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President NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees & FDNY EMS Retirees fighting for the rights of retired union workers. And of course protecting Traditional Medicare from vultures & pariahs. Unions follow me -you will thank me! Labor Relations.
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Prolific Poster are fed up w/politicians not doing their jobs & protecting our vested healthcare & #Medicare. So we are endorsing candidates that made that commitment to us in writing.Thank you #aliciaVaichunas

Thank you we are proud to stand with you!

Updated with many more details, including that now, 4 out of 8 of Eric Adams's deputy mayors are on their way out:

The three deputy mayors — whose departures deal a crippling blow to Adams' administration — say they're resigning due to "the extraordinary events of the last few weeks and to stay faithful to the oaths we swore to New Yorkers and our families."

#henryGarrido implemented the default plan in #project2025 & passed copays into the elderly & disabled to give to active workers. #retiredlaborstrong #union #henryFailed stole our #Medicare benefits

#dc37nyc #afscme #HenryGarrido #union

#hypocrisy in this "holier-than-thou" post: NYC municipal #unions, including affiliate,, forced all retirees, 9/11 1st responders too, into a cheap (dis)Advantage health plan that excluded life-saving treatments, hospitals. if only would listen Henry Garrido is lying to her.DC37

I'm proud that I founded - one of the few news outlets that's been covering the health care crisis for years. The corporate news outlets that ignored the crisis & that are only showing up now are telling on themselves. Sure, better late than never...but still.

Because stealing Medicare benefits earned by retired unionists to give active workers a raise is classy according to Richard Davis - but it almost killed a retirees wife .

Failed leadership does this to retired unionists. Retirees are not in unions but they always protected us until they liquidated our healthcare for THEIR RAISE #twulocal100 Mistakes are OK if you fix them.

Jim Walden supports protecting #medicare benefits

When are forced to protect themselves in court because mayor Adams is trying to steal our #medicare & the city council is letting him do it. You hire lawyers to protect you from the city implementing #project2025 on Retirees. Because the transit union shouldn’t be selling off retirees #medicare for raises for active workers stealing from those who built their former union. History.

As ponders Trump win they should reconsider forcing retired members onto predatory Medicare Advantage that undermines Medicare and is part of Project 2025!

Why is Mayor Adams & Speaker Adams pushing the #project2025 blueprint for #medicare privatization ? had a great day protecting their #medicare & fighting back against those trying to take it #uft #dc37 retired labor earned their benefits & no one not even the Mayor of NYC should take them or privatize a public health benefit

The truth is not coming out of the UFT #MichaelMulgrew or DC37 #HenryGarrido. We say it though.

When a Senate Investigation Committee finds @aetna @CVSHealth (among others)were hurting people for profit & @uft Mulgrew @DC37 Garrido @nycspeaker @Cndelarosa @Lynn4NYC @CMCrystalHudson sit on the sidelines while WE FIGHT FOR OURSELVES #DOitNOW MA is NOT #medicare

#labordayparade #nycretirees #statenislandferry #mastersMatesandPilots

CVS Health/ Aetna margins ⬇️for 3rd quarter. They don’t tell you their business practices of working with employers &unions across the USA to force seniors into their Medicare Disadvantage plans & then delay & deny care for profits- &upcode to steal from CMS

1971 westy my #vdub ❤️

Hands off our #medicare Mayor Adams. @nycretirees have now won in court 9 times and you are still trying to claw back a benefit we earned and was promised to us!

Took my #71westy out today! A beautiful day for a ride!! #vdublove

"Our primary care is to take care of patients, their single focus is shareholder value and profits," Mr. Barwis told the Courant. "The Medicare Advantage abuse is outrageous." MedicareAdvantage is NOT #Medicare &not and advantage.

Remember when we said if a #Medicare Advantage plan needs to make more money they will reduce benefits. Well it’s even in the #NYC Proposed contract. Now it’s in the papers. So don’t let #Aetna or #uhc lie to you. Join NYC Retirees and Be A Hero in a joint effort to #ReclaimMedicare and stop forcing retirees into inferior Medicare Disadvantage. Tell congress today. Click to send a letter!

Does your #NYS or #NYCCOUNCIL REP believe in protecting #medicare from privatization? If you don’t know ask me. I’ll tell you and then tell you want to do about it. NYC Mayor Adams is a #democrat that supports privatizing Medicare forcing @NYCRetirees into a plan many drs & hospitals don’t accept

Retirees around the country are being bulldozed into #Medicare Disadvantage plans against their will and off Traditional Medicare. Secy Becerra has the ability to to stop this and he doesn’t. #American #taxpayers CHOOSE traditional Medicare because it doesn’t delay or deny care & Drs/hosps accept it