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A platform the study of European constitutional law, its history and its evolution. Four issues a year. Published (Open Access) by Cambridge University Press.
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Our call for papers closes next Monday. Apply before March 3 if you want to join us in Rome for our 2025 Symposium!

In case you missed it: we will host our 2025 EuConst Symposium at Luiss in Rome on June 24. Below our call for papers with deadline on March 3. We welcome submissions on European and comparative constitutional law, European fundamental rights law, and also papers with a more theoretical focus.

A forthcoming paper of mine in that makes a rather radical case for politicising appointments to Constitutional Courts in Europe in times when less politics and more technocracy seems to be the norm. link:

Also on our last issue: Pau Bossacoma Busquets engages with recent volumes of Signe Rehling Larsen, Stephen Tierney and Hèctor López Bofill on the constitutional theory of federalism and the European Union. Read the review essay at:

How does the ECtHR balance animal welfare and religious freedom? Harriet Ní Chinnéide and Cathérine Van de Graaf discuss the Strasbourg Court decision in Executief van de Moslims van België and Others v Belgium. Open access in our latest issue:

Also in our new issue: Lorin-Johannes Wagner reflects on the CJEU judgment in Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet and the disruptive influence of EU law in nationality matters. Read his case note at:

Thank you for hosting my piece on the Lin judgment! 🇪🇺 This case note is part of my broader research on time and law, and it address an interesting ECJ case that specifies the Taricco case-law. I hope You enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing and discussing it!

In our new issue, Darren Harvey discusses the Court of Justice's decision in X v Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid on EU citizenship and derived rights of third country nationals. Read the open access case note at:

To celebrate our first week on BlueSky, here our new issue, with contributions on European constitutional identity, federalism and the EU, and on important judgments of the Court of Justice, the ECtHR and the German Constitutional Court. All Open Access at:

Congratulations, Pablo for your new publication! Go give it a read at

Is there an unamendable core of the EU Treaties? Pablo Cruz Mantilla de los Rios reflects on the whether European constitutional identity can and does work as an implicit limit to amending the EU Treaties. Read his new article at:

As someone who has benefitted a lot from past EuConst symposia, I highly recommend it! Great feedback and great (academic) fun.

And another forthcoming case note: Elke Cloots and Jogchum Vrielink write on the CJEU judgment in Commune d'Ans and the prohibition of religious signs in a public workspace. Read 'Public Servants and Signs of Conviction: A Tale of Double Standards' at

New case note on the CJEU's Lin judgement - 'Time Clash: the Court of Justice Limits the Temporal Scope of Lex Mitior'

Lex mitior and the rule of law in Romania: Franco Peirone (Maastricht University) discusses the Court of Justice's Lin judgment in this freshly published case note, forthcoming in our next issue.

European Const Law Rev is now on Bluesky. Welcome!

Look who also made it to BlueSky! Do follow, and while at it, maybe consider applying for their conference (in Rome!) as well!

Good to see our friends from EuConst here. Getting people to Rome in June does sound like a tough challenge, though...

Getting started on BlueSky with our call for papers for the 2025 EuConst Symposium, which we will host at Luiss University in the beautiful city of Rome on June 24. We welcome abstracts on any theme of European and comparative constitutional law. Application deadline March 3.