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Let this sink in.

The petty, petulent, greedy narcissist in chief made sure he got «his things» back.

Decent people thank Ukraine.

Zelensky has now responded to his Oval Office meeting with this series of tweeted thanks to world leaders reaching out in consolation.

Ukraine is Europe! We stand by Ukraine. We will step up our support to Ukraine so that they can continue to fight back the agressor. Today, it became clear that the free world needs a new leader. It’s up to us, Europeans, to take this challenge.

I know why Donald and JayDee got mad. Suddenly they understood that Zelenskyy has something they will never have, never be able to get and they can’t stomach it. Zelenskyy has dignity. #standwithukraine

If Zelenskyy had bowed and kissed the ring, he would have left the oval office (small -o, deliberate) with a deal that nobody knows how much would have cost him. Zelenskyy didn’t bow, and he left with the ukrainian dignity intact. It is priceless. Small nations, unite. #ukraine

Hadde Zelenskyj pressa bittelitt mer, så hadde sikringen røket og Donald hadde fått slag. Da hadde JD vært lille-keiser, uten tak på «the base».

Not even hiding it.

The arc of history is too damn long.

Axis of heaval.

Prius at 0:16 doing the ope let me sneak by you real quick

Husk at om du påpeker problemer på en vestkantskole så er de overdrevne, ikke representative, gjelder en marginal gruppe osv. Påpeker du dem på en østkantskole er de endelig bevis på samfunnets forfall og representative for en hel befolkningsgruppe, som naturligvis bærer kollektiv skyld for dem.

The Trump administration has ordered the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to stop nearly all its work, effectively shutting down an agency that was created to protect consumers after the 2008 financial crisis and subprime mortgage-lending scandal.

Let Denmark cook.

The Christian right has become an increasingly powerful force in American politics at every level, from school boards to the presidency. Its roots trace back decades. By

Spraytan Screwball is playing World King. Thank you, Supreme Court and Tech Billionaires, for giving a flying fuck in all of us.

If you’re afraid that books might change someone’s thinking, you’re not afraid of books, you’re afraid of thinking.

For 20 år siden gikk ukrainere til Majdan for å protestere mot valgfusk. Det var den første store konfrontasjonen mellom demokratiske, europeiske og autoritære og prorussiske krefter i Ukraina. Bak de autoritære kreftene stod en russisk påvirkningsoperasjon.

While campaigning for a second term in office, President-elect Donald Trump declared “tariff” to be his “favorite word.” We’ll explain how tariffs work, what Trump has proposed and what experts say about it, and what happened during Trump’s first term.

En av feilene arbeiderbevegelsen gjorde i mellomkrigstiden, var at de ikke abonnerte på og skrev innlegg i Fritt Folk, men i stedet holdt seg til sine egne ekkokamre som Arbeiderbladet og Ny Tid

The dangerous alliance between the criminal Kushner and Netanyahu families goes back decades. An excerpt from my book HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT:

A reminder today, as US politicians including the President fall over one another to attack the ICC over arrest warrants and defend Netanyahu…

Et av prosjektene til Yngvild Sørbye er å løfte frem enkeltmennesker som blir rammet av Russlands krigføring. Hun tar oss nærmere krigen - menneskeliggjør den, slik at vi ikke bare lar ukrainernes forsakelser passere forbi som statistikk og korte nyhetsnotiser.

The skull nebula Image credit:- NASA Hubble

Word of the day. Or week. Or next four years.

Many of us are echoing's lesson in On Tyranny, "Do not obey in advance.” A no less vital admonition that deserves attn: STAND OUT “...without that unease, there is no freedom. The moment you set an example, the spell of the status quo is broken, and others will follow."

Putins gasskrig har gitt Norge merinntekter på 1500-2000 mrd. kroner.🧵1/16

Can we just get a jump on another impeachment, please? WAPO - Donald Trump’s transition team has begun what a close ally calls a hostile takeover of the federal government, ignoring the rules for the handover of power in the process.

In the candle studio now! #Odesa #UkrainianView #NAFO


Hei #BlueSkyNorge! NRK Kultur har bedt meg komme til dem for å forklare hva BlueSky er og hva det kan brukes til for bokfolk og kulturinteresserte i sær. Derfor lurer jeg på: Hvorfor er du her selv? Hva håper du å få ut av det? Og hva tenker du er potensialet?

Hele denne saken – – gjør meg sur (gi nå ofrene til Kopseng besøksforbudet de utsetter seg for mulig retraumatisering for å be om??), men helt spesifikt vil jeg bare si Ingen gode argumenter starter med «det er ingen menneskerett å».

We are headed for some uber-crazy shit soon...

«Jeg føler jeg har blitt verstingen her, sier bilisten til NRK» Du prøvde å drepe nokon for brotsverket å unndra seg eit mogleg erstatningsansvar. Korleis trudde du sjølv dette skulle gå?

Publisher: Do you want to put an LLM clause in the copyright statement? Me: Definitely. How specific can we get? Publisher: As specific as you like.