla Lewis, a Baltimore area decision scientist ( posting everything in both Latin ( and English ⚔️
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[LA] Ipsa vīta sōlitūdō'st. [EN] Life itself is solitude.

[LA] Dum caffeam bibō, spērō. ☕ [EN] While I drink coffee, I hope. ☕

[LA] Cis! (circā spectat) CIS!!! Ei, quam bene id fuit. [EN] Cis! (looks around) CIS!!! Man, that felt good.

[LA] Pelliculae pessimae valdē mihi placent. [EN] I like very bad movies.

[LA] Ecce meme quod creāvī :) [EN] Here's a meme I created :)

[LA] Ūtinam in locō manuālium praeceptōrum habērēmus MBSE (i.e. Artis Ingeniāriae Systēmatum Modēlīs Innixae) diagrammata ad rēs cōnstruendās. [EN] I wish instead of instruction manuals we had MBSE (i.e. Model-Based Systems Engineering) diagrams for putting things together.

[LA] Noscitisne scaenam illam in Principissa Sponsa ubi Inigo dicit «...nisi hostis Agrippam suum studuerit... quod feci!»? Nunc id quoque faciam :) [EN] You know that scene in The Princess Bride where Inigo says "...unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa...which I have!"? Now I will too :)

[LA] Huelem amō, praecipuē ariēnae sapōre. [EN] I love Huel, especially banana-flavored. Huel -is m :|

[LA] Multās sententiās nōn habeō. Multa, ēm, studia habeō. [EN] I don’t have lots of opinions. I have lots of, um, preferences.

[EN] Gonna try this the other way around now :| [LA] Hoc retrorsum nunc temptō :|

[LA] Sī oculī tuī Latīnitātem fugiunt, nōlī timēre: Idem Anglicē subest! 😄 [EN] If your eyes flee the Latin, do not fear: The same thing is in English below! 😄

[LA] Sī idem Anglicē scrīptum esse animadvertis, dā corculum, quaesō! [EN] If you notice that the same thing is written in English, give a little heart, please!

[LA] Estne hic locus «haec Caelī Caeruleī pars» nōminātur, ut Pīpiātōriī «tpot»? [EN] Is this place called "this part of Bluesky", like Twitter's "tpot"?

[LA] Apud Pipiātōrium duās effigiēs ūsūs habuī, ūnam Latīnē atque aliam Anglicē sed hīc ambābus linguīs semper ūtor :) [EN] Over at Twitter I had two accounts, one in Latin and another in English, but here I use both languages all the time :)

[LA] Hīc versārī placet. Abest enim goblinus ille nōmine Musk! [EN] I like hanging out here. That goblin named Musk isn't around!

[LA] Hāc lēge rēs hīc pōnam: ut omnia et Latīnē et Anglicē scrībantur :) [EN] Gonna put things here following the rule that everything must be written in both English and Latin :)

[LA] Ex Pīpiātōriō ēvolāvī! [EN] I've escaped Twitter!

srsly considering moving over here from x. maybe i could start posting everything bilingually in english and latin

sometimes i feel inexplicably delicious and i wish i knew how to replicate that