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No bird brains, these.

The really skinny on the "culture wars" in New Zealand, which are real and corrosive. Includes extensive commentary from a reader who lives there.

Photos of North American butterflies by John Avise.

It's Daylight Savings Time in the US (save Arizona and Hawaii), so you lost an hour of sleep if you're a Yank. Meanwhile in Dobrzyn, Hili is supervising Andrzej: Andrzej: May I go back to the computer? Hili: First tell me what are you going to do there.

French Jewish girl gassed immediately upon arriving at Auschwitz. She was five.

Bill Maher mind-melds with Steve Pinker in asserting that things have improved both technologically and morally in the past centuries. "Guilt by Civilization."

Photos of common lawnflower and chickweed from a backyard in Austin, TX, taken by Rik Gern.

Three--count them, three--absorbing cat-related items in today's Caturday Felid Trifecta.

All the news that's fit to print, and in Dobrzyn Hili complains about the state of her niche. Hili: I’ve told you so many times. Andrzej: What? Hili: This space should be cleaned, painted and never again used for storing wood.

Eighteen-year-old Jewish woman died in the camp.

Tom Ginsburg of the Chicago Forum for Free Expression explains in the Chronicle the difference between scholarship and activism, and why making that distinction is crucial.

We responded to a miguided letter (below) about the definition of biological sex that was issued by three biology societies. They never sent their letter, but, in a response to our critique, largely concede our points.

Readers' wildlife photos of the Pantanal region of Brazil, all taken by Robert Land. A few below.

All the news that's fit to post, and Hili, who takes it for granted that all cats are beautiful, expresses the sentiment: Andrzej: What are you thinking about? Hili: About the banality of feline beauty.

This five-year-old boy was stripped upon arriving at Auschwitz and gassed to death, probably with his mother. We'll never know what his life would have been like.

[email protected] Every journal that has reported about the "woolly-mammoth-like" mice has got the story badly wrong, including Scientific American. Where has good science journalism gone?

Robert Lang's photos of birds from Brazil's Pantanel region.

All the news that's fit to print, and, in Dobrzyn, Hili remembers the delicious cat food she was sent by Hiroko in Japan (the lady who embroidered my Hili shirt). Hili: I have a dream. Andrzej: What dream? Hili: That I’m eating such a treat that I once got from Japan.

A Dutch boy was sent to the gas chambers after arriving at Auschwitz. He was only seven.

Australia wants to kill you.

And long tusks, too!


These "woolly mice" (falsely said by the Guardian to be a "new species") are touted as the first step on the road to re-creating the extinct Woolly Mammoth. They aren't. The Woolly Mammoth Project is pure hype.

Should we ditch the word "gender" except as meaning "biological sex" or in gender nouns like "das Mädchen"? Alex Byrne says "yes," and I agree.

Mo, clad in a burqa, insists that his followers imitate him.

Intellectual Hero Abigail Thompson's photos of tidepool invertebrates:

All the news that's fit to post, and, in Dobrzyn, Hili is the subject of an apocryphal story: Hili: Astonishing! Andrzej: What is it? Hili: Kulka is sitting high on the tree and a magpie is pecking her tail.

A 20-year-old Dutch Jewish woman was one of the 1 million Jews who died in Auschwitz.

This is a very good Real Time piece from Bill Maher, who suggests that the Democrat should run John Fetterman for President and Mayor Pete for VP. There's a lot to be said for this, but it's also a funny bit.

From the front page of the gender studies program site at Barnard College, a place where DEI apparently does not include Jews. Is it any wonder that they set up a task force on anti-Semitism. I'd be wary of sending my kids there or to Columbia if I were Jewish.

Tara Tanaka did a necessary controlled bur on their Florida property and, lo and behold, a pair of wild turkey showed up.

All the news that's fit to post, and over in Dobrzyn, Hili wants to take over Andrzej's chair. Andrzej: Could you make a piece of the chair available for me? Hili: Go and wash the dishes.

A German woman and her infant were gassed to death upon arriving at Auschwitz, along with 1020 other Norwegian and German Jews.

A new paper shows that gender-altering-surgery raises the incidence of mental disorders over 2 years in gender-dysphoric people who don't get surgery, but it also appears that in the long term surgery does improve people's well being.

Is theology, defined by the OED shown here, of any use? I see it as having anthropological and sociological value, but it cannot tell us anything about the nature or actions of god, mainly because we have no evidence for gods. This kind of theology is useless.

Ecologist Susan Harrison of UC Davis headed to Minnesota to see boreal owls (a rare movement south), and also finds two other species.

All the news that's fit to post, with Hili, as a dysthymic Jewish cat, asking questions. Hili: What is happiness? Andrzej: An exceptionally high level of satisfaction with the present moment.

Murdered in the gas chamber upon arriving at Auschwitz. This French Jewish girl was only eight years old.

Philosopher Alex Byrne analyzes the Trump Admin's. definition of sex, the history of definitions, and misconceptions about the definitions, as well as the sex kerfuffle in the UK.

No. environmental trauma is not genetically inherited in human beings, regardless of what you read in the press.

We expanded the number of signers of our letter to three ecology/evolution societies, who proclaimed that sex was both a "construct" and a "spectrum". We respectfully but strongly dissent. Letter below and post show 125 signers.

Photos of North American butterflies by John Avise.

All the news that's fit to post, with bonus photos of Szaron and Stupsi as well as the Hili dialogue. Hili: I have a question. Andrzej: What question? Hili: Who is manufacturing the moral compasses?

A seventeen-year-old Polish girl died in Auschwitz.

The purr article on French Wikipedia has a chart that sorts cats into the groups "purrs," "uncertain," "probably purrs," and "no data"

Bret Stephens properly excoriates Trump and Vance for their horrible treatment of Zelensky.

I read this paper; not only is the sample size small and the methods unreliable, but the control group lived in Lebanon for a century instead of having moved there in the last few decades. Science did NOT get this paper properly reviewed; it's not evidence for the persistence of epigenetic change.

Bird photos from Brazil's Pantanal wetlands, taken by Robert Lang.

Welcome to March, and all the news that's fit to post. Over in Dobrzyn, Hili thinks she's not getting enough love. Hili: I don’t know what to do. Andrzej: What about? Hili: To get you to take more interest in me.

A fifteen-year-old French Jewish boy died in the camp. He was one of a million Jews who died at Auschwitz (and of a total of 1.1 million people)