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We write articles about Music, Cars, Adventure, Lifestyle, and Festivals. #music #news #cars #adventure #lifestyle #festivals
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Sandwell District deliver one of the tracks from their forthcoming album, End Beginnings, along with a sublime video. #music #SandwellDistrict #dreaming #thepointofdeparture

Bloody Mary celebrates 15 years of Dame-Music with a three-part Vinyl series. #music #DameMusic #bloodymary #15years #compilation #vinyl

Dam Swindle, unveil their third long-player with the release of a new track, the first to be shared from the upcoming album, Open. #music #DamSwindle #open #album #heist

Eitan Reiter continues to refine his musical vision with a bold four-track release that masterfully balances audience expectations with surprising twists. #music #eitanreiter #fish #impulse

Tim Davis heads to Adesso Music with the rolling single Na Ite. #music #TimDavis #naite #adesso

Rowant drops the debut EP, Networks, on Manual Smiles this month. #music #rowant #networks #debut #manualsmiles

Karl O'Connor & David Sumner announce details of a new album, End Beginnings, under their Sandwell District moniker. #music #SandwellDistrict #endbeginnings #album #thepointofdeparture

The Rolls-Royce Spectre's formidable alter ego, The Black Badge, made for clients who fearlessly reject convention and requirement, amplified. #cars #rollsroyce #BlackBadge #SPECTRE #luxury

Paul Donton returns to Triangle Records with a new single of driving and trippy techno that comes with remixes from Eddie Fowlkes and Eviltron. #music #pauldonton #positive #hunger #trianglerecords #eddiefowlkes #eviltron #remix

New York label One Tribe launches Circles, a new and global various artists series filled with talent. #music #onetribe #circles #compilation

Melancolía is the second single taken from the upcoming album Hotel PM, the debut solo offering from Brooklyn-based musician/producer Peter Matson. #music #petermatson #pahua #melancolia #bastardjazz

Iconic DJ and music lover Fat Tony revisits his 90s queer house anthem Men Adore with a sublime remix package. #music #fattony #fiercechild #menadore #remixes #fullcirclerecords #remix

European Rominimal favorite Sepp brings intense deep house heat via Volumo Direct. #music #sepp #QuietRevolution #volumodirect

Inspired by the marque's iconic use of green, the dial is enlivened with iridescent automotive paint, which is applied using an intricate 14-step process. #lifestyle #watches #GirardPerregaux #LaureatoChronograph #astonmartin #Watch

Dorbachov unveils the Ellesmere Street EP on his Scrap & Delete label with a remix from German Techno artist Invexis. #music #Dorbachov #ellesmerestreet #scrapdelete #Invexis #remix

My Techno Weighs A Ton is back with the second part of their Barcelona Megamix, shining a spotlight on the amazing talent in Barcelona's music scene. #music #mytechnoweighsaton #barcelona #megamix #compilation

The minimal-era anthem, Grindhouse, featuring Danton Eeprom, has been remade for the first time since 2018 by Vaert. #music #radioslave #dantoneeprom #grindhouse #vaert #remix #rekids #rspx

On Last Night On Earth, Brighton producer, multi-instrumentalist, and audiovisual innovator Alex Banks offers two new electrifying tracks. #music #alexbanks #afterlife #lastnightonearth

Wind Horse Records presents another standout release from Unnayanaa, known for his genre-blending productions that seamlessly fuse Afro-house, funk, and soul influences. #music #unnayanaa #malgriot #itriedit #windhorse

Tal Fussman drops the first single of 2025 on his Survival Tactics label with remixes by KiNK & Elisa Bee. #music #talfussman #everybody #survivaltactics #kink #elisabee #remixes

The German newcomer Simes serves up the superb debut three-tracker Bussin EP on Desolat. #music #simes #bussin #desolat #debut

Neverdogs welcome Darius Syrossian, Guti, and Jean Pierre to remix Technology on Bamboleo Records. #music #neverdogs #technology #remixes #dariussyrossian #guti #jeanpierre #bamboleo

The four-track Beyond Today EP marks the first release under T.Williams real name and opens the New Year for Dam Swindle's essential label. #music #tesfawilliams #twilliams #beyondtoday #heist

Locus unveils the sixth installment of its Various Artists series, Locus Trax. #music #locus #locustrax #variousartists #compilation

Greek artists Ekoboy and Frantikk link up on North Of Neptune for the Gotta Have You EP. #music #ekoboy #frantikk #gottahaveyou #northofneptune

Dwight Brown makes his Adesso Music debut with the enchanting, All I See Is Love, single. #music #dwightbrown #alliseeislove #adesso #debut

Iglesias makes his COCO debut with the new single, Take Your Pants Off. #music #iglesias #takeyourpantsoff #coco #debut

Damian Lazarus and Jojo Abot unleash the mesmerising new single Warrior Dance on Crosstown Rebels. #music #damianlazarus #jojoabot #warriordance #crosstownrebels

Denney and D. Ramirez bring their punishing rhythms to the Crosstown Rebels sub-label Rebellion label with the Invisible EP. #music #denney #dramirez #invisible #rebellion

LA label Stratasonic offers up Star Walk, a downtempo yet stirring debut album from in-house creative collaborators ANiML. #music #animl #starwalk #stratasonic #album

Ferra Black makes his Sound D'Elite debut with the sultry, percussive Sweat EP. #music #ferrablack #sweat #sounddelite

Mark Reeve & Kløset debut on MOOD with the Seconds EP. #music #MarkReeve #kloset #seconds #mood

The Limelight EP by Shlomi Aber follows up two hugely successful releases on the CLR label and also features a broken Techno mix. #music #shlomiaber #limelight #CLR

Desna's first release of the year marks another highly anticipated addition to her groundbreaking imprint with a return to themed EPs and explored frequencies. #music #desna #frequency #plus #frequencymademusic

Nicolas Bougaieff announces new release series, Prime, on NovaMute with the Primal Extensions EP. #music #nicolasbougaieff #Primal #extensions #novamute

Yamil & G. Zamora return to the Connected label with another spellbinding Afro-house gem, Vientos Ilegan. #music #yamil #gzamora #vientosilegan #connected

EDM/House Artist Irene Michaels & TRAX Records Donate Proceeds of I Like Rain to LA Fire Victims. #music #irenemichaels #ilikerain #TRAXRECORDS #charity #LA

Dynamic duo Danny and Mike Parton return to their Jolene label with four more timeless cuts to tickle the senses. #music #dannyparton #mikeparton #jolene

Leeds-based outfit Elijah & Grundy return to Repopulate Mars with Take Me To The Club and features original vocals from Willow Star. #music #elijahgrundy #willowstar #takemetotheclub #repopulatemars

The Oakland-based power couple Kevin Knapp & Hutchtastic deliver an empowering House production to kick off the label's 2025 schedule. #music #kevinknapp #HutchTastic #nobodyfunkwithus #plumprecords

Uncovering another underground gem, the Romanian favorite Sepp makes his Solid Grooves RAW label debut with the single Gave You My Heart. #music #sepp #gaveyoumyheart #solidgrooves

It's not your typical Valentine's Day anthem, but jWave drops the new single, I Think I Love Her, on Home//Grown tomorrow. #music #jwave #IThinkILoveHer #homegrown #valentinesday

Saying that Heritage Listed makes interesting music would be an understatement; Heritage Listed creates stories, and the Headspace EP is a great story. #music #heritagelisted #headspace #apparel

Molecular Recordings invites NØNE for the twenty-third XX release on the label. #music #none #xx23 #molecular

Get ready to light up the dancefloor with Move It Baby, the latest tech-house masterpiece by the legendary Demarkus Lewis. #music #DemarkusLewis #moveitbaby #brookgee

Award-winning producer Johan S returns to Adesso Music with the dancefloor-ready cut, A New Generation. #music #johans #anewgeneration #adesso

Revolutionary international duo Tangan Tribe blends electronic music with Indian influences on the stunning new single Sadde Te. #music #tangantribe #saddete #Ultra

Berlin-based collective Jazzanova announces the release of No Use, the first single from their highly anticipated live album, In Between Revisited: Jazzanova Live. #music #jazzanova #clarahill #nouse #sonarkollektiv

Insolate opens up and brings out the Full Disclosure album, filled with great techno from the shores of Croatia, on her Out Of Place Records label. #music #Techno #insolate #fulldisclosure #outofplace #album #croatia

Cultured US label Darkroom Bureau welcomes Texan talent Sticktalk for a swaggering techno workout. #music #StickTalk #crimefetish #darkroombureau