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Gentleman Wargamer
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Keep ‘em Rolling! Race for the Rhine. When your day job meets your hobbies.

Thanks to Tuesday Newsday, I learned that Axis & Allies: The Bulge is being reprinted by Renegade Games. A great light Bulge game that punches above it's weight and worth checking out.

I feel targeted

The perfect board game to arrive on a snowy day.

There's something happening here. But what it is, ain't exactly clear.

PFC Charles Fedel of F Company makes it to XVIII Airborne Corps Headquarters with the rest of 2nd Battalion after 23 hours jammed in the back of trucks stuck in worsening weather and traffic jams - some without canvas covers. Many troopers have no idea where they are - France? Belgium? Luxembourg?

Happy General Anthony McAuliffe day! Remember, if you ever find yourself in life surrounded and asked to surrender, the appropriate response is clear: NUTS!

[22/12/1944] When the 517th PRCT command staff finally reaches XVIII Corps headquarters, the situation is so unstructured that the orders to the 517th simply state that the first battalion to arrive is to be assigned to the beleaguered 3rd Armored Division in Manhay.

[21/12/1944] Movement orders finally come for the 517th at 1100. PFC Charles Fedel joins the rest of F Company and 2nd Battalion in rolling for Belgium for a "truck borne jump". Pressure from German armor has made the situation so fluid that it is impossible to tell exactly where the front begins.

Someone at Warlord has been watching Family Guy:

[20/12/1944] In the North of the Bulge, the 1st Infantry Division has built up a defensive line from Butgenbach to Weismes. The 12th SS is throwing attack after attack at this line but they hold firm. C Co of the 745th Tank Bn will knock out 31 enemy tanks near Butgenbach over the next three days.

Last night, I fired up a perennial favorite - Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord - to play the battle of Noville on the anniversary of the battle. I shared earlier a story from the battle of an M8 knocking out a Panzer. The exact thing happened in my game. Art can imitate life sometimes.

Worth. Every. Penny.

[19/12/1944] Team Desobry of the US 10th Armoured Division is moving East of Bastogne to the village of Noville on the Houffalize Road. They are one of three teams, Desobry, Cherry, and O’Hara sent out to block crucial road junctions and stop the advance of the German forces.

[18/12/1944] The first shells are beginning to fall on Bastogne. The I and II SS Pz Corps keep pushing steadily but are being delayed by traffic jams and unexpected pockets of resistance. Regiments of the 101st and 82nd Airborne will be rolling in trucks overnight tonight plug holes in the line.

[17/12/1944 1300] - The German Advance continues to punch through American Lines in the Ardennes. Joachim Peiper and his Kampfgruppe have captured Malmedy. After summarily executing dozens of POWs in Büllingen, KG Peiper would massacre Belgian civilians and US soldiers captured in Malmedy.

Newspaper from the 17th. Word is making back to the States of the start a large German offensive starting in the Ardennes

In Soissons, Charles Fedel of F Company is resting. After being wounded in Operation Dragoon and being separated from his unit, he rejoined for the "Champaign Campaign" across southern France. Now rotated off the line, he is hoping for a quiet end the year with the rest of the XVIII Airborne Corps.

[17/12/1944] A night of little rest for the men of the 745th Tank Bn as they scrambled to ready their tanks to move. On the morning of the 17th, the Battalion starts to move out to join the 1st Infantry Division. T/4 Dellutri of the HQ Platoon of B Company, begins rolling out to Eupen.

Word reaches the 745th Tank Bn and my great uncle T/4 Angelo Dellutri in Hergenrath, Belgium of a German counter offensive and they are placed on a six hour alert. A large number of men are on leave in Paris or Verviers. He is ordered to report to Ordnance and get ready to move to the line.

[16/12/1944] - At 0530, a massive 90-minute barrage commenced, and the 99th and 106th Infantry Divisions are reporting that they are falling back. Enemy air activity and reports of German paratroopers landing everywhere. One rampant rumor is that paratroopers are trying to capture Gen Eisenhower.

[80 Years Ago Today] Reports are coming in that the Germans have launched a major offensive in the Ardennes. As an exercise for myself, I will be posting on the action of two relatives who fought in the battle: T/4 Angelo Dellutri with the 745th Tank Bn and PFC Charles Fedel with the 517th PRCT.

When you need just one Vallejo color but it’s out of stock so you have to hunt for cheapest shipping

Also thankful for those who do in depth research to help me paint, like this site on the Lafette Tripod

On the bench tonight, a German MMG team. It also appears the official guide has the the binoculars guy getting hit in the side of the head by spent brass.

And thus, takes Tom Cruise's role in The Last Samurai 2.

Anyone have thoughts on the Master Airbrush kit? Received as a generous gift. How does it compare to entry level Iwata?