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Scientist, Evo & Climate Ed Advocate studying intersections of science & society #neurospicy #AllYallEvolved #RadicalEmpathy she/her *posts are my own
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If you haven’t tuned yet, join us for a series of talks on climate change and the fight against misinformation on Safeguarding Sounds Science from

Episode 2 of Safeguarding Sound Science is now out wherever you listen to your podcasts! Historian Naomi Oreskes ( discusses a century of disinformation - #SciencePodcast #SciSky #HistorySky

Calling Florida Teachers!!! Join us in Key West April 13-16 for MyCoast (free PD). Attendees will receive 3 graduate credit hours for attending in addition to a sub stipend to their school. Only cost is getting to us! #floridateachers Plz Share

Anyone in my network specialize in gastro-ent? Have some questions. DM please.

We've just hit a Project Steve milestone on this fine #DarwinDay2025! Steven A. Wernke, Professor of Anthropology at Vanderbilt makes Steve #1500! #ProjectSteve

Kudos to both & of for calling out #BlueSky as the rebirth of #ScienceTwitter this afternoon on #DarwinDay Check out their great discussion!

How are human minds adapted for stories about nature? Join NCSE and NABT for a free Darwin Day webinar TOMORROW, 2/12 with the founder of March Mammal Madness, Katie Hinde! #iteachbio #2025MMM

Another #DarwinDay2025 event for you all to tune into -- Our Executive Director, Amanda Townley will be on Natalia Reagan's new show. Tune in live at 1 PT / 4 ET on youtube -

How many times do we need to repeat this?! "Intelligent design" is NOT science. #KeepDogmaOut #EdPolicy #SciEd

We are devastated to report that NABT President-Elect Lindsey (Carter) Fields was aboard the AA Airlines 5342. This is a tremendous loss. Please keep Lindsey, the other victims, and their families in your hearts. We also ask that you respect the privacy of her loved ones at this time.

Please share far and wide! is hosting Montana Science teachers for a free climate science PD in a few weeks! K-12 teachers invited!

The world has changed before and, when it did, it wasn’t because a president, a prime minister, a CEO or a celebrity decided it had to. It began when ordinary people – people of no particular power, wealth, or fame – decided that the world could and should be different.

Happy Kitzmas! Today we share with you an old Kitzmas time favorite, a poem by Glenn Branch and Josh Rosenau. And yes, we're definitely sharing the whole thing here. Enjoy! #Kitzmas #HappyHolidays #Festive #SavingScience (1/20)

Do you share a passion for science education and leading the fight against misinformation? Join us Job Opening: Science Education Specialist.

We have a lot of work to do. #scientificliteracy is a critical trait. Regardless of all beliefs, experiences, and leanings, we need all people to have a scientific worldview. We are committed to the fight for #scienceliteracy. Are you?

Congrats to Dr. Briana Pobiner on receiving the Evolution Education Award!

We're honoring Riley Black, Kostas Kampourakis, Jonathan Losos, the Center for Climate Change Communication, Lorne Trottier, and Dawn J. Wright on Dec. 5, 6 pm Eastern. Register for the virtual event today:

The madness begins! NCSE's Blake Touchet and Jeff Grant and Katie Hinde (founder of March Mammal Madness - follow her, are at the @nabt_news conference right now facilitating our annual Evolution Symposium. #teachevolution #nabt #MMM #scied #ngsschat

I can not express how excited I am for tomorrow's evolution session with at #NABT!! Will there be swag? Will there be hilarity? Will there be excellent curricular materials?!? YOU KNOW IT!

Full house at our #NABT session on #ScienceLiteracy! Check out our new set of resources and lessons called DataWISE designed to help students develop skills in critical analysis - #ngss #scied #misinformation #dataliteracy

It always feels good to come home to NABT. I have missed seeing so many people and my spirit needed this recharge. We have much work to do. #nabt2024

I just got back from a conference, and let me tell you what I learned about moving forward in these United States: We can't let them take our joy, and they will not take away science. The first priority is caring for one another. Building and growing equitable communities is winning.

"Climate policy under a second Trump presidency" | My interview earlier today (joined by NY TImes' Coral Davenport) on / #WHYY's #Studio2 with Avi Wolfman-Arent:

Good to see so many familiar faces that I have truly missed seeing!

We support including climate education in the NCA! Join us! #climatechange #climateeducation #ncse

“People of all faiths and none should unite in fighting for religious freedom, including by ensuring that religiously motivated but unscientific “alternatives” to #science are not allowed in public school classrooms." ~ @EvoPhD #education #science #ncse

I could not be happier to announce the newest members of the Board of Directors at NCSE: The National Center for Science Education! Join me in welcoming Prosanta Chakrabarty, Marshall Shepherd, and Emily Mendiola Sims!

Exciting news has arrived! Looking forward to beginning this amazing journey!

Exciting news is coming soon! Stay tuned my friends!

Science is not an atheist movement, science is not a conspiracy, science is not the enemy. It is to seek understanding of the world we share #NOS #Scienceliteracy