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Hey Canada, in case you don’t know, you’re the best! One example: way back in 1986 you donated $28K to help a very rural West African high school add classrooms. And when done, your Ambassador flew in from Liberia the night before and then a 12 hour very bumpy ride to attend the opening. Big hearts!

Ukraine, heads up! If any contract you agree to on minerals can be reassigned to another party, or in anyway interpreted that way, it well could be. And that assignee could be a hostile country. B careful!!

Taliban army of max 200K beat the U.S. in a 20 year fight. They had no planes or tanks. Ukraine army is 900,000, is well educated, high tech, motivated. Musk thinks that’s weak? Meanwhile here there were over 70 million anti Trump voters. Tyranny hating voters. “Quantity has a quality all its own.”

My wife proposes a name change for DOGE to DICK, Department of Institutional Corruption and Kickbacks.

Wisdom of a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, me: Tribal and corrupt = weak, poor, and sick.

It’s an old idea, similar to an ancient Greek idea, but it gets us to a good place fast. (And we need proposals of reform to fight for right now as winning the next round of winner-take-all party politics run by oligarchs for oligarchs won’t work for long.) What do you think Bluesky peeps?

This process gets the goodness of us into our representatives without the cunning games that have destroyed our system: dark money, coercion, rich donors, campaign consultants, gerrymandering, billionaire owned media,…and does it with no required U.S. amendments.

2. For offices filled by jury duty selection, the board of elections shall randomly select registered voters of that office such that on election day of that year eleven are em-paneled. These voters shall be sequestered and shall select from among themselves by majority vote the office holder.”

“1. For each office in this state, voters shall decide in January of that office’s election year if that office will be filled by normal general election procedures defined in existing state election law or be filled by the jury duty selection procedures defined in this Act.

So, a solution (and it’s not a new one, but this is my version of it updated to filter out crazy) is we focus on getting elected state legislators these next cycles that change how our elections are performed to follow the two step process below (straw person state legislative language):

I came away convinced our political system was able to take good people and turn them bad. Our political system can not retain the goodness and thoughtfulness found at people’s front doors. The incentives are to be bad. And we are!

So, what to do? A few years ago when I was knocking on doors for an independent candidate, I found that almost all of us are way, way more reasonable and thoughtful than “as seen on TV.” Only about 5% of us are “Bat s*** crazy.” It was a truly inspiring experience.

In theory, we can amend the constitution to fix the problem, but in reality that is not possible: the parties would have to replace their ongoing constitutional suicide pact with a suicide of themselves…totally not consistent with their behavior.

We know how we got here: our founding didn’t foresee political parties and the profound switch in allegiance away from laws to parties and money. But to change the rules hits the solid wall of judiciaries and state legislatures who are … captured by parties and money.

My first posts on Bluesky, a positive place, so I want to put forth a way to escape our broken governance legally and quickly and ask the big brains and hearts of Bluesky, can we? First the problem, then a trial solution for you to ponder...